[Steem talk] #hasil2020 #cn-monthlyachievement

in #hasil20205 years ago (edited)

Source from Pixabay

It's been a good year for me in 2019, all thanks to @chann giving me an idea of planning my entire 2019 year ahead in 2018, and things has been working pretty well for me. Like half a year before my targetted date, I already achieved my target. Later I have reset my target to a higher target, and I did managed to achieve it slightly shy from my targetted date! I only regret that I have not set my target higher, or I could have achieved even more! So here I am, to setup my 2020 target once again. But this time, I will try to humanize more factor to it then pushing myself because I rather maintain a healthy relationship with the family rather than giving up too much of my human time for #steem.

  1. To have 10000SP by November 29, 2020.
  2. To get back in shape. To attain less than 16% body fat by November 29, 2020. Benchmark to be set by January 2020 new year day!
  3. Get rid of the massage chair at home, replace it with a damn thread mill machine before end of March 2020.
  4. Get a new treadmill machine, be it the cheapest one, and place it on the place currently house a broken massage chair before end of April 2020!
  5. To maintain daily 10000 steps everyday. To see if I can run on a daily basis right after I got the damn treadmill!

Overall, it's about my personal well being. The only #steem related requirement, is 10ksp but that's all. I know I should dream big, but I just don't wanna do that anymore. The whole 2019 is done for me. I lose my health, I lose my mind. I've been spending too much time playing with #steem and I know for a fact that not many whale likes bad English. Perhaps, I should have set a new year resolution, to improve my command in English, but that doesn't have a real objective justification. So, that goes out of the window for now. But overall, I need to be more handsome next year! Slimmer! Hotter! I'm getting old, I need to cherish this moment and be the hot crypto guy.

Tahun 2019 merupakan tahun yang sangat menarik bagi saya. Sebabkan kawan saya @chann dari Singapore memberikan saya suatu rancangan, iaitu merancangkan sasaran bagi sepanjang tahun 2019 pada hujung tahun 2018, dan bagi setiap bulan saya mengunjung balik tengok titian perjalanan supaya saya mengikut jalanan untuk mengejar kerjayaan. Juah sebelum hujung tahun 2019 telah saya mencapai tujuan pertama saya, jadi saya pun menukarkan sasaran kepada lebih tinggi. Tidak sangka begitu juga senang telah saya mencapai kerjayaan yang lebih tinggi itu. Apa yang saya rasa tidak puas, adalah sasaran saya terlampau rendah. Jikalau saya membuat resolusi yang lebih tinggi, saya rasa mungkin telah saya mencapai kerjayaan yang lebih tinggi. Oleh itu, saya sekarang memulakan pelan perjalanan bagi tahun 2020. Tetapi, tahun ini saya akan memberi tujuan lebih untuk keluarga dan kepada kesihatan sendiri, jauh lebih daripada kerjayaan di bidang kripto. Ini adalah sasaran bagi tahun depan.

  1. Untuk mencapak 10,000SP sebelum 29 November, 2020
  2. Melangsingkan badan gemuk aku, merendahkan nisbah lemak badan kepada 16% atau pun lebih kurang daripada itu.
  3. Membuangkan atau mendermakan kerusi masaj di dalam rumah itu sebelum hujung bulan Mac.
  4. Membeli suatu mesin treadmil senaman lari sebelum hujung bulan April 2020.
  5. Untuk mengamalkan sekurangnya 10000 langkah kaki setiap hari, sekiranya mesin lari telah dibeli.

Dalam tahun 2019, saya telah mencuba kekuatan untuk menningkatkan kuasa #steem, telah pun saya rasa tekanan kuat untuk mencapai sasaran. Banyak masa untuk keluarga, pun telah saya luangkan kepada kripto. Jadi, untuk tahun 2020, kecualikan sasaran pertama 10000SP melibatkan #steem, kebanyakkan rancangan saya adalah untuk kesihatan saya. Umur saya semakin tinggi walaupun saya tidak mengaku, tekan dari pun telah berikut. Kan kita selalu suka panggil orang lain pakcik makcik? Saya masih ingin lagi dipanggil abang hensem.

2019 年對於我來説是一個豐收年,特別是在加密貨幣這一方面,我相信是在我人生中賺得最兇的一年。早一年的投資虧的,已經不能再虧了,如果算起來,其實到現在都還沒回本,衹不過是代幣的數量增加了,覺得自己充滿了力量,希望有朝一日幣價上漲我的錢包也跟著膨脹。這一年,都是因爲在2018時參與了好友@chann的每月小結設定下了一年的目標,然後每個月回顧時做出調整。時光飛快的過了半年,我卻達到了目標,所以我也趕快再重新設定新目標,果不其然到了原本計劃好的目標達成日期,達到了第二個目標。成功登上了海豚寶座。既然設定目標是必然的,那麽接下來這一年,我也會繼續設定目標,不過這一次我的目標將不再是全程投入給#steem代幣平臺了。畢竟2019已經將整年奉獻了給它,我不想到最后妻離子散,賠上了寶貴的健康,換來衹不過是一堆看不到也摸不着的代幣。好吧,我們來設定目標。

  1. 在2020年11月29日前達到一萬影響力。
  2. 減肥革命尚未成功,希望目標日期前將體脂減到16%或以下
  3. 三月結束前,將家裏的按摩椅拿去扔了或捐掉算了。反正放著也是養灰塵
  4. 把按摩椅的位置弄好然後放上一家跑步機!管它最便宜的還是什麽,衹要是能用,能運動的就好!
  5. 有了跑步機,必須盡量維持每日最少一萬步的運動量。不然跑步機要來幹嘛?



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Big smile 😃. Simple attaniable and clear goals 1, 2, 3. Impressive. I will try to check back in April.

Well, those are tough goals. I've been saying, I want to get my 6 packs abs in 2018. In order to see some abs, body fat is supposed to go below 10%. So many times I manage to trim down to below 20% and took a huge rebounce. Instead of setting a goal too huge, this time I set it to 16%, and if I get that before the stipulated date, then only I will reset it further down to 12% and finally go below 10%.

The massage chair is very expensive, I really don't wanna throw it away. But it need a re-wrap due to the PVC cover is peeling off. I've been saying to get it refurbished for years and its still there accumulating dust. So, this coming year I need to make up my mind.

Treadmill machine still not in, house still have no workout equipment, because the expensive massage chair is still there. I don't run during weekday because I don't have a treadmill, that is supposed to be placed at the massage chair place, which is a big fat lie I told myself everytime when I wish I worked out but I choose to sleep in.

With a treadmill machine in place, and a 10k steps minimum target, I guess I ran out of excuse, which ultimately all my goals are linked.

Back to number 1, once I have 10k steps minimum everyday, then I will post sports everyday, which is my own workout routine and reports. With that, to attain 10ksp coming year should not be a problem since now I already have 6k. That's like another 4k to go.

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