Reflecting on My Journey as a Health Coach

in #healing2 years ago

I never signed up to be a doctor, but I wanted to be one when I was a kid. However, the older I got the more that I despised the modern medical system - profit driven, keeping people sick, weak, and dependent became the norm from some form of humble medical discipline from the renaissance era. Of all things, banking interests took over the medical industry some time between then and now, but it's obvious now that there is little interest in healing anyone if there is not a lifetime of follow up work. Prison exists in many forms and this is one.


Our bodies are healing machines, designed from the highest vibration, or as the Bible puts it, in the image of God. There is significance to that statement, whether you are religious or not. The potential each human being has to heal is nothing short of amazing! However, one thing that is often overlooked is the connection between the holy trinity. We are thee-part beings; body, mind, and soul. The body exists on various planes of reality and is the vessel of the mind and soul. Your mind is consciousness, and the soul is the expression of God in the form that is you, that is me, that is everything! Yet, there is only one soul and it is all of us. Also, God is infinite, so yes, there are infinite possibilities and versions of us in countless realities and multiverses. You are part of this, now, in this form, but you (and I) are so much more. Back to healing. Can you start to see your power now?
As I write this, I'm always getting ahead of myself... that is... future me is telling past me what's up. It's a channeled message from my future mind, giving his past self (me) advice. Cool right? Well, along with my guides, I have been led to vast amounts of information about the current human epidemic of Metabolic Syndrome. This is the root cause of all the various named diseases with certain identifying characteristics; we love classifying stuff in science. Auto immune diseases are actually the result of an underlying condition we will call metabolic syndrome, in which the cells can't function. Imagine your small town... if it is underfunded, there is high crime, cost of living is high, and there is little economic opportunity, that town can't really function well. Our cells are like little cities - each one (and there are trillions)! And if they're not getting enough nutrition (funding), and are infiltrated with toxins and other damage (crime), they run inefficiently and end up in a deficit, and ultimately suffer and die.
When cells fail, the immune system responds and removes the dead cell as viruses and other pathogens now attack its defenseless membrane. This creates inflammation. The nervous system works very closely with the immune system, and often when the gut biome, which is the heart of the immune system cannot keep up, it recruits the nervous system to take over. This causes adrenalin to be released into the blood, which perpetuates the nervous cycle to the point of harm to the body's healthy cells and tissues; this of course in close relationship with the mind, and ultimately the spirit.
Your body might be sick because the mind is sick, and the mind might be sick because the soul is sick. It is important to determine the level at which you are really being afflicted. If your mind is sick, you can treat the symptoms that manifest in the body, but it will never cure the disease in the mind; likewise, illness of the soul cannot be healed with body or mind. You must heal each affliction at the level at which it occurs and it will cascade down the hierarchy from Soul to mind to body. Of course each level is harder to heal than the preceding with soul being the most difficult and often taking many lifetimes.
So when it comes to the mystery of so-called auto-immune diseases so prevalent in our society, it is important to take a look at the whole being instead of just the physical and even just the mental, but all three. It's like software complexity. On the body level, the programming language is high-level and often in the language we physically speak and easy to use and predict. The mind is programmed in something like C++, which is a bit more mid-level and harder to process consciously, so therefore we do not always understand how the mind really operates until carefully analyzed. The soul is programmed in an even more obscure language that we cannot even fathom without complete God-head awareness. It is very far removed from our bodily experience here on Earth. So you can see, where the affliction occurs on this scale makes all the difference. Soul sickness cascades to mental illness and finally to physical illness. Not to say, all physical and mental illnesses are caused by an illness of the soul. Illness can occur at any level and that is why it is so important to look at this first!
Back to auto-immune disorders. This is misclassified (science loves to classify things and got a little too excited here). The only reason the immune system would respond to inflame some tissue is if there are dead or malignant cells, or foreign toxins present. Remember the wise words of Dr. Max Gerson that I shall paraphrase: all disease is the result of toxicity and deficiency. Modern science is finally starting to come around to this notion, damn near 80 years later! We're talking about our cells and their relationship to our micro-biome.
You see, you are not just your body. You would not be you if not for trillions of bacteria in your gut. It takes a village and yours lives in your gut. Micro-organisms are the foundation of these beautiful biological machines with which we live these earthly experiences! It is designed with perfect balance in mind. When balanced, the body lives in a state of healthy symbiosis. When out of balance, metabolic syndrome develops. That's when your cells cannot move things in and out, just a thriving city needs to. It's all about exchange of nutrients. It's like if the trash trucks all break down in your town... trash can't be removed and it overwhelms the town and everything inside dies and in this way the cell dies.
This is marked by a common factor - insulin resistance. This is the one thing almost everyone suffering from an auto-immune disorder has in common. It's quite an epidemic really in all western countries due to our lifestyle of eating poison food and poison media. But just focusing on the physical, looking into why and how insulin resistance is playing a part into how you feel.
The solution is to strike balance. Usually a low-carb diet is in order to offset the years of high insulin resistance. Often, cutting carbs out completely eliminates symptoms in many patients suffering from various auto-immune disorders. But, what do I know? I am just a pod-cast junkie who never became a doctor because I actually want to help people. This information was channeled/inspired. Namastè!

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