Demon souls Game guide part 2
Hi Guys this is the second times
part 2 this game guide is may be
help Demon souls is, at first, a difficult game, but after you've been through it for two or three times and know enemy attack patterns, enemy placement and what gear and build suits you. you'll find it's not that bad. That's what this FAQ is about, help new players get through it and help advanced players with getting those last few trophies for platinum. This guide is written with getting the platinum trophy in mind, without ever going online since it's very possible, yet time consuming to do so. The online aspect of the game however, is pretty big and really worth your time if you are willing to invest in it. Alright, enough of my ranting, let's go!
The Tower of Latria 3-1 [TOL1]
Let me start by saying; “This place creeps me the hell out.”
With that out of the way, equip your bow, and step forward out of the cell. AT
this point, you may hear a soft chiming sound.
Look around for a moving green light, and take aim with your bow.
Be sure to shoot the thing till it's dead.
Congrats, you just killed yourself a Mindflayer. These creatures have the
ability to cast Magic Arrow, Paralyze enemies, and create an orb or energy
around themselves that knocks back and damages anyone in range.
Don't engage them in melee combat.
Head left, ignoring the cells for now. On your right turn, you'll see a soul
behind some stacked coffins with a [Renowned Soldiers Soul] inside it. To the
right of it, is the [Prison of Hope, 3F Cell Key] on a hook on the wall. Grab
it and start opening cell doors. There'll be a [Wooden Catalyst],
[Wizards Shoes] [Wizards Clothes] and [Wizards Gloves] in the body in the cell
directly across from where you got the key, and to the far right, is a
[Splinter of Mercurystone : 1]
Some of the creatures freed from the cells will follow you about getting in
your way, while others wielding knives will attack you! The only upside to
letting them out is the Widows Lotus, and Splinter of Moonlightstone they
drop, but I don't quite have the heart to murder them without good reason. ;_;
In an open cell to the right of where you entered this room is some
[Augite of Guidance : 3] and across the way, there's a body with a
[Renowned Soldier's Soul] in it.
In the next area, there'll be 2 more mindflayers. Snipe them down, and in the
cells you'll find a [Splinter of Mercurystone : 2], a [Silver Coronet],
another [Renowned Soldiers Soul], and... uh... well...
A total of 13 prisoners if you include the ones you had to kill...
Moving on, grab the [Prison of Hope, 3F Key] and head back to where you first
started. Further to the right, you'll find a locked gate, with a Fog Gateway
behind it. Head up the stairs, and past the 14th prisoner, and the cell to
your right will contain an [Unknown Hero's Soul], and the Iron Maiden will
have a [Stone of Ephemeral Eyes] inside it.
In the next cell to the rig- OH NO...
Uh... 8 more prisoners... I'm sorry... I'll have to kill all of you, cause I
can't move now...
It'll be like being bitten by a stray dog, it'll only hurt for a second! I'm
Hacking and slashing sounds
Ok... I'm sniffle alright now. Moving on...
Wait... I don't have the key to this door yet? S-so I... Didn't have to slay
everyone just now? Cries some more
Keep moving till you pass the 4F door, and open up the next cell. Next to it,
you can hear someone singing. Enter, and kill the 3 knife wielding prisoners
and pick up the [Fresh Spice : 1] inside.
There'll be another open cell ahead, with 2 iron maidens inside it, one
containing an [Assassins Hood], [Black Leather], [Black Gloves] and
[Black Boots], the other containing an [Unknown Hero's Soul]. Head through the
crack in the wall, and watch out; a Mindflayer may be nearby. You might have
to slash it down fast to survive.
The Iron Maiden in this room contains a knife wielding prisoner that may
poison you! Don't bother opening it unless you enjoy about 10 mins. worth of
poison damage.
Look to the left and snipe the Mindflayer there, then look behind you and grab
the [Prison of Hope, 4F Key] and [Prison of Hope, 4F Cell Key].
Now you can go back and open the last locked cell you passed to pick up the
[Unknown Hero's Soul], a [Secret Dagger], and some [Claws].
Now, unlock the 4F door, and kill the Mindflayer on the other side. There'll
be [Fresh Spice : 3] out there as well. Head back in, and the cell to your
right, and you'll find the singing belongs to a Once Royal Mistress, who can
shed some light on what happened in Boletaria, and sell you a few interesting
things, one of which is the [Ring of Avarice] which increases the amount of
souls you obtain when slaying enemies.
Just outside her cell is a [Renowned Soldier's Soul]. The next cell only
contains more insane prisoners, 4 of them wielding knives.
The Cell right beside it, has 4 Iron maidens. A couple contain an
[Unknown Hero's Soul : 2], while the third has the [Ring of Magical Sharpness]
inside it, and the fourth one away from the bunch contains an Iron Maiden with
a poisoned knife wielding prisoner. Don't open it.
Open the next door, and head down the stairs. Ignore the next set you reach,
and go past them to grab a phial of [Old Spice : 1], and the second cell down
is holding the infamous Sage Freke! You'll have to come back later to open the
cell as you don't have the key for now.
Head downstairs and unlock the gate down there to find the
[Prison of Hope 1F Key], and the [Prison of Hope 1F Cell Key] on a hook. Open
the gate to the end of this hallway, as you don't have the keys for the others
yet, head down the stairs and through the Fog Gateway.
The next remains you find contain a [Heavy Crossbow] and some
[Black Bolt : 9]. Don't gawk too long as a Mindflayer is just down the path.
You can unlock the next cell to kill another prisoner, but the rest are
locked, including the one containing Rydyell's spirit!
He has little in the way of time for now so you'd better look for the token of
his wife.
Head downstairs yet again, and there'll be a Legion, a mass of once human
bodies mashed together to create a globular monstrosity, firing magic arrows
at you. Kill it with some arrows while taking refuge behind the pillars, as
it's melee damage is quite formidable and will slay most in a couple of hits.
Keep running and you'll find a few pieces of armor in a soul at the end of the
hallway. Inside the soul are a [Fluted Helmet], [Silver Bracelet] (handy for
the soul hungry!), [Kite Shield], [Fluted Leggings], [Fluted Gauntlet], and
[Fluted Armor].
You'll also find a couple of [Unknown Soldier Soul : 2] in the cells nearby.
Near where you killed that giant monster thing, you'll find some
[Old Spice : 3]. Keep going and you'll find another [Unknown Soldier Soul] in
one of the cells to the left and one more [Unknown Soldier Soul] to the right.
There's a door leading outside, hidden by some coffins, head through that and
to the left to grab a [Splinter of Moonlightstone]. Follow the path to the
right, and you'll find an [Estoc].
Now, head back to where you killed that huge thing and head out the open door
leading outside.
You'll see a cutscene where a statue makes like the Megazord and transforms
into a super killing machine. I kid you not.
Head down the path, and you'll see a pile of dead bodies where many have
failed to defeat it. There'll be one soul that you can grab if you inch right
up to it, and it'll be the [Prison of Hope, Jailer's Key].
Wait for the death machine thing to fire two volley's of bolts, then run
across the death area, and carefully frop down to the ledge where you can grab
a [Stone of Ephemeral Eyes]. Climb up the ledge behind you and follow it all
the way along until you reach the end, where there is a break in the fencing
for you to climb up. Keep going forward down the path, past the turn, till you
see another break in the fencing, and once again, carefully drop down, follow
the path, and grab the [Mercury Rapier +1] that's at the end of the path.
Now you should be able to head back to where you found the 1st floor keys, and
open the gates there.
There will be 2 Mindflayers at the end of the hallway here, so you might want
to take them out with some well placed arrows, sneak up and stab them to
death, or a combination of the two.
You'll also find a [Renowned Hero's Soul : 2], in each hallway. Open the gate
at the end of these halls, and you'll find a set of stairs leading down to a
path, which leads to a tower. Head up the staircase and follow the path till
you find a [Silver Catalyst], snipe that moron casting spells on the other
side of the cathedral in the head with a well placed arrow (He revives the
boss at the end of the stage, and won't stop till he's dead) and then head all
the way back downstairs, and through the Fog Gate at the bottom of the tower.
From here, you can step up to the back of the killing machine and pull the
switch to turn it off.
It's former victims in the path ahead dropped a [Traditional Soldier's Soul],
a couple [Renowned Soldier's Soul : 2], a [Clever Rats Ring] and a
[Stone of Ephemeral Eyes : 1], if you were curious.
Head to the other tower across the way and keep following the path till you
hit the end. Step over the body of the guy you just sniped, and grab the
[Prison of Hope, Special Key] off it's hook. If you want, you can go back and
free Sage Freak (no, I didn't misspell it) if you'd like. He'll hand you
[Geri's Stiletto] as a gift for saving him.
Keep running back the way you came, till you find a break in the railing to
your right. Look down, and you'll see a soul on a ledge. It's just some
[Widows Lotus : 2], almost hardly worth the trouble if they didn't cost so
By now, you've no doubt noticed the Black Phantom firing crossbow bolts at
you. Jump down, get close enough, and they'll switch to their dagger. Their
melee skills and damage are quite weak, so you shouldn't be too worried about
dying here. Just break their guard, and slash them to death.
For your trouble, she'll drop a few [Chunk of Moonlightstone : 3], and
[Stone of Ephemeral Eyes : 2]
Head up the steps to meet...
Get you bow out, because it's hunting season. Your prey today, is the Fools
Idol, a false goddess who's parlor tricks include casting a very weak Magic
Arrow that any Mindflayer could easily top, creating multiple copies of
herself and swapping with them to confuse you, and laying very visible
paralysis traps on the floor.
Just hide behind a pillar and fire arrows at her for major damage, and any
idols that have their own health bars are just copies. Keep switching targets
until you hit the real thing.
Brave adventurers can run up with a sword and end the fight even quicker, if
you look out for the traps.
Overall, no one should have trouble with this boss, not after the hell that
was King Allant.
Grab the [Traditional Soldier's Soul], take your stress out on the prisoners
wandering about, hug the wall on the right of the altar, grab the baby's nail
behind it, then head to the altar and watch yourself get abducted by Gargoyles.
Head up the stairs to find the [Doll Demon's Soul], and head back to the Nexus
for now.
The Tower of Latria 3-2 [TOL2]
Head down the pathway, and towards the flame. A gargoyle will approach you,
but don't be alarmed, they're weaker than they look.
Grab the [Renowned Hero's Soul] on the end of the broken bridge.
Head down the only safe path, and look out for the Gargoyle on the left; It's
not a statue. It's skittish, so you can whip out your bow while it flies back.
Don't forget to grab the [Fresh Spice : 6] from the remains there. Before you
go too far down the path, whip out your bow, look up and snipe the gargoyle in
the air up ahead.
Head inside to see some kind of huge heart, beating away. Groovy.
Head right, past the passageway, and you'll find some [Old Spice : 2] behind
some jars. Go through the passageway now, and you'll see a
[Splinter of Moonlight : 1] at the end of it. Turn around, and you'll see a
path to the left, on the outside of the building blocked by jars. Smash
through to earn yourself a [Renowned Hero's Soul]. As you head down, look out
for the Gargoyle that will rush you. To your right will be a blocked passage,
head into it, and a gargoyle with a crossbow (CG) will take aim at you. Shoot
it out of the air, and take the right, smashing through those pots to grab a
[Renowned Hero's Soul]. Follow the path for a few
[Splinter of Moonlightstone : 2] and a [Chunk of Moonlightstone : 1] at it's
Head back up the path to the heart, and this time, take the stairs to the
left. When you reach the top of the path, ready your bow, and take out the
gargoyle in the air to the left. Get onto the path, and you should see another
CG down the path waiting to be sniped.
There'll be another gargoyle you can snipe further down the passageway, beyond
that one statue, and the gargoyle on the right pillar pretending to be a
statue, obviously waiting for someone to use them for target practice.
Head through the fog gateway, and up the stairs. You'll eventually come across
a lift, but you'll want to use it to get to the other side of the passage, to
grab a [Stone of Ephemeral Eyes] at the end. Go back, take the lift, but
beware the gargoyle that will attack you from the air on your right when you
get off.
Keep heading upwards, to find 4 prisoners with flames shooting from their
fingertips. I took all four of them out, and watched the cool cutscene of that
chain getting removed.
The stairs above will also lead to a key that opens the cell to the 2nd floor
cells in 2-1.
Grab the [Renowned Soldier's Soul] and head down the path. There'll be some
[Fresh Spice : 2] on the next stop, and when you head down, you'll have to
take a jump. When you land, you'll see a [Splinter of Keystone] and the
infamous Surt the Silent Chief, in his cage.
If you intend on playing a black tendency character, it's in your best
interest to let Surt out, and let him come to the Nexus.
If you're a pure white character, you may as well let him out, and kill him
here and now, and grab his equipment, consisting of a [Gloom Helm],
[Gloom Armor] [Gloom Gauntlet] and [Gloom Leggings], which are basically
upgraded versions of the fluted armor, with comparable defense and weight,
decent resistances and durability, in return for impaired stamina regen.
If you do intend on letting him out to roam the Nexus unchecked, just be aware
that he WILL kill random NPC's, such as Yuria, or Boldwin and apparently in
some odd cases, Stockpile Thomas too. Just keep that in mind.
Either way, you'll have to step into the cage Surt was in, to take you down to
a swamp of... blood.
Like something out of a horror flick, you'll be attacked by some weird leech
demons. Head up the path and to the right to grab a [Stone of Ephemeral Eyes]
and then go left to grab a [Renowned Soldier's Soul].
Uh... Yeah. I'm too busy with work to finish the guide here, you'll have to
find your own way.
Sorry. ;_;
This boss has 2 tactics, and one wild card.
It's first move, will usually be a ground based attack, with slow swiping
attacks, and a quick lunge if you're too far for it to swipe at you.
Tactic #2 is to fly into the sky, and fire a blast of energy at you. Keep
rolling, and you'll be fine.
It's wild card, is the snake it has for a tail. It makes the damn thing go
berserk, powering up it's attacks, and attack speed, turning it into a pain
train on the ground, and a carpet bomber in the sky.
When it's first on the ground, just slash it's tail off, and you'll be fine.
It'll take a load of damage, and Strong adventurers, or a full party, can kill
it before it takes off into the sky.
There'll be a second one in a little while, so it's best not to dally with
killing the first one.
*** Fly, my pretties! Fly! Eehehehehe! ***
Grab your [Mixed Soul] and head back to the nexus for anything you need,
then head up the stairs, through the leech things, and the 2 black phantom
Mindflayers to make your way to the...
About a quarter of the way up the stairs... You'll watch a cool cutscene where
the Old Monk summons a Black Phantom to do his dirty work.
After the Old Monk's untimely demise, the Black phantom will either be an AI,
or a Black Phantom Pker that was forcefully summoned to be the boss of this
As the equipment and skills of players wildly varies, there's no way for me to
recommend an effective way to fight back. Using magic is a great idea, and
using a spell to suppress spellcasting is an even batter one, as the monk's
headdress usually upgrades the BP's spell power, while downgrading their spell
In any case, when you first enter the room, if it's not immediately visible in
front of you, ROLL FORWARDS ASAP. Chances are they're just as crafty as I am,
hiding to the right or left of the entrance, and as you step in, we'll run you
through with our Demonbrandt.
Sorry. And good luck.
*** Psycho killer, Quest que cest? Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better. ***
After dispatching the BP, grab the soul, and head to the next stage...
Shrine of Storms 4-2 [SOS1]
Not more that 10 paces from where you spawned, and you'll already have pissed
off one of the locals. Those with bows, or magic can make short work of the
white skeleton (WS), but be sure to watch out for their rolling attack.
For the rest of us with swords and shields, just block till it stands up,
and then slash the unliving daylights out of it. 2hd-ers and other "crush"
weapon wielders will have an easier time beating the heck out of these
Just ignore Satsuki over there, as he's just a jerk.
Up the stairs, you'll also be able to find another WS up the stairs, with an
Archer Skeleton (AS) further ahead. Just quickly dispatch the WS, and the
AS, then get ready for the next 2 WS at the top of the stairs.
I recommend leading them down the stairs a bit, as there are 2 AS on the
structure up ahead.
The 2 as can be easily shot down, with that small cliff as cover from
their magical arrows.
As soon as you enter the courtyard through that Fog Gateway, I'm sure
you'll spot the demon from the beginning, the Vanguard.
Before charging in , try casting spells, or launching arrows at it's face
from a safe distance. You should be able to kill it while it stands there,
oblivious to your shots.
From it's corpse, you'll be able to grab a [Grey Demon's Soul].
Head back to the fog gate, and take a left turn.
If you look at the ground, you'll see an obvious trap in front of you.
the quick can just roll over and activate it, then run through the tunnel
and out of the way of the 3 arrows. Those with shields, can block all 3
arrows with little difficulty.
Either way, go up the stairs, dispatch the WS, and run past where those 2 AS'
were standing, and go down the stairs on the other side of the bridge.
Hit the trap and run back to the stairs, then grab the key from the
corpse there.
This boss's weakness seems to be his head, which can be hit with arrows, or
I suggest getting to the bottom as soon as possible, as his sweeping tongue
attacks can reach any and all corners up top, dealing some hefty damage to the
lightly armored.
Once you do get down, it's slow slash and tongue attacks should be easy enough
to dodge with a simple side roll. Just keep firing on it's head, and you'll
kill it in no time.
Before you leave look left and grab the [Traditional Soldier's Soul] sitting
there. You'll receive a [Swollen Demon's Soul] from the archstone.
*** “The bigger they are...” ***
Shrine of Storms 4-2 [SOS2]
Head down the stairs, whip out your bow, and get rid of any stingrays you feel
like killing. Then look to the outside of each set of stairs to find a
[Stone of Ephemeral Eyes], and a [Traditional Soldier's Soul], then head down
the next set of stairs behind you. You'll find some [Soul Remains : 3], and
Graverobber Bilge, with some nice new stuff for sale.
Keep going down, and trigger the trapdoor to watch a cutscene to see the Grim
Reaper summoning ghosts of some sort.
Turn to your left to grab some poisoned throwing [Kunai : 11], then return to
the center of the path to snipe the Reaper.
This will in turn get rid of the remaining ghosts in the room, and net you
roughly 6k in souls, making this a prime spot for soul farming if you're
running a little low.
After cheating death, head down the stairs on the far right side of the room,
and start picking up the items here. Among them is a
[Splinter of Darkmoonstone], [Full Moon Grass : 2], [Unknown Soldiers Soul].
You'll see some augite of guidance on the floor leading to Patches, back to
his graverobbing ways again!
He'll tell you to look down a pit filled with treasure, and BAM!
Down you go, tricked by that bald son of a gun.
You'll see Saint Urbain down there, who will tell you of a Black Phantom
guarding the only way out of the room. Once again, the bow comes in handy, as
it does nothing to react to an archer it can't see on the other side of the
Pick up the [Splinter of Darkmoonstone : 2], [Cresent Moon Grass : 3]
scattered about the room, then the [Chunk of Darkmoonstone : 3] and
[Stone of Ephemeral Eyes] off the corpse of the BP, then head through that
There'll be an [Unknown Soldier's Soul] on the way up too.
You'll activate a trap on the top which opens a door that'll lead you to
Patches, who quickly attempts to bargain his way out of the situation with a
[Ring of Gash Resistance].
Kill him or not, leave the room, and head to the other side of the stairs in
the main room here, and follow the stairs inside upwards, and past another
[Unknown Soldier's Soul]. At the top of this path will be a soul containing
another [Stone of Ephemeral Eyes], but there'll be a trap in your way.
Step on the switch, and just step back down the stairs calmly to evade it.
Head back to the grim reapers original position where he summoned those
ghosts, and activate the switch behind the altar if you haven't already. It'll
open the next door to the outside. You'll need quite a bit of lead to shoot
them down, but I truly suggest getting rid of those flying rays in the sky.
Their magic will make the next part annoyingly tough.
There'll be 2 skeleton and a SA at the next flat part of the path to the
right, so you should try to draw the two skeletons one at a time with either
magic or a bow, to avoid getting overwhelmed. Once you've wiped out all three,
you can draw one of the two golden skeletons up ahead with the same trick,
eliminating them one at a time.
Grab the [Traditional Soldier's Soul] and head through the Fog Gateway. You'll
find a [Soul Remains : 2]. In the next room, there'll be a couple odd ghost
firing an eye beam in a wide sweep. Keep rolling at it till it's done beaming,
kill it fast, or fire arrows at it, then grab the [Traditional Soldier's Soul]
and head downstairs. Kill the next beamer, then keep your guard up.
If you hear giggling, then roll, fast!
There'll be a female ghost about to backstab you. Kill it, then quickly kill
the reaper nearby. This will get rid of most of the other ghosts, but the
female ones will remain.
Head down the stairs, and to the right to grab those items, but do a roll
again, as there will be two female spirits hiding there. The items are only
[Crescent Moon Grass : 2], but at least the souls are worth it. Head through
the Fog Gateway, and quickly run down the pathway, as you'll have flying rays
taking potshots at you.
Once you're inside, follow the pathway, through the spirit standing there, and
keep moving till you seee a beam spirit. Kill it with a long ranged attack,
then run in and kill the Reaper hiding next to the wall beside it, before it
You'll find a [Traditional Soldiers Soul] on this path, and at the end of
you'll enter a room with large slugs and odd moving, explosive lights.
Avoid those lights, for those who weren't quick enough to grasp the
“Explosive” part.
The slugs drop varying pieces of suckerstone , and sticky white stuff, so
they're worth killing, but watch out for their poisonous spray. You can drop
down to the right to grab a piece of [Sticky White Stuff : 2], then head up
the path to grab the [Traditional Soldier's Soul] on the altar. There's also a
[Shard of Darkmoonstone], a [Ronin's Ring], a [Traditional Soldier's Soul] and
the [Gripless] katana.
Heat to the tunnel at the end of this room, and through the Fog Gateway at the
end of it to meet...
Grab the [Legendary Soldier's Soul] in front of you, get ready to watch a cool
The Old Hero is blind, so you'll be able to sneak around, firing arrows into
his back while he flails about looking for you. The Thief's ring also comes in
pretty handy, making him less likely to find you.
If he does get too close, just keep rolling away, and hide behind one of the
After he's dead, look about for some [Toad Eye Arrow : 31],
[Full Moon Grass : 3] and don't forget to grab the [Hero's Demon's Soul]
*** “He never saw that coming.” ***
Head back to the Nexus, and get yourself ready for another battle.
Now, directly to your left, is the most important thing in this battle.
No, It's not an item, it's that boulder.
This is your safe spot. Run back here when things get too hot, because nothing
in this stage will run/fly this far to attack you.
Now, towards the end of the cape, you'll see a large set of rocks jutting out
of the ground. Make a mad dash to the end of that cape, and there will be a
blade called the [Storm Bringer] thrust into the rock. Run back to the safe
place before you get speared to death, and take a breather.
Now lock on the the closest manta, and swing the blade. The massive shockwave
created by the Storm Bringer will kill anything under it's massive slash,
meaning you now have a way to fight back, assuming the target is within 25 ft
of you.
Keep killing manta's until the Storm Ruler flies in.
Run back to your safe place, until it's attack is finished, then run out and
use the shockwave to strike it twice.
Rinse, repeat, and you'll be done in no time.
*** “My drill will pierce the heavens!” ***
There's a few [Traditional Soldier's Soul Scattered about the stage, along
with a set of [Toad-Eye Arrows : 11] in a broken house, a
[Stone of Ephemeral Eyes] behind a rock, and 3 sparkling gecko's.
Head to the archstone to collect your [Storm Demon's Soul], and
[Pure Cloudstone], and back to the Nexus to prepare for your foray into the
Valley of Defilement.
Valley of Defilement 5-1 [VD1]
Head up the planks to your left, and when you reach the top, watch out for the
collapsing floor. Kill the goblin, and take the path to the right to get
yourself a [Renowned Hero's Soul]. Break through the boards ahead and kill the
spear goblin (SG). Keep going, and kill the two goblins ahead of you, then
look left, and jump down to grab the soul containing a [Morning Star]. Turn to
your left, and jump down to the next platform to operate the piece of wood
standing upright, to make a bridge.
Grab the [Talisman of God], and the [Widow's Lotus : 2] on the other side, and
kill the 6 goblins there. Head down the ramp and grab the
[Unknown Hero's Soul], and kill the goblin on the bridge below. As you
might've noticed, some corpses are actually goblins pretending to be dead.
You'll pass over one for now, and as soon as you kill the SG on the bridge,
you'll be attacked by one up front and one behind.
Move forward, and 3 more will attack you.
Now, up ahead, and there'll be a ladder, but I usually just drop down instead.
Kill the 2 goblins, then the two SG ahead. There is a shortcut to your left,
to drop down to the next section, but just ignore that for now and head
through the Fog Gateway.
There'll be a [Royal Lotus : 3] to your left before you head down. At the
bottom, there'll be one goblin up and about, but after you attempt to grab the
[Unknown Hero's Soul] and [Splinter of Faintstone : 1] in the bushes, 2 more
goblins will ambush you. Head across the bridge, and kill the goblin to your
right, then go left, and get rid of the SG there. You'll find a corpse with a
saint equip set, [Saint's Robe], [Saint's Gloves], [Saint's Boots] and a
[Stone of Ephemeral Eyes]. Look out for the goblin that ambushes you here.
Head back to the other side, and attack the large bloated bug in your way, but
keep back, as the blood mist it releases is poisonous. Head down, and you'll
see a Filthy Woman selling some useful items, among which is a Talisman of
God. Better buy one extra so you can trade it for a Colorless Demon soul at
Head down, but watch out for the plague inducing rats down there. You'll also
find a [Crescent Moon Grass : 1] here too. I'd try to kill the Large Goblin
(LG) with ranged attacks, but running up and killing him is good too. Just
watch out for his powerful club, and boulders dropped on you from above.
Remember that shortcut I mentioned a while back? Now might be a good time to
go back and try it, now that everything that is going to surprise you is dead.
Take a leap of faith, right into that pile of bushes below, Assassins Creed
style. When you land, two goblins will ambush you, and two more will come
running. Kill em all, and grab the nearby Stone of Ephemeral Eyes. When you
near the bridge ahead, you may get ambushed by another goblin, so be alert.
You'll find some [Traditional Soldier's Soul : 2] in this area, and a
[Blessed Mace +1] under a bug.
Watch out for the other 2 goblins that will ambush you. Drop the bridge, and
move past where you first saw that Large Goblin.
There'll be 2 SG and 2 normal ones there. Head up, and kill the 3 bugs, and
there'll be 2 SG on the bridge, and a LG on the other side.
Head down, and under that last ramp, you'll find a [Full Moon Grass : 3].
Head through the Fog Gateway to fight...
this is the not ended
so i try to next tims time
Thanks you all of friend
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Nice game play I like it
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