Breath of fire IV Game Guide

in #happy7 years ago

This is the walkthrough for the English version of Breath of Fire IV. This is my hardwork. Please respect the author. Please do not reproduce this guide for profitable purposes. Feel free to distribute it among individual. This FAQ is for personal and private use only. If anyone wants to place this FAQ onto any website, please e-mail me first. Don't worry, i would be most happy that people actually wanted to place my FAQ onto their site. If i have given you the permission to place the FAQ, please keep this FAQ as it is, do not change the author name and the information here. E-mail policy: I added this section because i receive a lot of e-mails everyday. Only ask me about things that are not mention in this guide. No chain letter and blank messages please. I welcome suggestions, comments and constructive critizism. I assure you that i will read through every single e-mails and try to reply to everyone. Please do not keep on posting the same e-mails if you did not receive any reply.
Playable Characters ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |R|y|u| Age : ?? Hometown : unknown Field Action : Slash (Slash bushes and people) Will : ?? Description : The main character of Breath of Fire IV as well as all Breath of Fire series. Wear simple clothes which made him a rather plain character. Everything about him is a mystery. He first appeared naked in a crater near Sarai. He travels with Nina in order to help her find princess Elina as well as find his own background. He is a above-average character and has well-rounded statistics as well as killer dragon magic. |N|i|n|a| Age : ?? Hometown : Wyndia Field Action : Hover (View the surroundings as Bird-Eye View) Will : Cheer (Recover ally's HP when she is placed on back row) Description : She is the princess of Wyndia where all the winged lives. During the western continent tour, her sister, Elina mysteriously disappear without much trace. Cray, the cheif of worent travel with her to help her search for Elina. During the journey, their vehicle was damaged and Nina had to look for spare parts. On the trip, she met up with Ryu and from then on, they always travel together. She is a very strong magic user and is the best. Because of this, she becomes an undispensible person in your party. Level 2 : Sever Level 23: Vitalize Level 3 : Heal Level 26: Inspire Level 5 : Purify Level 29: Typhoon Level 8 : Barrier Level 31: Kyrie Level 11: Rejuvenate Level 34: Restore Level 14: Cyclone Level 36: Resurrect Level 17: Raise Dead Level 39: Vigor Level 20: Remedy |C|r|a|y| Age : ?? Hometown : Worent Field Action : Push (Push heavy objects) Will : Cover (Take damage for ally when placed on front row) Description : The cheif of Worent. He travels with Nina to search for princess Elina. During the journey, he got himself into a lot of troubles and with the help of his friends, he managed to escape death. Worens are very good fighters so you can expect Cray to be very physical. He is all about brute force. He has some useful spells too so he may be a good magic user at times. Level 2 : Protect Level 17: Stone Pillar Level 5 : Speed Level 21: Might Level 8 : Rock Blast Level 25: Shield Level 11: Slow Level 30: Quake Level 14: Blunt |E|r|s|h|i|n| Age : ?? Hometown : Chamba? Field Action : Head Ram (Break objects, knock trees and people) Will : Assist (A free attack from her when placed on back row) Description : Another mysterious character in Breath of Fire IV. She joins the party during the trip to Chamba. She volunteers to help your party cross the hexed area. She was a purifier whose job is to travel from town to town to clear the hexes. She joins your party after getting past north Chamba. You will find her laughing in situations that no one shouldn't have laughed but as i said, she is a mysterious character. She is a good fighter with high attack power and ultra defense but is hopeless in magic. Her attacks are a little inaccurate but that doesn't make her a bad character. She is suitable in all places. She fights well when you place her in the front row and she support your party when you place her in the back row. Just don't use her in a battle that requires strong magic and you will find her to be useful. Level 2 : Risky Shot Level 23: Quake Level 7 : Wild Shot Level 28: Inferno Level 13: Stand Out Level 35: Typhoon Level 15: Death Level 45: Primus Level 16: Blizzard |S|c|i|a|s| Age : ?? Hometown : unknown Field Action : None Will : Strengthen (Yells "you will feel my blade!" and becomes stronger. Only used when he is in the front) Description : He is a mercenary hired by Ludia to stop Ryu's and friends from doing anything that aids Cray while Cray is being held captive. He is moves by Nina and Ryu's dedication towards friends and decided to join them. Scias wields a sword and in another good fighter. He is also a rather well-rounded character with good magic attack and defense. Level 2 : Frost, Sleep Level 19: Rejuvenate Level 4 : Identify (Cut out)Level 22: Raise Dead Level 5 : Shining Blade Level 25: Remedy Level 8 : Heal Level 28: Blizzard Level 10: Purify Level 31: Vitalize Level 13: Confuse Level 34: Lifestealer Level 16: Ice Blast Level 37: Restore |U|r|s|u|l|a| Age : ?? Hometown : Field Action : Shoot (Blast objects) Will : Revive (When dead, she may come back to life with 1 HP) Description : She is the granddaughter of the general of the Fou imperial Army. She is sicked and tired of the curel methods used by the imperial officers. She joins the party but remains loyal to the Empire. She uses a melee weapon which possesses incredible power. Level 2 : Flare, Fireblast Level 24: Enfeeble Level 5 : Confuse Level 27: Drain Level 8 : Weaken Level 28: Leech Power Level 11: Rock Blast Level 31: Inferno Level 15: Silence Level 33: Death Level 21: Cyclone |F|o|u|-|L|u| Age : unknown Hometown : unknown Field Action : None Will : unknown Description : The main villian of the game. You control him at some part of the game. He is also the first emperor of the Fou's Empire. During the game, he is constantly being hunted down by the general of imperial Army, Yohm. He possesses the power to summon and transform into dragons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Good Characters ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |P|u|p|p|e|t|e|e|r| You can meet this person in various towns. They hold a puppet on hand so it is pretty easy to identify him. He will teach you the basics of the game. |R|w|o|l|f| He is the first master you encounter. He is a person specialized in the magical side so his apprentices will receive bonus in wisdom and AP but penalties in HP and power. You can find him in Kurok Valley. |T|a|h|b| He is the leader of the purifiers. You first meet him in Chamba. He is a unhelpful character as he turns you down when you ask him to be your guide. |R|h|o|p|p|e| He is the guy in the hot-pink tube in the Dam. He is the guy you get the key to reach the sluice gate control. |B|u|n|y|a|n| He is the first savior of Fou-Lu. When Fou-Lu falls from the bridge after Yohm's attack, he was saved by Bunyan. Bunyan becomes a master in the later part of the game. His apprentice will receive bonus in Power, Defense, Agility and Wisdom but penalties in both HP and AP. |M|a|r|l|o|k| A rich business man who sends you to do errands in exchange for some informations. He will become a master at the late part of the game. You will have to obtain certain treasure ball in order for him to become your master. Check the treasure upgrade section for more details. |S|t|o|l|l| He is the second master in the game you meet. He is the master of stealing as well as escaping. You first encounter him while helping Marlok to catch the theif. His apprentice will receive bonus in agility. |L|y|t|e| The sister of the Orphanage. She takes care to the orphans. At a later part of the game, she becomes a master. |C|h|i|n|o| A brat from the orphanage in Synesta. He is very mischievious and you have to chase him around to get information from him. More coming up... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Villians ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |F|o|u|-|L|u| The main villian of the game. You control him at some part of the game. He is also the first emperor of the Fou's Empire. During the game, he is constantly being hunted down by the general of imperial Army, Yohm. He possesses the power to summon and transform into dragons. |Y|o|h|m| A character who can classified to be both good and bad but i will choose to classify him as bad. He will be hunting Fou-Lu down throughout the whole game. He commands the imperial Army as well as groups of strong monsters. |G|a|s|s|o| A general of a group of army. He is ordered by Yohm to capture a dragon but he himself do not know who is the dragon Yohm is refering to. You will fight his Spirit Warriors several times in the game. more coming up... ======================================================================= iii Controls ======================================================================= Directional Pad: Moves the character. Used with L1/R1 to rotate camera. Triangle : Cancel. Use character's field action. Circle : Hold to run. X : Confirm selection. Talk to people and search places. Square : Open game menu. Look at enemy statistics in battle. L1 : Rotate camera to the left. R1 : Rotate camera to the right. L2 : Switch to the person in front. R2 : Switch to the person behind. Select : Toggle the help menu during battle and fishing. Start : Pause the game. The game time will be paused too. Select + Start : Resets the game. ======================================================================= iv World Map ======================================================================= The world map of Breath of Fire IV is very simple. You cannot travel as freely as in Breath of Fire III but you can get to the destination faster. Every towns and dungeons are linked by a dotted route on the world map. You can enter random battles, set up camp as well as equip the party on the world map. ======================================================================= v Game Menu ======================================================================= Coming soon... ======================================================================= vi Battle ======================================================================= When you are proceeding across dungeons or world map battlefield, you will get into random battles. When you got into a battle, the screen will swirl. Blue swirl means that you enter a normal battle. Green swirl means that you get a round to attack the enemies and red swirl means that enemies get a free round to attack you. ======================================================================= vii Battle Commands ======================================================================= At the battle main menu, you can choose to Attack, use special, use item and guard. When you select special, a sub menu will appear giving more battle choices for you to choose from. You can choose spells and well as skills learnt from monsters and masters. ======================================================================= viii Combos ======================================================================= You can linked magics to form combo. You can also add status effect to attacks. Check section 3, part iii for more information on combos. ======================================================================= ix Status Effect ======================================================================= |P|o|i|s|o|n| Symptom: Character turns purple Effect : Lose some HP each turn Cure : Antidote, Panacea, Purify or Remedy Spell |S|l|e|e|p| Symptom: A 'Zzz' symbol appears Effect : Unable to do anything Cure : Physically attack the asleep character. Panacea or Remedy spell. Put character in the back row for three turns. |C|o|n|f|u|s|e|d| Symptom: A Spiraling symbol appears Effect : Automatically attack allies or enemies. Cure : Croc Tear, Remedy Spell, physically attack the confused ally. |M|u|t|e| Sympton: A lip symbol appears Effect : Affected person cannot use magic Cure : place him/her in the back for 3 rounds, remedy. |B|l|i|n|d| Symptom: A eye symbol appears Effect : Reduces accuracy. Cure : Eye Drops, Panacea, Croc Tear or Remedy Spell |F|a|i|n|t| Symptom: Character lying unconsciously on the ground Effect : The character is DEAD Cure : Revive him/her with a Ammonia. If he/she stays dead after battle, he/she will recover 1 HP but max HP will be reduced by 10% temperory. |E|g|g| Symptom: The character is transformed into an egg Effect : Character can't use skills and items. Defense becomes 0 and attack power decreases a lot. Character is back with full HP after three turns. Cure : Wait for 3 turns, place in the back row to ensure survival. |S|t|u|n|n|e|d| Symptom: No visible signs Effect : Lose turn and action Cure : Effect only last for one turn ======================================================================= x Saving ======================================================================= You can save your game using a Diary. These diaries can be found lying on tables in dungeon. You will find one in camp too. Whenever you see one, you should save so that if faults occur in the game, you can still load again. You can save on world map anytime by selecting 'save' in the main menu. Press 'Square' to open the main menu. ======================================================================= xi Money ======================================================================= The money used is Zenny, just like other BOF. You can get Zenny by running errands and from item bags or treasure chests. You can also get 1-10 zenny by slashing people with Ryu's sword. If you do so, your game points will be deducted. As usual, Money is very valuable in this game. They are needed for buying equipments and items. Some masters in the game will also demand money from you so keep your money high. ======================================================================= xii Game Points ======================================================================= These valuable points can only obtained from mini-games. They are neccessary in order to upgrade dragons. Hitting villagers and people for money will deduct game points so refrain yourself from slashing people to get money. 1 point will be deducted if you hit the person once. 2 points will be deducted if you hit the person and the person drops money.
1.1 Across the Desert

Items : King's Sword
New Member : Nina, Ryu
Monsters : None
W. Monsters : Cap, Eye Goo, Mage Goo, Scorpion
Boss : None
Skills :
Distracted --> Cap
Rest --> Eye Goo
Burn --> Mage Goo
Blind --> Scorpion

Nina and a guy call Cray is surfing across the desert to search for 
Nina's sister, Elina on a sandflier. A huge worm like creature emerges 
from the sand and chases after them. The creature eventually reaches 
them and send them flying off. The sandflier is filled with sand and 
Cray is unable to repair it without any spare parts. Cray stays back and 
watch the sandflier to prevent bandits from stealing it while Nina when 
off to a town call Sarai to get the spare parts. Cray hands the King's 
sword to Nina before she leaves. 

You will now control Nina and i suggest that you spend some time 
familiarise with the controls. After that, just head right from Cray to 
arrive at the world map.

Follow the dotted line and you will reach a point where a exclaimation 
will appear. Press X to enter and you will get to see another sequence. 
Nina will arrive at a huge hole and will fall into the hole. Well, it is 
not just Nina who is in the hole, a dragon is also in hte hole. Luckily, 
the Dragon will not attack, it will fly away, leaving a naked being 
behind. IF you have played previous Breath Of Fire titles, then you will 
know who the naked being is. He is Ryu, the main character of this game. 

Nina asks Ryu about the Dragon and how he ended up in the hole but Ryu 
knew nothing. As always, Ryu doesn't know where he is heading to and why 
he was here. Nina decided to bring him along with her to the nearest 
town. She also hands the King's sword to him. Now both of Nina and Ryu 
will arrive on the world map again. You may press the triangle button to 
set up a camp if you like. In the camp, you can rest, save, view skill 
and master lists. The skill and the master lists are not of your concern 
for now. I suggest that you save before doing anything.

After saving, it's time for you to get some money and skills from 
monsters. The starting 500 Z that you are given will not be enough to 
spend in the next town. Please do not enter the next area. First walk 
along the dotted line until you get question mark. Press X to enter when 
a question mark appear. Just 'loiter' around to get into random battles. 
When a battle occurs, select the guard command if you want to learn 
skills from the monsters. In order to learn the skill, you must guard 
until the monster uses the skill. Another bonus is that you can find 
random items in a black bag. When you run out of HP or AP, DO NOT use 
items, just head out of the area and replenish your HP and AP in a camp. 
I suggest that you raise Ryu level to at least level 4 before attempting 
to proceed. 

1.2   The Cliff

Items       : Ammonia
New Member  : None
Monsters    : Cap, Eye Goo
W. Monsters : None
Boss        : None
Skills      : 
    Distracted    -->  Cap
    Rest          -->  Eye Goo

When you are ready, continue along the dotted route and enter the cliff.
Once inside, Nina will tell you that you will have to go over the cliff
to reach Sarai and she arge you to hurry and reach Sarai before darkness
falls. Proceed down two slopes then down a stair. Head left and cross
the bridge. Ignore the item bag that you sees for now, you will get it
real soon. Cross under the arch and you'll see a wooden plank acting as
a bridge. Before crossing the plank, proceed north and follow the short
path to reach the item bag that you saw earlier. You'll get a Ammonia.
If you have problem locating the path, try rotating the camera. After
grabbing the item, head across the plank and continue to walk until a
short sequence occurs. Part of the road break off and it seems that
there is no way the two can get across. Nina will then teach you how to
jump across to the other side. Well, all you can do is to listen and
learn well. After the first jump, you will have to jump again. However
on the second jump, Nina did not make it, she falls off the cliff but is
saved by her own wings. Ryu goes after her but land up smashing his

Then you will be treated to another sequence and a fantastic piece of
music. The sky turns dark and you'll have to find a place to rest. Head
left and you will find a cave. Nina will suggest that they camp inside
the cave. After the conversation, you will be switched to another
place(surprise). After the sequence, you will control the mysterious guy
called Fou-Lu which is damn strong!!! Before going anywhere, it is
important for you to know something about this game. Fou-Lu and Ryu
shares the same skills but not the same items, zenny and equipments. So
you should try not to get any item bags or treasure while controlling
Fou-Lu since Ryu will come to this place sometime later. Anyway i think
you won't need much items for Fou-Lu since he is already VERY strong.

1.3 First Emperor of Fou Empire

Items : Wisdom Fruit, Super Vitamin, Ambrosia
New Member : Fou-Lu
Monsters : Zaurus
W. Monsters : Cap, Eye Goo, Mage Goo, Scorpion
Boss : Kham
Skills :
Distracted --> Cap
Rest --> Eye Goo
Burn --> Mage Goo
Blind --> Scorpion

To get out of the tomb, just run down the stair and you will reach the 
forest. Head left and up a ramp, then stand on the small piece of stone 
just next to the ramp to teleport to the other side. Note that there is 
a orange triangle on the stone. Once you get to the other side, head 
right to reach a fork. Ignore the north path, i will only lead you to a 
dead end. Instead, proceed along the south path to reach another fork. 
Ignore the path left path, just continue south and you will be stopped 
by two 'ignorant' guards. It seems that they are here to watch over this 
area as they were told that a Dragon will come here. They also intend to 
kill the Dragon. Fou-Lu then summons a Dragon. The dragon's attack leave 
a large crater behind. You will still control Fou-Lu after the sequence. 
Now Fou-Lu can transform into a dragon by using the meditate command. 
You might one to get into some battle and watch the cool transformation 
before proceeding past the crater and south to arrive at the world map.

Head left to arrive at another forest. This forest is pretty easy to 
navigate, just get to the top of the hill. At the top, you'll meet 
another mysterious guy called Kham. Kham knows about Fou-Lu and he will 
tell you about Fou-Lu. Fou-Lu is the first Emperor and he is the one who 
founded the great Fou Empire. He will battle you.
Boss Fight: Kham
Stats   :
HP: 15,000      EXP: 16,000       Zenny: 1,750       Spoils: Ambrosia 
Weakness: Water
Strength: Fire
Attacks :
Flaming Fist : Fire-based attack against one target 
Mystic Fire  : four times fire based attack 

This fight is pretty easy if Fou-Lu's remaining HP is pretty high. 
Change into the Astral Dragon in the first turn. In the dragon form, Ap 
will be drain and you will return to the human form once AP is all used 
up. You should be able to defeat this boss before the AP runs out. This 
boss is weak against water based attacks but i suggest that you save 
those AP and just use physical attacks. In no time, Kham will be wasted. 
Please note that his Flaming Fist attack misses a lot but his Mystic 
Fire has a hing accuracy. 
Unfortunately Kham will still be alive after the battle. He wants Fou-Lu 
dead! Fou-Lu escapes but Kham orders a few soldiers to set the trees on 
fire. You will then control Fou-Lu again. Proceed through the forest to 
reach the next area with a bridge. A sequence will occur after you 
approach the bridge. The red-nosed dwarf will introduce himself as Yohm, 
general of the Fou-Lu Imperial Army. He will then set the bridge on fire 
with the Flaming Fist(?!?) sending Fou-Lu off to 'hell'. He will then 
order his soldiers to search for Fou-Lu's body. 

You will control Nina and Ryu at last. They have climb their way back to 
the top. You can't climb down the stair so head up the ramp and head 
left to arrive at the world map. Again you can get into random battles 
on the world map if you want. Furthermore, you can test out Ryu's new 
special, the Aura Dragon transformation. Anyway, when you are ready to 
proceed, head into Sarai.

1.4   The First Town

Items       : Lead Ball[158Z], Antidote x2 or Panacea, Ginseng, Aurum, 
              Power Food, 40+ Z
New Member  : None
Monsters    : None
W. Monsters : None
Boss        : None
Skills      : None
Item Shop   : Croc Tear [4Z], Healing Herb [20Z], Antidote [12Z],
              Eye Drops [14Z], Ammonia [250Z], Wooden Rod [50Z], 
              Baby Frog [20Z], Straight [20Z]
Weapon Shop : Sage's Staff [230Z], Leather Armor [220Z], Bandana [30Z],
              Brass Helm [90Z], Soul Gem [1000Z]

This is the first town you will arrive. It is called Sarai. It is rather
hard to navigate through this town as it was built like a maze. When you
first enter, Nina will tell you that she is going to get some things and
will leave you with three choice to choose from. Select "Sure!" or "I
think so..." and she will leave you. If you select the last option, she
will stick with you. Anyway, choose anything you like, as the story will
not be affected in any way.

You will now be free to explore the town. Start off by slicing everyone
with your sword. What I mean is that you can press triangle to use the
sword on the villagers. They will drop some zenny and you will get the
money. The money they drop range from 1 Z - 10 Z. Note that you might
have to hit the same villager as much as eight times with your sword for
them to drop the money. After having fun with your sword, you can
continue to do some evil deeds...Enter every houses and search for

You can visit the Weapon shop to buy some new stuffs. The weapon shop is
the second stall from the entrance. The frog will sell you some new
stuffs. Buy them if you can afford, but be sure to keep about 400Z for
some mini-game later. Get a few soul gems and the leather Armor and Bass
Helm for Ryu if you have the money. When you are ready, head to the left
of the town to find a osrich and a few people. Nina is also here and she
is lost. You can't do anything so head into the Tavern just beside the

In the tavern, head down the stair and talk to the green frog. He will
offer you a 'treasure' for 158 Z. Don't worry, he is not cheating you,
so buy it. You will find out that it is a Lead Ball. From this point
onwards, you will find some treasures trader that will trade this Lead
Ball for money. You can talk to the people here if you want or you can
smack then for some money. Talk to the old man at the counter to proceed
with the game. Before he is going to tell you anything about the
Sandflier parts, you will have to treat him to a meal to make him happy.

Fun Time : Satisfy the Old man
Fun Factor: 6/10
Difficulty: 3/10

You must feed the old man to make him happy meaning you must fill his
happiness bar and not the Food and Drink Bar. Just Stuff him with Wine
and Steak to make him really happy. Feed him Steak once, then Wine once
and the process continues. Since you fed him those expensive stuffs, he
will hands you a Panacea. He will automatically tell you that he is
full. He will tell you to get further information from the information
broker outside the Inn.

If you do not have much money, you can always feed him those cheaper
stuff, the Happiness bar will still fill up eventually but only slower.
You can always buy a panacea from shops in later towns.
Note: Feed him a lot of expensive stuff and you'll get Panacea.
Feed him a lot of cheap stuff and you'll get 2 antidote.

Head out of the Tavern and you will see Nina talking to the monkey(if
you choose the first and second option). Talk to Nina and you will find
out that the monkey has agree to help Nina find the parts in exchange
for some money. Tell Nina that you don't trust him and you will not be
cheated of some valuable money. After the conversation, Nina will rejoin
you. Now head right from the town entrance to find the Inn. Talk to the
man beside the vase outside the Inn and he will tell you to make a deal
for the information.

Fun Time : Up or Down
Fun Factor: 3/10
Difficulty: 6/10

When you ask him about the sandflier parts, he will tell you that he did
not have any but know someone who has it. Tell him that you are
interested. Now you must pay for the information. The sum you offer must
match with the price of the information. Just pay him slightly above 100
Z and you'll get the information. Well, i paid 110Z for the information.
If you are willing, pay 123 Z to him and he will tell you the
information and give you a Ginseng. He will tell you to get the parts
from the black market but you'll need a password. He also tells you that
you can find one travelling merchant who know the password on the
Highway, east of the town.

Before exiting this town in search of the merchant, you might want to
stock up on some items and buy some new equipment for Nina. You can also
buy some items and fishing stuffs from the third stall from the
entrance. Buy one or two wooden rods and a few bait as you will be able
to fish real soon. When you are ready, exit the town.

Walk east from the town along the dotted line and you will come to a
point where a question mark always appear. Enter and you'll find
yourself in a desert area that is different from the random battles
area. Follow the staight path until a path branches off. Take the short
path and you will arrive at the world map again. Follow the short dotted
route to arrive at a fish spot. You might want to spend some time here.

Upon entering the fish spot, you will be taught how to fish. Press
square to enter the menu where you can equip the type of rod and lure
you are using and help and hints on fishing. Please read them to
understand fishing better. There are four types of fishes available here
for you to catch. Note that for now, you can only catch Jellyfish, Sweet
fish and Trout with straight and baby frog. Come back later and try to
catch the fourth type of fish(Rainbow Trout). After you have had fun
with fishing, walk along the path between the cliff and Sarai until you
get a question mark. Enter the area and you will find the merchant and
the osrich. I 'think' you can meet him anywhere along the route.

Anyway, when you see him, talk to him. Luckily, he will give you the
password for free. With the password in hand, head back into Sarai. YOu
might have already spotted a guy sitting outside the town at a place
where you can't seem to reach. Well, just head into the tavern, enter
the counter and talk to the bar tender and he will allow you to enter
the door. Before entering, search the cabinet beside him to find 40Z.
Then enter the room and you will meet the fat guy. It seems that
Sandfliers were used in war at some places and it is some sort of
illegal to manufacture samdflier parts. Sadly, he did not have any
sandflier parts but he will tell you about a place called Sandflier
Valley where there are some buried sandflier parts. He promise to make
you some sandflier parts out of some junks that can be dug out in the
valley. Then you will control Ryu and Nina again. Search the cabinet for
a power food which raises user attack power by 1. Used it on Ryu if you
want. By the way, you should have also gotten a Aurum from him. When
ready, head out of the town and take the new dotted route to arrive at
the Sandflier Valley.

1.5 The Great Hunt

Items : Croc Tear x8, 200 Z, Brass Helm, Glass Shard x2,
Sage Staff, Molotov, Various Ship Parts, Flattop,
Iron Scraps
New Member : None
Monsters : Cap, Eye Goo, Mage Goo, Scorpion
W. Monsters : Cap, Eye Goo, Mage Goo, Scorpion
Boss : Joh
Skills :
Distracted --> Cap
Rest --> Eye Goo
Burn --> Mage Goo
Blind --> Scorpion

Before entering the Sandflier Valley, you might want to consider saving 
or resting. Please also make sure that Ryu is at least level five before 
entering the valley. 

Once in the Valley, head up the fallen trunk and continue right until 
you see a green flag. Look carefully for a treasure chest. Open it to 
get 8 Croc Tear! You might also have spotted another chest while heading 
right to the green flag. NOw it is time for you to get the chest. Head 
south from the green flag and enter the broken hulk of the sandflier. 
Examine the wheel and turn it to the right. Now head back down the 
fallen trunk. and head right and up to get to the chest. Open it to get 
a stash of 200 Zenny!

Now head back and turn the wheel two times to the left. Head back down 
the fallen trunk again. Now head right past the previous treasure chest 
and enter the hole in the wrecked Sandflier, then down the plank and out 
of another hole. Enter the next hole in another Sandflier. Head up the 
stairs then climb up the ladder. Take the Brass Helm in the Chest. Climb 
back down te ladder and examine the device just next to the stair. It is 
a winch. Choose to operate it and the anchor of the sandflier will land 
on the sand. Head outside and step onto the anchor. It will take you to 
the higher lever. Get off it and head north to reach a building. 

Inside the building, you will find a old man and a dog. Whack the old 
man for some money if you want. Talk to him and he will tell you that 
you can dig them up in here. He will offer you his shovel and the dog 
for 25 Zenny each. I suggest that you loan both for easier finding. 
Anyway take the tool and the dog, then head out to the circular area for 
some digging time.
Fun Time  : Treasure Hunt
Fun Factor: 7/10
Difficulty: 4/10
Once in the circular area, read the instruction to understand the game. 
It will mention that the shovel will break after being used for a few 
times. As the dog is searching, it will bark, and you mush try your best 
to remember the location. The Ship Parts is around the middle of this 
circular area. There are also various good stuff buried in the sand. You 
should try your best to dig them up. The Shovel will break more easily 
when it hits a metal and the items but you can always get another shovel 
and the dog from the old man again. You can dig out 2 Glass Shard, a lot 
of Iron Scraps, a Milotov, Flattop and Sage's Staff and not just the 
ship parts. Digging out Iron Scraps, will cause the shovel to break much 
faster but you will find the uses of these metal shards in a later part 
of the game. Once you dug out the Ship parts and those items that you 
want, you are ready to proceed with the game.
Head back out of the Valley and onto the world map. Before heading back 
to Sarai, please rest up and save as you will be fighting a boss soon. 
When you are reading, enter Sarai. Talk to the villagers to find out 
that imperial troops have came here. Enter the Tavern and you will meet 
a imperial soldier. It seems that the soldier is trying to ask something 
out of the merchant that fell into the crater before Nina. The merchant 
resist and the soldier hits him with a magic spell. Just then, Nina will 
interrupt. The soldier notices that she is the princess of Wyndia and 
intends to grab her. He then summons a Warrior Spirit to take Nina. You 
will have to fight him with Nina alone. Ryu is no where to be seen...
Boss Fight: Joh
Stats   :
HP: 1,200          EXP: 100          Zenny: 305          Spoils: Aurum 
Weakness: Water/Wind
Strength: Fire
Attacks :
Burn  : Weak Fire-based attack against one target
Flail : 8 times hits against one target

His physical attacks are rather accurate but not his Flail attack which 
hits for around 13 HP damage each hit. His Flail attack misses quite 
often. His burn attack is rather damaging but if you stick to spells and 
heal often, you will win this battle in no time. Have Nina keep using 
the Sever Spell. The Sever Spell will deal around 300 HP damage, so he 
should go down in about 4-5 turns. Once you have defeated him, he will 
break down into pieces.
Now Ryu will come to help Nina. The soldier get really angry when Ryu 
smack him with his sword. Both of them make use of the opportunity and 
escape out of Sarai. You will now be on the world map again. Head along 
the main dotted route until a exclaimation mark appears. Enter to 
proceed with the game. After avoiding the sight of a few soldiers, you 
will meet up with the merchant again. He will tell you that there is 
another route in the desert that lead to a town called Chamba. 

1.6   Chamba

Items       : Life Sandals, Panacea x2
New Member  : Ershin
Monsters    : None
W. Monsters : None
Boss        : None
Skills      : None
Mixed Shop  : Bowie Knife[150Z],Sage's Staff[230Z],Leather Armor[220Z],
              Brass Helm [90Z], Healing Herb [20Z], Antidote [12Z],
              Panacea [100Z], Ammonia [250Z]

Upon entering the town, Nina will ask you to find someone who can help
them. Enter the first building near the entrance, then open the treasure
inside for a Life Sandals. Then head out of the building and proceed up
a stair to the upper level. Enter the first building you see. The orange
frog in there will seel you items and equipment. Buy the Bowie Knife for
Ryu and some restoring items. There is a inn at the right side. Talk to
the small creature to rest if you need to. Also search the cabinet in
front of the orange frog to find two panacea. Head out of this building.

Again, you can smack people here with your sword for some money. Head up
another stair to reach the top level. Talk to the old monkey(?!?) and he
will tell you about why Chamba has 'shrinked'. It seems that part of the
town has been polluted by toxic material called Hex. Hex was used during
the war. Next, you will see a group of weird people arriving at the
town. The old monkey will tell you that they are purifiers who job is to
clear the hex. Now you must talk to those purifiers to find out more.
Enter the house on the middle level, left of the old monkey. Inside, you
will meet the leader of the purifiers, Tahb. He is the normal looking
guy holding the pot. Keep choosing that you'll wait and you will chat
with him. Nina will tell him that they need to get past Chamba as soon
as possible. He will tell you that special armor is needed to enter the
hexed area. Nina will be shocked to hear that at least one year is
needed for them to clear all the hex. He tells you to get one of the
purifiers to guide you through the area. Head outside and talk to
everyone and you will be disappointed that on one wants to help you.
Everyone claim that it is very dangerous to pass through the hex without
armor and isn't willing to take the responsiblity.

Talk to Tahb again. He is outside the house. He too will not take you
through the hex and he also will not lend you any armor. Suddenly, a
robot called Ershin will enter the town. She agrees to guide Ryu and
Nina. Ershin will join your party! Now you are ready to proceed with the
game! Before going anywhere, save at the inn. When you are ready, head
out of the gate Ershin came in from.

1.7 Walking in the Mist

Items : Healing Herb x3, 300 Z, Motolov, Waistcloth
New Member : None
Monsters : Zombie, Gasser, Ghost
W. Monsters : None
Boss : Skullfish
Skills :
Distract --> Zombie
Feign Swing --> Zombie
Clorine --> Gasser

Before heading anywhere, you might want to change the battle formation 
if your party. Try your best to learn the two new skills. Please note 
that the walkthrough for this area will be based on the compass 
direction. Head south across a broad plank to reach a roof, then 
continue south and cross the bridge to find a chest with three Healing 
Herb. Now head back to the entrance on this area. Now head south again 
to the first roof. Head across the lower bridge and through the 
abandoned building. Head west along the bridge until it curve to the 
north. Then climb up the ladder and to reach the roof. Head south and 
down the ramp and onto the roof. Proceed to the next roof and head down 
another ramp to reach another bridge with two path, the south path and 
the east path. South path leads to a dead end so take the east path to 
reach another roof. Head north across the broad plank to yet another 
roof. continue north across another plank. Go up the roof and head east 
across another broad plank to reach the last roof of this area. Grab the 
300 zenny from the chest, then proceed across the last bridge to reach 
the next area. Ignore the chest you see for now. 

In the next area, my walkthrough will still based on the compass 
direction. Head west and you will get a sequence. Ershin will suggest 
that the party split up into two groups. Ershin will be alone and Ryu 
and Nina will scout the roofs. You can switch between group by pressing 
the select button. Control Ershin first. Climb down the ladder and stand 
beside the crater that is blocking the path. Now switch to Ryu and Nina. 
Now move north and jump over to the other roof. now stand on the crate 
in front of the entrance. It will be lowered. Now switch back to Ershin 
again. Using Ershin, past under the crate then head west, then south to 
find a ladder leading to the roof of the house. Get the Molotov from the 
chest. Switch to Ryu and Nina again. Climb back to the roof and the 
crate will be raised while the other will be lowered. Switch to Ershin 
and position him on the crate. Switch back to Ryu and Nina and you can 
now past the entrance without affecting the crate. Just after you cross 
the crate, Ershin will tell you to switch the valve at the other side. 
Continue south a little until you reach a fork. Take the east path to 
reach the previous screen. Grab the Waistcloth from the chest. Equip it 
on Nina to raise her defense. Head back to the previous screen and take 
the south path. Jump over to the other side and examine the valve. You 
will automatically be switched to Ershin. She must also activate another 
valve. Climb down the ladder and follow the path to reach the bottom of 
where Ryu and Nina is. Please do not take those side paths that take you 
to another screen. Examine the valve. 

Ershin and Ryu will both turn the two valves at the same time. The mist 
will be reduced. You will automatically head into the next area. Head 
west and jump to another roof. Then cross the bridge to the north. You 
will get a sequence while crossing. Something is hidden beneath the 
mist. Before going anywhere, make sure that every character is in top 
condition as you will face a boss very soon. When you are ready, proceed 
across the bridges and planks. While crossing the last bridge, the 
creature will attack and attempt to destroy the bridge. Keep pressing 
the 'O' button to run. You will fight the creature once you reach the 
other side of the bridge. 
Boss Fight: Skull Fish
Stats   :
HP: 2,400      EXP: 429      Zenny: 291     Spoils: Antidote, Fish Head 
Weakness: Holy-based attacks
Strength: ??? 
Attacks :
Vemon Breath: causes poison on all characters
Confuse     : causes confuse on one target

This fight may be tough without the correct strategy. Try not to use 
Ershin to attack as her attacks misses very often. Have her use antidote 
and restore the party. Ryu should always use Burn and Nina should always 
use Sever. The two magic will combine to form Firewind, a stronger form 
of magic. Keep your HP above 200 HP and you will wind in no time. Its 
physical attack can deal around 190 HP damage so watch out for the HP. 
Use panacea to cure confuse if needed. 
After you defeat the skullfish, climb the ladder and down another tall 
ladder to get out of this area. Once outside, you will have a short 
conversation and Ershin will join you. After she joins you, you will be 
on the world map again.

1.8   Dreamland

Items       : Aurum x2
New Member  : None
Monsters    : Toxic Fly, Armor, Gonghead
W. Monsters : None
Boss        : None
Skills      :     
    Chlorine      -->  Toxic Fly
    Wild Swing    -->  Armor

Note: My Walkthrough for this area is based on the compas direction.

The monster here is a bit tough but they give good experience. A toxic
fly will give you 45 EXP, a Armor will give you 80 EXP and a Gonghead
will give you 75 EXP. To defeat the toxic fly easily, use magic to kill
it, avoid using physical attacks as they miss often on the fly. To
defeat Armor, also magic combo as it has very high defense. You can try
Firewind or you can Eruption. To get Eruption, combine Cray's rock shake
and Ryu's burn or Hwa. Since the monsters here yield goo experience, so
you should spend some time here leveling up your character. Furthermore,
the Armor here will sometimes drop Raptor Claws and Cuirass which are
very good items. Please note that they drop these items very rarely and
you need to be very patient to get these items. You can also try some
combos yourself. At this point of the game, you can already do 4 hit
combo. Use the diary to rest and save if you need.

When you are ready, proceed Head west past the opened steel gate. Then
head north, then east to reach a staircase. There are two wooden doors
next to the staircase. Enter the first room to find a item bag that
contain a Aurum. The second room has no items, so head up the stair to
reach the next screen.

Head out of the door and down a stair to reach a corridor. Follow the
corridor to reach another door. Enter and search the cabinet for another
Aurum. Ignore the stair as it will take you to the locked room in the
previous screen. Head into the curtain and a sequence will occur. Lord
Yuna and his servant will enter the room. Cray will tell you to walk
slowly behind the curtain. Listen to him and walk slowly behind the
curtain. Head behind the curtain, then WALK to the other side and the
dream will be over.

Looks like the three of them had the same dream. Ershin will then tell
you that it is Ryu's dream of a possible future. She also mentions the
Dragon Eye which is a glimpse of what may be. After the conversation,
you will be on the world map again. You will have to head to Kurok, west
of Chamba. Note that you can now re-enter Sarai or go to the fish spot 1
and fish. If you have gotten Flattop during the digging in Sandflier
Valley, then you can use it to catch a rainbow trout.

1.9 Kurok

Items : Deep Driver
New Member : None
Monsters : Flue Goo, Mage Goo, Red Cap, Cap, Scorpion
W. Monsters : Flue Goo, Mage Goo, Eye Goo, Red Cap, Cap, Bandit
Boss : None
Skills :
Command --> Red Cap
Distracted --> Cap
Burn --> Mage Goo
Rest --> Eye Goo
Blind --> Scorpion

Before heading into Kurok, you may get into random battles along the 
path between Chamba and Kurok. The monsters give you good items and 
experience. There are a few new enemies here. Red cap, Flue Goo and 
Bandit are some new enemies that you will find on this path. You can 
learn the command skill from the red cap and you can get a Moon Sword 
from the Bandits here. Replace the Bowie Knife with the Moon Sword once 
you get it. Most of the monsters here come at least in pair. You might 
also encounter a super group with five caps and one red caps. Again, you 
can do more combos here. At this point of the game, you can already do 
10 hit combo which deal over 2000 HP damage. To get 10 hit combo, first 
get into a battle with 5 caps and 1 red cap. Have Nina use sever, then 
Cray use Rock Blast and finally have Ryu use Burn or Hwa to get a 10 hit 
combo which will deal more that 2000 HP damage. Now with this super 
combo in hand, you are more than ready to enter Kurok.

Once you are in Kurok Valley, continue along the path until it slopes 
down to a lower level. The wolf by the osrich is the first master, 
Rwolf. Talk to him and make Nina his apprentice. If you have done a 
combo of at least 5 hits, then you can talk to him again to learn the 
first spell, Eddy Skill. Let Ryu learns it as he will benefit from it. 
If you have done a 10 hit combo, then you can learn another spell, 
Plateau from Rwolf. Let either Ryu or Nina learns it. I suggest letting 
Nina learns it since she has high magical attack. 

Once you have finish with you master, head north then west and do not go 
down the ramp yet. Continue on the west path to reach a treasure chest 
that contains a Deep Driver. After taking it, continue down the ramp and 
continue west, then head east and continue along the path to reach the 
world map.  

1.10   Dam

Items       : Sluice Key, Short Sword, Vitamin x2, Toad, Swallow Eye x2
New Member  : None
Monsters    : Flue Goo, Mage Goo, Eye Goo, Puspool
W. Monsters : Flue Goo, Mage Goo, Eye Goo, Red Cap, Cap, Bandit
Boss        : None
Skills      :     
    Command       -->  Red Cap
    Distracted    -->  Cap
    Burn          -->  Mage Goo
    Rest          -->  Eye Goo
    Molasses      -->  Puspool

Rest and save in the camp before going into the dam. You can also
contine to try and get your 10 hit combo in this route.

In the Dam area, you will get a conversation. A worker will tell you
that most workers have left as a dragon is trashing about in the water
and its movements have been unpredictable lately. He tells you to be
careful while crossing before heading off. You will gain back control of
the party. First climb down the ladder in front of the big machine, then
desend down another ladder. Enter the doorway right of the ladder to
reach a underground area.

Inside, take the west path and continue along the path until you reach
outside again. Head down the stair and talk to the strong grey horse-
like person. After talking to him, take the ladder down and follow the
wooden path. Talk to people on the way if you want. Jump across planks
and follow the path until you reach the person at the end of the path.
He will tell you that in order to get to the other side, you'll need to
close the sluice. In order to close the Sluice, you will need the Sluice
key. He also tell you that Rhoppe has it. Rhoppe is the person with the
tube who you might have seen on the way. Head south from this guy to
find the person with the tube. Talk to him and he will hand you the
Sluice Key.

With the key, you can now close the Sluice. Head back to the underground
area then to the ladder. Open the steel gate in front of the ladder and
you can not close the sluice. Pull the lever to close the Sluice. A
wooden plank will be lowered. Now climb the ladder to go outside then
climb up the ladder on the left. Head east, then cross the wooden plank
to the other side. Climb up the ladder to reach a treasure chest that
contains a Short Sword which you can equip it on Ryu. Climb back down,
then head south and climb down another ladder. Head east to reach the
other side. Enter the room and and open the gate, then pull the lever
like what you did earlier but the big wheel will not turn. Then a mouse
lady will enter and tell you that you'll need to turn the wheel very
fast in order to get it work. Well, this is another mini-game for you!

Fun time : Turn the Wheel
Fun Factor: 4/10
Difficulty: 3/10

Listen to the mouse lady carefully, so you will understand how to 'play'
this mini game. She will tell you to turn the flywheel by hand and when
the wheel is spinning fast enough, flip the switch. Read the instruction
too. Ryu will spin the wheel and another person will pull the lever. To
turn the wheel, keep turning the D-pad in clockwise or anti-closkwise
direction and the wheel will spin. Wait until it start to produce high-
pitched sound, then press 'O'. If you done it correctly, the big wheel
outside should turn and the wooden plank will be lowered. After that,
the mouse lady will give you items for your hard work. Note that you
will get different items depending on how many times you take to get the
work done. If you just take one try, then you will receive a toad and if
you take two tries, then she will give you a silver top. I am certain
that there are other prizes but i'm not going to find them out. E-mail
me about other prizes and i will add them as soon as possible.

Anyway, head out of the underground area through the south doorway. Head
west and collect two vitamins from the chest. Head back into the
underground area and climb up the ladder. Once outside, head west all
the way, then up the ladder then head east and across the wooden plank
that you had just lowered. Continue east a little then climb up the
ladder to reach the big wheel. Head east and turn to the north corner
and pick up two swallow eyes from the chest. Climb down the ladder and
continue east and enter the doorway to reach another underground area.
Run through the underground passage and out of the underground area to
reach outside again. Head across the wooden planks then climb down a
ladder to reach a platform with a blue lever. Examine the blue lever to
lower a bridge.

Now head back and talk to man who told you about the key. You will give
him back the key so that he can operate the lift. He will order Rhoppe
to open the sluice. A rat guy will hit the bell and inform everyone that
the sluice has broken and the mud has overflowed. The damn guy will
leave you with a crank and tell you to operate the lift yourself. You
must attach the crank to the box on the lift and pull on it a few times
to operate it. Head back across the bridge that you have just lowered.
Just right of the bridge is the lift. Examine the box on the lift and
Ryu will use the Crank. The lift will not seems to work and Nina suggest
that you move the handle somemore. Press 'X' rapidly to lower the lift.
Everyone will get out just before the whole place is covered with mud.
Then you will also get to see the man with the tube spinning about. You
will now be on the world map again.

Head north and a exclaimation mark will automatically stop you. Enter to
reach an area where the dragon will appear. Another old rat lady will be
there. She offers to sing you songs. DO NOT pay 100 Z for the song
because you will waste 60 Z. Just choose to pay 10 Z everytime she asks
you. She only has four songs to sing so if you choose to pay 10 Z each
time, you will only have to pay 40 Z for the so call song of the dragon.
After the singing, the dragon will disappear and you will be back on the
world map again. Head east to reach Kyria.


Items : Belladonna, 400 Z, Fish Head
New Member : None
Monsters : Chest Devil, BeeTroop(sub-boss)
W. Monsters : Flue Goo, Mage Goo, Eye Goo, Red Cap, Cap, Bandit
Boss : None
Skills :
Command --> Red Cap
Distracted --> Cap
Burn --> Mage Goo
Rest --> Eye Goo
Mixed Shop : Short Sword[480Z],Sage's Staff[230Z],Leather Armor [220Z]
Waistcloth[320Z], Glass Domino[220Z], Healing Herb [20Z],
Ammonia [250Z], Molotov [100Z]

The Orange Frog near the entrance will tell you to be careful in this 
town. Listen to him as this town is full of traps. Avoid stepping on 
suspicious spot on the ground as it will trigger a trap and you CAN be 
caught in the trap. Enter the house near the entrance and talk to the 
people inside to find out that the Mayor set the traps to ensure the 
safety ofthe villagers. Head out of this house after talking to 
everyone. The next house is a Inn, enter it if you need to rest or save. 
AVOID the food on the ground as stepping on it will trigger an explosion 
but luckily even if you happen to step on it, you won't take any damage. 
Ignore the house next to the food trap because there is nothing inside 
accept some vases and bags. There is another trap north of the bridge 
but you will not get caught in it since there is nothing beyond the 
bridge. IF you ever get caught in the trap, press the D-Pad is different 
directions to shake off the trap but you will take some damage if you 
step on this trap. 

Cross the bridge to reach the other side of the town. While crossing the 
bridge, avoid the trap that is on the bridge. On the other side, there 
will be two guys. The thin guy is the one who set the food trap and the 
Fat one is the one who set the bear trap. Now PURPOSELY step onto the 
food trap to cause an explosion. Talk to the thin guy a few times and he 
will give you a Belladonna. The path beside the fat man leads you up the 
mountain which is guarded by a guard. Then you will find two small holes 
on the ground. Stepping on them will cause you to fall to an underground 
area. First purposely step onto the trap left of the fat man. You will 
fall down to the area below. Get the 400Z from the chest then head your 
way to a ladder. Climb up the ladder and you'll find yourself trap 
between barrels. Just use Cray's push ability to push away the barrels. 
Exit the house, then head across the bridge again. Now you must find the 
Mayor. The house on the other side of the bridge is the Mayor's house. 
When you enter through the door, the parrot will set a cage down, 
preventing you from entering the house. Well, there is a fish lure in 
the house, so how are you going to get it? Well, drop through another 
hole on the ground, then climb up the ladder to find yourself inside the 
Mayor's house. Search the cabinet for a Fish Head. The Mayor is missing 
and it seems that you might be able to get information out of the 

Talk to the parrot. Choose "We really have no time for this...", then 
"No" two times, then "Not really", then finally ask the parrot about the 
Mayor. It will tell you that the Mayor has gone to the woods. Now you 
must search for the Mayors. Before heading out of this town, there are 
still some more 'fun' things to do. Check the dog house by the Mayor 
house to fight a Beetroop. Just hack it with magic to defeat it. There 
is also a girl who will ask you to stand under the metal. Ignore the 
trick. There is a puppeteer who will tell you more about the basics of 
this game. Be sure to talk to her. If you have notice carefully when you 
first came into this town, there is a treasure chest behind the first 
house. Well, it contains no treasure but three Chest . 
Yeh, it is true. Its physical attack can be deadly if you are on low 
level. Use Ryu, Cray and Nina. If Ershin have the Raptor Claws, use here 
instead of Cray. Cray will not be very useful in this battle since this 
boss is rather strong against earth attacks. Transform Ryu into the Aura 
Dragon in the first round and have Ershin/Cray and Nina attack. On the 
second turn, Ryu should cast Hwa and Nina should cast Cyclone if she has 
it to form Simoon. If not just use Hwa and Sever to get a Firewind. 
Continue to use this tactic until this mammoth goes down. Heal your 
party when neccessary. Beware of its Rock Blast attack which can damage 
everyone. Its Body Press shouldn't be a problem but it can stun the 
target sometimes. You will receive an apple and a Flame Punch for Ershin 
after this battle. 
After the battle, everyone will head out of the woods automatically. 
Return to Kyria. The Mayor will tell you why there are so many traps in 
this town. It seems that the Mayor is a very responsible person. He will 
promise to give you the permission to enter the passageway in the next 

The screen will now be switched to Fou-Lu again. Well, he survived the 
fall and was saved by a person called Bunyan. If you have played BOF 
III, you should recognise this person but this time he has more beard:) 
He lives in the Zhinga Mountains. Remember that he lives in the Zhinga 
Mountains because he is one of the master in this game. Fou-Lu tries to 
leave but collapse after a few steps. Bunyan will bring Fou-Lu back into 
the house and rest.

Now then screen will switch back to Ryu and friends. In the morning, you 
will get the permission to use the passageway from the Mayor. Before you 
can go up the hill, Cray will fall down a hole. Get back up then you are 
ready to enter the passageway. Before you go, stock up on items and save 
at the inn. 

This not end I try to next times
Thanks you all of my friend


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