
Clearly you've done your homework on Hedera Hashgraph, and believe in it. I do too as I've been watching the project since 2019, and personally hold some HBAR.

I hold XRP as well, as do many people who've read your blog and followed your Twitter account since 2018. In your recent "Wake up" post you used XRP's low price to illustrate it had no future, essentially saying that if it were to be big in the future, then why are insiders in the know not buying it? But why would the same rationale not apply to HBAR? 27 major participating bodies on the council makes for plenty of insiders with lots of connections and money who would've run the numbers and know the future value of the network and its native asset. You believe in it, I believe in it, why don't they believe in it enough to drive up the price of HBAR to reflect this future value?

Reasons/excuses 2-4 that you gave can be 100% applied to XRP (half the supply circulating causing selling pressure, uncertain emotional investors, initially not open-source and some worried that Ripple had too much control of the network). It could even be argued your first reason applies as well, only instead of radically different tech from crypto it's a radically different philosophy (Ripple using the XRPL to work "with" the system rather than in parallel or in opposition). I genuinely want to know why these excuse HBAR's low price in the pennies, but they're used as a damning illustration of XRP's future value and those holding XRP need to "Wake up".

You also pointed out (as a negative) that the retail market is all that's driving the price of XRP, but all 4 reasons you gave are retail market factors that would be of no concern to smart/big money and institutions. It's clearly the retail investor market determining HBAR's price at the moment as well.

So why the double standard? Without personal attacks insulting my intelligence or insinuating I'm ignorant please.

Thank you for clearing this up. It appears I misjudged/misunderstood your earlier post as just attacking XRP and its holders (which happens often, as the community can be insufferable). I apologize if I caused you any grief!

And of course, may the best tech win.

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