Quote of the Day/ Zitat des Tages #178 ENG/DEU

in #happy6 years ago

The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Rest and Doctor Happy.
Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift was an Irish satirist of the early Enlightenment and a writer. He wrote under various pseudonyms. Unfortunately, little is preserved of his early writings.
His work "The travels into several remote nations of the world by Lemuel Gulliver" contains an interesting detail: Two Martian moons are described. These moons were actually discovered 150 years later. He wrote several books against the conditions in English ruled Ireland. His satire "A Modest Proposal" deals with the elimination of overpopulation, poverty and crime by eating Irish babies. The satirical saying "People are even more repugnant than they are" also comes from him.

pixabay and wikipedia

Die besten Ärzte der Welt sind Dr. Diät, Dr. Ruhe und Dr. Fröhlich.
Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift war ein irischer Satiriker der frühen Aufklärung und Schriftsteller. Er schrieb unter verschiedenen Pseudonymen. Leider ist von seinen frühen Schriften wenig erhalten.
Sein Werk "The travels into several remote nations of the world by Lemuel Gulliver" (Gullivers Reisen) enthält ein interessantes Detail: Es werden zwei Marsmonde beschrieben. Diese Monde wurden 150 Jahre später tatsächlich entdeckt. Er schrieb mehrfach Bücher gegen die Zustände im englisch regierten Irland. Seine Satire A Modest Proposal handelt von der Beseitigung der Überbevölkerund, Armut und Kriminalität durch das Essen irischer Babys. Der satirische Ausspruch "Die Menschen sind noch widerwärtiger als sie sind" stammt ebenfalls von ihm.


Thanks for sharing this post.I appreciate your life.

Wow awesome photography my dear friend.
Realy beautiful style and sunrise

Thank you very much.

Welcome friend and love you so much

Really very very lovely story 📖 ..my lovely friend @positivertag

Thank you very much.

Beautiful lines by Jonathan Swift..
Amazing post..
Thanks for sharing with us..

Thanks for reading it.

My dear friend how are you??
Nice to meet you,Anyway the quote is very nice. I liked it very much....

Thank you, my friend. Im fine. I hope, you have a great day.

Good Quote as always @positivertag

Thank you very much.

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Danke schön.

Good information.

Nice quote and lovely post. I always say that "Life is extremely beautiful and you should enjoy every bit of it."

I think, thats a good way to live. Thank you, mate.

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