Teachers in East Aceh Demand Certification Funds They are immediately paid (Bilingual)

in #headlinenews7 years ago (edited)


Secretary of Kobar Aceh Dra. Husniati Bantasyam and a number of teachers while performing their oration in front of the representative office of east aceh society. Photo/By: @iskandarishak

Teachers in East Aceh Demand Certification Funds They are immediately paid

Guru di Aceh Timur Menuntut Dana Sertifikasi Mereka segera dibayar


Photo/By: @iskandarishak

Approximately 50 teachers at the East Aceh District Education Office, Aceh Province, Indonesia held a Peace Oration at the East Aceh District House of Representatives (DPRK) located in Titi Baro Village, Idi Rayeuk Subdistrict on Monday 16 April 2018 at around 10:30.

The action involved Primary School Teachers (SD), Junior High School (SMP) and Senior High School (SMA) which was accompanied by Aceh Unity Teachers Coalition (Kobar-GB) Aceh. This oration was led by Chairman of Kobar GB Aceh Sayuti Aulia and Secretary Kobar Aceh Dra. Husniati Bantasyam and a number of teachers who participated in the action were about 50 people.

Sekitar 50 guru di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia mengadakan Orasi Perdamaian di Gedung Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh Timur (DPRK) yang terletak di Desa Titi Baro, Kecamatan Idi Rayeuk pada hari Senin 16 April 2018 sekitar pukul 10:30.

Aksi tersebut melibatkan Guru Sekolah Dasar (SD), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) yang didampingi Koalisi Guru Kesatuan Aceh (Kobar-GB) Aceh. Orasi ini dipimpin oleh Ketua Kobar GB Aceh Sayuti Aulia dan Sekretaris Kobar Aceh Dra. Husniati Bantasyam dan sejumlah guru yang berpartisipasi dalam aksi itu sekitar 50 orang.

Then the aspirations of the teachers who conducted a peaceful demonstration with Kobar GB Aceh were received by Irwanda Regional Representative Council (DPRK) member, then at around 11.00, a group of teachers held a peace action and then the council members allowed the teachers to enter the council office.

Kemudian aspirasi para guru yang melakukan demonstrasi damai dengan Kobar GB Aceh diterima oleh anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPRK) Irwanda, kemudian sekitar pukul 11.00, sekelompok guru mengadakan aksi damai dan kemudian anggota dewan mengizinkan guru masuk kantor dewan.

In the peaceful action demanded by these teachers are as follows:

Dalam aksi damai yang dituntut oleh para guru ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Demand to be able to pay certification funds that have not been received by teachers in December 2016.

Permintaan untuk dapat membayar dana sertifikasi yang belum diterima oleh guru pada bulan Desember 2016.

Now in 2018, we want clarity from the East Aceh Finance office and the East Aceh Education Office about when our certification fund will be paid for another month.

Sekarang di tahun 2018, kami menginginkan kejelasan dari kantor Keuangan Aceh Timur dan Dinas Pendidikan Aceh Timur tentang kapan dana sertifikasi kami akan dibayarkan selama satu bulan lagi.

Secretary of East Aceh Education Office Drs.Jalaluddin.M.Pd responded to teachers' demands as follows, related to certification issues, First Letter from East Aceh Regent that we have sent to the Ministry of Education, and in January 2018 we have also sent back to the Ministry Education. and last week we from the east aceh education office have ordered Mr. Hasan to take a decree (SK) to be able to disburse his certification funds. After this meeting the teachers can go directly to the East Aceh Education Office to handle the pengamprahannya, "said Drs. Jalaluddin.


Photo/By: @iskandarishak

Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan Aceh Timur Drs.Jalaluddin.M.Pd menanggapi tuntutan guru sebagai berikut, terkait dengan masalah sertifikasi, Surat Pertama dari Bupati Aceh Timur yang telah kami kirim ke Kementerian Pendidikan, dan pada Januari 2018 kami juga telah mengirim kembali ke Pendidikan Kementerian. dan minggu lalu kami dari kantor pendidikan aceh timur telah memerintahkan Pak Hasan untuk mengambil surat keputusan (SK) untuk dapat mencairkan dana sertifikasinya. Setelah pertemuan ini para guru dapat langsung pergi ke Dinas Pendidikan Aceh Timur untuk menangani pengamprahannya, "kata Drs. Jalaluddin.

By: @iskandarishak


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