We are hosting a monthly achievement contest. If you would like to participate, simply layout your next year target, then break it down to 12 months, make a post with #hasil2020 as your tag. Every 1st week of the month do a reflection of what you've achieved from the previous month, that way you'll be on track to achieve what you have planned for. The top 20 quality poster will receive 1 steem. Those who managed to grab my attention will be followed for upvote and receive 0.1steem tip on a daily basis. So, in a month, one person can earn from me maximum 4 steem.
@davidke20 That sounds great. Is joining in all languages allowed?
It does not matter what the achievements are?
Merry days and a good start in the new year ❤️
Initially, the idea is for Malay and Indonesian language only. Looking at the rate of participation, I even went an extra mile to explain to you in enlighten, I don't see why not. Please join us, I have prepared 600 steems for this project.
@davidke20 Thank you. I think.about it. Usually I have no achievements but who knows it improves my life if I do. I already keep a diary. Should I add a translation in Indonesian if I join? ❤️
Merry Christmas. You do not have to make a translation, because the sentence structure is adjective first followed by subject. Translator will usually make the translated piece a joke 😂
The idea of this exercise, is to help participants to setup a goal next year, to achieve it on monthly basis. And I have prepared some steem to support them, by way of upvoting and tipping directly to your wallet, like this !tip
@davidke20 The tip is still a mystery to me.
No translation makes it easier. I think about my goals to set (quest it will be: saving, growing (steem), low meds/losing weight and...).
My upvote suck, due to low steem price and my SP rendered to useless despite I have 5000 usable SP in hand. In order for me to direct rewarding people whom I cherished, I rather send tip directly to their wallet. So, when you see TIPU mentioned I sent you a tip, it's already in your wallet.
We are hosting a monthly achievement contest. If you would like to participate, simply layout your next year target, then break it down to 12 months, make a post with #hasil2020 as your tag. Every 1st week of the month do a reflection of what you've achieved from the previous month, that way you'll be on track to achieve what you have planned for. The top 20 quality poster will receive 1 steem. Those who managed to grab my attention will be followed for upvote and receive 0.1steem tip on a daily basis. So, in a month, one person can earn from me maximum 4 steem.
@davidke20 That sounds great. Is joining in all languages allowed?
It does not matter what the achievements are?
Merry days and a good start in the new year ❤️
Initially, the idea is for Malay and Indonesian language only. Looking at the rate of participation, I even went an extra mile to explain to you in enlighten, I don't see why not. Please join us, I have prepared 600 steems for this project.
@davidke20 Thank you. I think.about it. Usually I have no achievements but who knows it improves my life if I do. I already keep a diary. Should I add a translation in Indonesian if I join? ❤️
Merry Christmas. You do not have to make a translation, because the sentence structure is adjective first followed by subject. Translator will usually make the translated piece a joke 😂
The idea of this exercise, is to help participants to setup a goal next year, to achieve it on monthly basis. And I have prepared some steem to support them, by way of upvoting and tipping directly to your wallet, like this !tip
@davidke20 The tip is still a mystery to me.
No translation makes it easier. I think about my goals to set (quest it will be: saving, growing (steem), low meds/losing weight and...).
Thank you. ❤️
My upvote suck, due to low steem price and my SP rendered to useless despite I have 5000 usable SP in hand. In order for me to direct rewarding people whom I cherished, I rather send tip directly to their wallet. So, when you see TIPU mentioned I sent you a tip, it's already in your wallet.
@davidke20 Can I do something like that too?
🎁 Hi @wakeupkitty! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @davidke20!
@davidke20 wrote lately about: [Steem Talk] A Sincere Open Letter To #Bpc #Bilpcoin Feel free to follow @davidke20 if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
@tipuThank you very much @davidke20❤️