Sorted into Slytherin. Now what?

in #harrypotter7 years ago (edited)

Embracing my Slytherin Sorting

When I first logged into the Pottermore and took the sorting quiz, I was hat stalled. Yes, I got to choose my house. I was given the choice between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. I thought to myself, “Who in their right mind would pick Slytherin?” I selected Hufflepuff, and remained that way for some time. Then, my laptop broke. I lost my Pottermore login. I couldn’t remember which of my dozen e-mails I used. So, I retook the sorting quiz, and this time I didn’t get a choice. I was sorted into Slytherin.

My heart sank. I retook the quiz, again, and again, and again. Slytherin, every time. I thought to myself, “But, I am a fluffy little Puff. I bake cookies and find great joy making others happy. I am not a bigoted, self-serving Slytherin!” I was upset, and as I attened my personal pitty party I thought, "How did I go from Hufflepuff to Slytherin? Who am I?"

Yes, I know, it is just an online quiz for a fictional story, but this was really bothering me.

I thought about what had changed in my life since I first took the sorting quiz. I was back at work, after staying home for the last three years to take care of my son. I was taking better care of myself and had a new found confidence. Maybe Slytherin isn’t a bad thing?

I started to breakdown the traits attributed to Slytherin house.

  • Cunning
  • Prideful
  • Resourceful
  • Ambitious
  • Determined
  • When I removed what the books have engrained in me about Slytherin house. You know what Hagrid said, "There's not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin.” An idea reinforced throughout the entire series. Discalimer: I know that there were a few good Slytherins in the series! I looked at these qualities individually and together, then applied them to myself. Do I take pride in my work? Yes. Do I set lofty ambitious goals, that I am determined to achieve? Yes. I love making something out of nothing, resourcefulness. Now, cunning was hard for me to swallow. I had to reflect on some of my negative qualities, and I’ll admit it. I am manipulative. I get what I want, within reason. So yes, I am a sneaky, sneaky snake. After I tried Slytherin house on, it fit great. I am a proud Slytherin and I am not going to let anyone bring me down.

    If you have been sorted into Slytherin, don't fret. You are strong, smart, and will go far in life. So, get on with your bad self!

    I do not own the above image. All images are property of Warner Bros


    I believe the sorting hat (and the sorting quiz) has to take into account that about a quarter of all students need to be sorted into each house. That may explain why you were able to fit into Hufflepuff one year but not this year; there were simply too many Hufflepuffs this year.

    And don't worry, just because every evil wizard is a Slytherin doesn't mean every Slytherin is an evil wizard. ;-)

    Oh, I am very happy to be in Slytherin. I wouldn't have it any other way. My whole post was about me coming to terms with and loving my Slytherin-self. :) Thank you for the comment!

    I felt exactly same when I was sorted into Ravenclaw. I always thought I am Slytherin :) But I changed massively since I read the books for first time and right now I am proud Ravenclaw :D