
in #healer6 years ago


Upon answering all the questions in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II, I found out that I had 5 E’s and 5 I’s giving me an X type. I believe I am extroverted more of the time than introverted, but I feel like I am becoming more and more of an introvert as I get wiser. I had 7 S’s and 13 N’s saying I am Intuitive/Introspective. I had 4 T’s and 16 F’s saying I am Feeling/Friendly. I had 6 J’s and 14 P’s saying I am Perceiving/Probing. So, according to the personal inventory test, I am an Idealist, and more specifically can be an ENFP (Champion) or INFP (Healer). I like to believe I am both at times, depending on my mood in any given situation.

As an extrovert, I am expressive and outgoing in social settings. As an introvert, I am reserved and quiet in social settings. By being intuitive, I am introspective and see things with the mind’s eye. To have feeling, means to be friendly and sympathetic and personal with others. While perceiving, I am looking around for alternatives, opportunities, and options, hence “probing” or exploring. Well that’s according to David Keirsey.

The funny thing is I actually agree with him. The description David Keirsey gives on NF’s are individuals who are friendly to the core. Looking for the good in each individual, and actually expecting to find that goodness there. Bringing energy to the group and keeping morale high. Giving pep talks to their circle of relationships. Making sure these relationships are feeling good about themselves and getting along with each other. Myers saw NF’s and herself as “humane, sympathetic, enthusiastic, religious, creative, intuitive, insightful, and subjective”.

One of the key aspects of being a champion (ENFP) that I see in myself is being very observant. I want to always know what is going on in my environment, and if there is something more interesting or exciting, I want to be near or involved with that encounter. I want to experience all the events that affect people’s lives, and are able to share with them the feelings they had with that experience. I like to probe and get to the juicy and emotional part of the experience.

If I notice a suspicious motive, I tend to make it known either through communication or body language. I have that keen and penetrating ability of intense concentration on another individual. I am always aware and alert, and ready to help in case of an emergency. While listening, I try to interpret special meaning to words or actions and figure out what motives they have for what they are communicating.

People-to-people work is essential for me. I like having human contact and interacting with them. I also get bored at work if there is not variety or some element of surprise. I like coming up with new ways of doing things to make it more efficient.

One of the key aspects of being a healer (INFP) that I see in myself is caring deeply. I care about everyone, but I will only care deeply for a few individuals. I have a profound sense of idealism derived from a strong personal morality. I see the world as an ethical, honorable place. I follow my heart more than logic when making decisions. I respond better to the good versus the bad, the moral versus the immoral, and the beautiful versus the ugly.

An example of me being a healer (INFP) type is the fact I have many acquaintances but only a handful of profound relationships. I take the time to understand and learn what is bothering my friends, which explains why I still have so many childhood relationships. Relationships take work, and having the ability to mend those divisions keeps the friendships smooth and growing. Even after months without talking to anyone of my friends, we pick up right where we left off the last time we spoke.

I have more examples of being a champion (ENFP), which leads me to believe I am an extrovert more of the time. One example is the fact I love to people watch. Whether I am waiting for the Metro, having a drink in a bar, or traveling, I am trying to figure out what people are thinking and/or why they are behaving in such a manner. I look at what they are wearing including if they have a wedding ring, and try to figure out as much as possible. I listen to their conversation and read their lips to see if I can figure out what they are talking about. I want to know what’s going on in my environment.

If I see someone do something against my morals, I tend to make it known. Usually it has to do with people throwing trash on the ground. I will stare at them until we make eye contact with a disappointed look on my face then look at the trash and shake my head. People seem to understand my body language, and pick it up.

By being alert in my environment, I have come to the aid of many people and situations. A few examples are catching a burglar and going to court to testify, seeing smoke coming from my next door neighbor’s garage and calling the fire department, noticing a man convulsing in his chair and helping him to the floor while calling for help, grabbing a shovel to put out a camp fire that was spreading while calling for help, and stopping fights on more than one occasion to name a few. If there is a situation that I can be of help, I will help. I would rather be part of the action than a by-stander.

        At work, I promote conversations with my coworkers by asking open questions to start a discussion. I enjoy talking with people and hearing their thoughts and feelings on topics, because it helps pass the time from the monotony of the job.

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