How can I eat more vegetables

in #healt6 years ago

To share these tips to consume more vegetables, to keep our organism very well fed and in good health.

Add vegetables to the recipes you usually eat and like. For example, add carrots to lasagna, sprinkle broccoli on pasta, add auyama and chopped carrot to meatballs, add some vegetables you like such as carrots, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, auyama flower, to your arepas or parakeet dough.

Add them to your favorite soups. You can add them when you are cooking it or while you are consuming it, you can add peas, carrots, corn, auyama, and so on.

Include new vegetable options in your salad. When you go to the supermarket, look for some vegetables that you have
not consumed and include it in the menu of the week.

Try to eat them raw. There are some vegetables that when overcooked may not be pleasant to the palate, even, there are people who do not like its consistency, try them raw with lemon, some vinaigrette, mayonnaise.

They can be the main ingredient of your favorite pasta or pizza.

If you don't like their appearance, try consuming them in a vegetable juice. You can create as many varieties as you want or consume the ones that are already sold in the supermarket. If you want a sweeter juice you can combine vegetables with fruits, for example a carrot juice with pineapple, orange.

You can also roast vegetables by adding a little olive oil.

When you eat in a restaurant you can also eat vegetables. You can order a vegetable soup, a salad. You can change your side of rice or mashed potatoes for vegetables.

Don't reward your children or yourself for eating vegetables. When we reward our children or ourselves for eating food, we neglect the importance of the food itself.

A tip that never fails is to add cheese if none of the above options work for you, you can sprinkle low-fat cheese on all your vegetables, this will change the flavor.

I hope these tips will be useful and that every day they include much more vegetables in their different menus.


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