Happy Valentines Day. America has been dead for 209 years. They try to kill people via nano bots which goes into the body to cause flu like symptoms. That is fused with 5G, geoengineering, chemicals, waves, a variety of things working together. You must actively try ten times harder to counter as much of it all as you can, your ignorance is bliss, your children will suffer to the extent you try not to counter things you are yet to know. I repeat, things you are yet to know. Apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons a day but broken up gradually throughout the day, can help you. Encouraging healthy pH blood level balance minimizes cancer, detoxifies the liver, dissolves viruses, and helps the heart. The brain-gut connection. Is it true the last U.S. President to take the oath for the united states for America was back in around 1812? Has America been dead for over two centuries now? Did you know there is a star inside our earth? Biden is telling Americans to wear masks until 2022.
Reducing Zombism
Candida is a type of fungus which helps decompose dead bodies but the problem comes when the people are still alive while Candida is excessively growing and eating up your body even before you are actually dead. Therefore, you want to look at fasting, at starving those little guys at least once every ten years if not as often as you can to minimize how much of them you have inside of your biology. Borax detoxes fluoride from the brain. Inside your body are the bad guys, the fungi, which wants your body to die, and the good guys, which are the bacteria which wants your body to live, that is the civil war within your chemical makeup. The pineal gland in our brain is a spiritual window into the Supernatural Internet which transcends space and time, it truly is the third eye, but fluoride blocks it. Does the earth have two moons?
February of 2021
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2021-02-14 - Sunday
Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-14 - Sunday
Published in February of 2021
Joe Biden in like 2003
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
Breaking News
Telling The Truth in a World of Lies
How Does Hive Work?
01:09 PM
You sign up, you post anything, people like it, and then you make money.
Dead America
01:20 PM
Is it true the last U.S. President to take the oath for the united states for America was back in around 1812? Has America been dead for over two centuries now?
America has been dead for 209 years.
Regarding My Instagram
11:14 PM
Toby Hugh Daniell, this is a thing I'm doing on Instagram. I jokingly copied and pasted this thing to my Facebook. But does it matter if people do it or not? No. People got freewill.
Toby Hugh Daniell, I am not expecting results, period. That is not why I do what I do. It is not one dimensional. What I do is not dependent on how people respond and react.
Covid News
For more info, please visit Banned Video
Don't be a Dodo Bird. Fun fact of the day, yes I know it's Valentines Day but you'll love this one. Did you know the first ever NPC was actually a Dodo Bird?
People died in Texas due to a little ice because they're not use to it. Likewise, Americans in general are not use to icy tyranny. That is why people are dying. We are the Dodo Bird.
Biden is telling Americans to wear masks until 2022.
Oatmeal English
Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental
How Does Hive Work?
You sign up, you post anything, people like it, and then you make money.
Oatmeal High Council
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Do people want to blow up the moon?
11:03 PM
If they do want to, why?
ᚲᛖᚢᛁᚾ ᛈᛖᚨᚱᛊᛟᚾ, I don't know but I would imagine no moon means no beach tide which affects life in the oceans which affects life cycles and everything for all life on earth to cause some domino affects. The only thing worse would be blocking the sun, thanks Bill Gates.
ᚲᛖᚢᛁᚾ ᛈᛖᚨᚱᛊᛟᚾ, did Burns do something to the moon or to the sun? I must have missed that one.
Oatmeal Health
You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies
Vietnamese Girl
2021-02-14 - Sunday - 12:12 PM LMS JA
Vũ Tường Vy liked a comment, she was following her, she is from Hanoi, I don't think I've ever met her in person. I sent her a friend request. She is like 21 years old and lived or is from like Hanoi.
Chat with me on Facebook
Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc
Almost 2 hours video and audio chat with Lego via Facebook Messenger talking about how he still has my bike, about computer hard drives, work, life, dating, Instagram, gay stuff, Facebook, the park, my life in Vietnam, me trying to teach people lessons.
Chat with me on Twitter
Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter
Most valuable thing is human attention
Chat with me on YouTube
Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube
11:57 AM
Fungi rewires our nervous system towards zombism.
Inside your body are the bad guys, the fungi, which wants your body to die, and the good guys, which are the bacteria which wants your body to live, that is the civil war within your chemical makeup.
Other Websites
Find me on other websites, other places, as well
Do you still live in Oregon?
No. My brother moved away from Oregon in 2000. I moved away in 2004.
When did it happen?
07:53 PM
One of the best ways to figure out when some of your childhood memories happened is to simply cross-reference the events with the release date, premiere, grand opening, etc, of movies, songs, shows, or anything else you remember in order to help verify and confirm when certain things happened in your own autobiography.
She does creative videos on YouTube trying not to say words which the programs could detect and then ban her for.
HAARPA has these places that look like hundreds of atennas used to modify the sky similar to the stuff Bill Gates does or maybe different.
They try to kill people via nano bots which goes into the body to cause flu like symptoms. That is fused with 5G, geoengineering, chemicals, waves, a variety of things working together. You must actively try ten times harder to counter as much of it all as you can, your ignorance is bliss, your children will suffer to the extent you try not to counter things you are yet to know. I repeat, things you are yet to know.
Fungi rewires our nervous system towards zombism.
Candida is a type of fungus which helps decompose dead bodies but the problem comes when the people are still alive while Candida is excessively growing and eating up your body even before you are actually dead. Therefore, you want to look at fasting, at starving those little guys at least once every ten years if not as often as you can to minimize how much of them you have inside of your biology.
Apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons a day but broken up gradually throughout the day, can help you.
Encouraging healthy pH blood level balance minimizes cancer, detoxifies the liver, dissolves viruses, reduces pathogens (bad bacteria), and helps the heart.
Borax detoxes fluoride from the brain.
The brain-gut connection.
Inside your body are the bad guys, the fungi, which wants your body to die, and the good guys, which are the bacteria which wants your body to live, that is the civil war within your chemical makeup.
Viruses go through your eyes.
Pineal Gland
2021-02-04 - Sunday - 01:37 PM LMS JA Health
The pineal gland in our brain is a spiritual window into the Supernatural Internet which transcends space and time, it truly is the third eye, but fluoride blocks it.
Did you know there is a star inside our earth?
Does bacteria come from the sun?
Does the earth have two moons?
Are there infinite galaxies and life?
There may be but it is not for us to know, most likely, or we can assume we shouldn't get too distracted by what we do not know or what we may not know yet.
Happy Valentines Day
Does our earth rotate a bit every 72 years because of one of our other suns which some dub Planet X which has a preculiar orbit?
Did Michael Jaco claim he climbed up a mountain in Bali and saw two suns or was this just photoshopped?
If we do have more than one sun around earth, do these other stars also have planets?
And We Know
Lionel Nation
10:27 AM - Valentine's Day 2021 and the Doubling Down on Trump
Ron Gibson
Pardes Selah
08:20 PM - Mulling wine while mulling these live-streams (Pardes Live #212)
X22 Report
Time Keeper
10:27 PM - THE ALEX JONES SHOW (FEB 14, 2021)
Dear diary, got up at 09:30 AM, day 4 of snowing. But it may begin to rain around 11 AM. Mom was outside again taking photos documenting the snow. These past 4 days since my 36th birthday on Thursday we have had a few inches of snow but not as much as we had in 2019. I see the birds. Mom says the most blue jay birds she has ever seen. I saw a rat last night like I said yesterday. Today, I saw one bird go in my squirrel igloo. My back hurts probably from shoveling so much snow yesterday. Well, that was probably a major factor for being sore today. I am happy to see birds go in my igloo. Why should we not drown plants with water over the roots? We debated that. One reason could be more water means more germs. Second, water means a different chemical makeup of the soil. Perhaps some plants need a combination of soil and oxygen. Borax can be used in our body to help us fight some toxins. We got fluoride and nano bots too. Helped mom filter and pour grape wine which they make annually around 11:30 AM. Nap in the afternoon for like an hour or two around 4 PM. Dishes around 6 PM until 07:40 PM. Well, part of the time, watched Bad Boys 2 while eating a spoon of peanut butter flavored ice-cream which is not my favorite. Watched some Sponge Bob from like 2002 or something. Well, the first season maybe. Well, I don't know. Maybe season 3. Valentines Day episode where Bob was unable to get something special for Patrick for Valentines. Wait, they're boy boys. Does that mean they're gay? Well, Bob did give gifts to other fish too both make and female. After that, really enjoyed watching almost an hour of a movie called Valentines Again which was made in 2017. She falls in love with a man who gave up a big salary. He was like a executive. She ended up doing the same thing which was hard for her to do. She talked to a gypsy played by the counselor from Star Trek: Next Generation. I didn't watch the beginning or the end. I should do that.
Food Log
Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.
Breakfast: coffee, 2 apples, around 10:30 AM. and oatmeal with brown sugar, around noon.
Lunch: was eating oatmeal until 2 PM. Also, some fruit Larry handed me and 2 tangerines.
Dinner: rice around 7 PM