The #Happystore: Your place to buy, sell, trade, or gift (week 19)

in #happystore7 years ago

Marketing studies show that people need to see your ad at least 7 times before it registers!

You must consistently place your advertising so that people will see it over and over again. Don't expect buyers to flock to your ads unless you have something that is extremely desireable by a lot of people. Consistency is the key to success. People need to build up their recognition of your product(s). Place your ads here each week and the likelyhood of finding a buyer increases.

Use Steem as your currency! Place ads for FREE.


Need something? Ask for it in the comments below. Someone may have it and no longer want it!

If you have something you no longer need or a service you can provide, you are encouraged to list it or a link to it in the comments below.

There is no cost to either the seller or the buyer. This is simply a place to deposit your links and to unite buyers and sellers, givers and receivers.

I plan to make a new post each week, so if there are more items to sell or the product has not yet been sold, just add the link again each week.

Artists can post their services; people with extra stuff lying around can offer it for sale or even for free; Heck, you can even list your Pocket tokens for sale or an offer to buy some!

If you want to see what is being offered, simply search the #happystore tag to search for these posts.

For COPY / PASTE templates to make your ads stand out, click here.


After making the ad to your liking, copy and paste it from the editor into a plain text file and save it for future use! You won't need to fuss with images or editing when re-posting the same ad in following weeks; simply copy and paste from your text file!


I sincerely thank you for your interest!


FYI, I've created a new week's #happystore. Please re-post your ad(s).

I'm not sure what your markdown is, but I'm guessing that there is no space between the line for the image and the line for the link. You may wish to try inserting a line break (enter) between the two so that your link is not broken up the way it shows up here. You may wish to refer to my templates (link is near the end of the original post).

Thanks for the help. I am fairly certain I have absolutely no idea what your are talking about. But that would not be abnormal for me.

It's not important. The advertisement is understandable and the link works, so all is good. I was just trying to see if you wanted to alter the code a bit to make the link look more together.

You have no idea the mess I can make if I start poking around under the HTML hood having not the first idea what I am doing. But thanks for everything!

Sorry to get you into a mess. Your link has an ! behind it making it NOT work. Here is a copy/paste template you can use:

<div class="pull-right">https://linktoyourimage/imagefilename.jpg</div>

# Steem-Branded Leather Goods - by @armadilloman

Just replace the image link (example below) and use the remainder of the code just the way it is.
<div class="pull-right">REPLACE THIS PART ONLY</div>

Okay, seems to work now.

FYI, I've created a new week's #happystore. Please re-post your ad(s).

e-Book service - by @happyme

Are you an author that would like to turn your work into an e-book but don't know how or just don't have the time? I can help at 14 USD - Steem/SBD (equivalent) per hour. Simply reply to this comment if interested.
References available by request.

45 RPM vinyl record with 2 songs

2 USD - Steem/SBD equivalent (plus shipping from Vancouver, Canada.)


These are NOT used records; they are brand new but pressed long ago as a private label. I have roughly 1800 copies.

Coder needed

I'm looking for someone who is able to automate a response to player-selected actions of my daily Zombie Adventure game. I'm not wealthy, so I can't offer much. I'm willing to do some of the work if I knew what needed to be done.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.23
JST 0.032
BTC 86208.70
ETH 2271.08
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.65