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Judge DENIED HATJ to her right to defend herself (former prosecutor) as well as her right to fire her court appointed attorney- she FORCED the ID proceedings forward without self representation as well as with a standt by court appointed Counsel other than her current Counsel
I cannot watch those videos even though I tried and would really like to, it won't even pause so it can load while it's paused, anyway thank you for the info, tried to find it elsewhere and no dice.
This is my concern, in the beginning I thought that you mentioned somewhere or someone mentioned that she didn't give them a name, she didn't ID herself, correct?
Now it seems that she is trying to defend herself in a court that is as federal as federal express, and who acts as Special Admiralty court, meaning that she is shit out of luck the moment that she steps forward when asked to. She entered into their jurisdiction voluntarily and because of that she gave up any kind of chance at rustling the judge up by his balls in front of everyone by making it clear that she is she (Who are you, I am me).