@ancapbarbie's Happy Place 2015 - Present
This is Part Two of my #happyplace entry, which @robertandrew created a couple of weeks ago and for which @snook nominated me a few days ago. Click here or on the image to the left for Part One.

My Current Happy Place
Definitely the front porch at my eccentric aunt's house in Alto, New Mexico. I miss this place so much since I moved to the NYC area. So quiet and peaceful, at the edge of the Lincoln National Forest, on a little dirt road that even Google hasn't mapped, and only a couple of other houses visible which are vacant most of the time because my aunt might be the only homeowner in Alto who doesn't live in Texas while renting her house out to tourists.
Mostly, in stark contrast to NYC, there are trees - so many trees that you're required to cut some of them down to prevent potential forest fires from jumping from tree-to-tree and burning down the whole forest, while in NYC they plant them in concrete. And you can see the stars at night. I can't get over that here - no visible stars. I don't have a good enough camera to show the difference but you can see all of them on a clear night at my aunt's house, which is at just below 8000 feet elevation.
As an aside, I always got a chuckle when I would visit Denver and folks would try to say I wasn't used to the altitude, and I'd be like, "Bruh, I came downhill to get here, ya low-lander." Hehe ...

The idea behind this tag:
The place where you love to do a Combo of things including but not limited to, relaxing, pondering, eating and drinking, meditating, and yes even working on Steemit. This is a new Tag and Initiative that I am creating. I hope to see many others participate in the fun of it. 😄 ~ @robertandrew

I've nominated these fine folks to participate, and I'm tagging them again because I'm a pain in the ass like that:

Contact Me:
Steem Chat, ProtonMail: ancapbarbie
Discord: ancapbarbie#1123
That's hilarious that you look at Denver and think that's low altitude. New Mexico has some incredible places, and yes, the stars...
Love that.
Hi this is bot belongs to @sapphic
You are obviously on her author upvote whitelist, (which means you are pretty special), or your post passed the threshold of her algorithm.
Either way she will be along shortly to read your post, ponder it and leave a lovely comment.
Fantastic photographs in this one, I love the highway with the massive construction cones. The landscaped stairs are really impressive I do like them.
#thealliance #witness
That looks like a lovely place! I like those Sierra Blanca mountains! I bet it would be fun hanging with you & your aunt! 😊
Ohhhhhhh I would hate to have left that place!!!!!!
It's just beautiful!!!
Thank you for sharing :D
Ya. I love @benfranz more than I hate big cities (especially this one) or I wouldn't be within 100 miles of one.
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At the moment my keyboard is broken so please forgive this short noting crafted from cut and pastes. Just wanted to leave some appreciation regardless of the comp mess <3
My goodness, you have some gorgeous happy places.
Such a beautiful #happyplace you have there @ancapbarbie. The mountains are really spectacular. Thank you so much for participating :)
Thank you for creating it! Wonderful tag/initiative/thingy!
These are beautiful happy places!!!