S U N D A Y | M U S I N G S - ✨ Let Go to Receive! ✨

in #happy6 years ago (edited)


As I look around at all the things I'm about to sort through & give away before we transition to living full-time in @thedodgemahal, I'm met with a feeling of fear. Fear that I will never be able to replace these things, that I'm going to notice the absence of these things once I'm on the road, and that I won't have enough. That fear lasts for about 5 seconds before my real voice of reason kicks in, saying "good try, fear!"

Fear forgot to include the facts, as usual.

(@richardcrill and I on one of our annual backpacking trips with our family, friends, and all of our dogs. This photo represents what I love & value most in life- my relationships, my dogs, & getting out in nature!)

Here are the facts:

  • By releasing my things, I know I am deliberately making more room for the things that I really care about, like traveling, creativity, simplicity, and new experiences! One of the main reasons @richardcrill and I are transitioning into RV life full-time is to create a location-free lifestyle, which would take the joy out of it if we were hauling our crap along with us, ha!

  • I am very resourceful. If I ever find myself really needing something, I usually find a way to get it. However, more recently I find myself practicing the art of "allowing" - letting my desires flow to me with ease, rather than forcing it to happen.

  • I always have MORE than enough. I have my health, my family and friends, access to healthy food & water, I'm bringing my loved ones along in a home on wheels that will take us to amazing, beautiful places, and the list goes on. I know I can always access joy whenever I tap into a place of gratitude.

While those facts usually soothe any fear of letting go that pops up, this time is a little more challenging for me because there are some things that bring me lots of joy (like my Blendtec blender) that may not make sense to use in the RV considering we'll be boon-docking most of the time. I know the facts above, but I find myself needing to acknowledge a deeper truth to override this fear and it's this -



What might have seemed like a scary truth in the past, knowing that you bring yourself wherever you go has turned into a comforting, healing thought for me. Knowing that I can always access the feeling of love and joy from within, regardless of the situation, is all I need. (sorry, Blendtec blender)

Keep it going!

Is anyone else spring cleaning & going through similar fears of letting go? How do you overcome that fear? Let's keep this discussion going in the comments 👇 👇



I don't know if I could say goodbye to my BlendTec blender. That thing is a beast and will smoothify anything you through at it as long as you make sure to balance the liquids properly.

Good luck with your journeys and striking a balance of what to keep and what to let go.

Thank you! We need all the luck we can get :)

Yeah I’m not totally for sure if I’m leaving it behind - I just love it so much and I use it everyday! We’ll be using solar panels and we have a generator, so hopefully between the two, I can make it work - cross your fingers!

I'm no electrician but I bet as long as the system can handle that initial surge of energy you would be good. Typically it doesn't take very long for it to smash everything up.

I love to read of people plugging into abundance rather than lack. I get that way myself often. I fear that I am going to be lacking in something.

I have to do, as you have done, and remind myself of how abundant my life is now.

I am blessed!

Ah, yes! It's easy to believe in lack, but it's even easier to believe in abundance! Thanks for reading :)

Purging for your journey is a great thing to write about. It isn't easy to let go for most people as we have built up lifetimes of attachments to the things in our vortex. It's great that you already know what you're going to do and how much space you will have, so you're not tempted to hang onto the fluff just in case.

I'm feeling the spring cleaning bug, but somehow Steemit just keeps getting my attention! Glad to be here with you while you are purging though, @lindseylambz. And also excited to share some time and space with you in Vegas at the Steem Creators Conference. Not to mention the women's panel.....oh yeah...we're doing it!!!

Heck yes we are!! And you’re so right - knowing I’ll be in such a tiny space makes it a lot easier to have a bigger donation pile than the going with us pile, ha! I can’t wait to reconnect with you in Vegas! 💕💕

If you have any of your creations (or Richard's) that you would like to exhibit in the art space in Vegas, make a little cubby space to bring that with you. Would love to have some of your energy up in the mix!

I'm afraid I didn't inherit the artistic gene haha I've been trying to get my sister on Steemit - she makes incredible art!

Well, I'm sure you'll bring your awesome energy anyway, so spreading that around will be more than enough! <3

@lindseylambz I envy your upcoming journey. I would love to travel around in an rv and get rid of all my extra "stuff" . Hopefully we can all meet up again somewhere out there. Enjoy the ride. :)

Heck yeah!! You & your fam just need to get an RV and caravan with us :)

I wish you a safe journey. I too would like to discard unused unwanted unneeded possessions I've been procrastinating. You inspire me.

Thank you so much @zonosteem! You can do it! 🙌🏼

What a great performance! @lindseylambz

I hope your travels bring you through the north :)

Hey @nwtdarren! I hope so too! How north are you?!

62 degrees!
Yellowknife is worth it though.

Haha that's pretty north!! I think my Texan blood would freeze there ;)

It might. The climate here is nothing to trifle with. From frozen pipes to square tires, the north presents unique hazards.
It's worth it.

Umm yeah! If you have northern lights I could find a way to be happily frozen!

You have a talent for steemit

By now, you are probably on the road and the blender question is solved. I would take it and find a way to use it on the road - the easiest way to get healthy food... but whatever decision you made is the perfect decision.
Looking forward to meeting you in Vegas!!

Haha yup, I ended up bringing the blender. I figure if I'm only using it once a day then it can't take up too much power - I love smoothies too much to let it go! Looking forward to meeting you as well! ❤️

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