Red-Winged BB Energy Healer
I discovered I had a gift for healing at a young age. My first miraculous experiences have been with animals and I thought that was where it would remain. Later I discovered that this gift can transfer to humans if they are willing to accept it. I work with the infinite universal light. I have studied Buddhism, Catholicism and Shamanism and use that knowledge to enhance my work. I’m naturally an empath which means that I absorb people’s energy and can do healing with that ability. I have a special way of absorbing bad karma and can clear negative energy. Although I will share my tools that I use, I will not be preaching scripture or doing any sermons. I want to offer healing and knowledge of how to do your own healings. I will be offering all the materials that I use if you would like to purchase them for your own workshops I can link you to where I get them.
I'm an activist in the environmental crisis we are having right now as well. I work for all the creatures of this world. Humans, animals and even plants and soil can be healed. I love my work but it doesn't pay well. I would be able to help so many people if I had the freedom to travel. I need awareness and support from a wider audience so I can accomplish my goals. I feel like I need to break out and start working for real now and not undercover anymore. This is going to be huge...