You've heard the other one in school already,
This month we would like to give you a perspective of what's being done to the population of Earth. This strategy allows for easy control and self-enforced compliance of the masses.
1-Destroy Self Esteem: Broken people are much more easily led or driven than self-confident and justified people. Now we have a populace of broken people.
2-Destroy Education: This is the second step, and it has two stages. First knowledge (internet) is prohibited, then schools are dismantled (by cutting their funding and assigning government-controlled teachers). Now we have a populace of ignorant broken people.
3-Control Religion: The coup de grace is, horribly, control of faith and beliefs. All faith and belief system in discord with the government's desire are prohibited and prosecuted. Now we have a populace of ignorant broken fanatics.
The desired end result, "ignorant broken fanatics" are then easily swayed and driven according to the government's wish and whims.
The bitter part is, the media(vehicle) for this corruption is artists. Those that promote and spread "black culture" : {Hate,Violence,Wrath,Lust,Greed,Deception,Envy,Suffering} into the thoughts and behavior of the populace. Artists are the most common form of role models to influence all classes of society.
After the populace have sufficiently been habituated to this thought and behavior form, through peer pressure they enforce adherence to its principles on themselves.