Own your own jealousy
Will Smith confessed about not being able to be in the room with Tupac, his wife's childhood sweetheart. I felt the same way about Al!B Sure..
..polar opposites: light-skinned, dark-skinned, bald, raven black hair..before scandal..
So when my wife went to one of his concerts, squeezing the arm of the young lady she went with, screaming, etc. When she came home, she took her feelings out on me.
This was late eighties, early nineties. There was no, my mate gets his rocks off in the strip club. But he comes home to me. There was only jealousy.
So I made it. We weren't married. I always wanted to marry her. Made a lot of mistakes..probably had more sex before marriage, than during. But Al! Did what he did..my wife did what she did..I did what I do, every time I can afford it.