Wild Arms 5 game guide FAQ part1

in #happy7 years ago (edited)

Hi guys this game is very difficult
I think this game is likely final fantasy
series but more attractive .Confused
Quest and more thinks about so ...
The Main Quest is all you must do in order to win the game. Let's get started
shall we.

You start the game with only Dean at your disposal.
The game starts in the Hill-Side Ruins

01: Exit south

02: Go south until the game tells you how to look around, and will show
you a switch. Step on the switch and exit south.

03: The South-West exit is treasure.
The true object here is to pull the block onto the switch.
The east door will open. Exit east.

05: Go south and exit south (you'll have a tutorial again).

06: Go south and you get the Slide Tutorial. Slide to destroy the crates
then jump onto the solid block and onto the higher platform and exit
south (on the way you find a book that belongs to Rebecca).

07: You now get on the dig-site. Examine all the glitterings until you found
everything (among the stuff is a golem part). You cannot open the door
here yet, so time to go back.
Exit north
= Go into the corridor south
= Around the corner east and exit

15: To the very east is the Sol Niger. Purify it if you want.
To the north is the exit to the next room

16: Exit north (to the east is treasure)

17: = Go to the savespot (save if you want)
= From there go west
= Exit west

18: Go South and meet the Professor.
You'll have to fight some monsters here too.

| Boss
| Spriggan (II) | BOS006 |
| Difficulty: Medium | AKA Again? |
| Dean 14 | Rebecca 14 | Avril 14 |
| Spriggan x2 HP 3000 |
| HEX Setup: ---------- |
| / Spriggan \ |
| ---------- STATUE ---------- + |
| / Eart Ley \ / Fire Ley \ / |
| + Rebecca ---------- ---------- |
| \ / Dean \ / |
| ---------- ---------- |
| / \ / Avril \ |
| ---------- ---------- + |
| / Wind Ley \ / \ / |
| + Spriggan ---------- STATUE ---------- |

\ /

| Keep the Earth Ley point occupied at all costs. Then kill one spriggan |
| first then the other. If you can, you can try to have your spellcast to |
| occupy the Wind Ley point and to use Blast from there. If you do this |
| fight will be over very quickly. |
| Keep in mind that the monsters can change the Ley point settings. |
Now against the Professor himself.

| Boss
| The Professor | BOS007 |
| Difficulty: Bound 2 Lose | AKA Musclebound Moron |
| Dean 14 | Rebecca 14 | Avril 14 |
| Professor HP 46500 |
| HEX Setup: ---------- |
| / Fire Ley \ |
| ---------- Professor + |
| / \ / |
| + ---------- |
| \ / \ |
| STATUE ---------- + |
| / Eart Ley \ / |
| ---------- Dean ---------- |
| / Rebecca \ / |
| + ---------- STATUE |
| \ / Avril \ |
| ---------- + |
| / Aqua Ley \ / |
| + ---------- |

\ /

| No matter what you do. You won't win. This is one of the many "Bound 2 |
| lose" fights you'll have. Better get used to it. |
| (If you take a look at his stats and see that his level is 55 you can see |
| that you are far too weak). |
Even though you didn't win. You still get the mirror.
You'll automaticly go back to the previous room

B 17: = Go to the savespot (save if you want)
= Go south and exit south

B 16: Exit south

B 15: Go south, then west, exit west

B 14: = Go north
= Go around the room
= Exit north

B 13: = Go to the north of the room,
= Exit north

B 12: Go north, exit north

B 11: Go west, exit south

B 10: Go south, exit south

B 09: Go south, find the south exit and use it

B 08: = Go around the room
= Go into the south corridor
= Exit west

B 07: Follow the corridor and exit north

B 06: Follow the corridor and exit north

B 05: Go north, exit north

B 04: Follow the corridor and exit east

B 03: Go east, cross the bridge south, go west and exit south

B 02: Go around the room and exit south

B 01: Go out the cave.

Make your way back to Mirapulse. Still know the way, doncha?
You don't. Okay, follow the railway till you reach the station. From there
follow the higher railway. Second "way" west (hard to explain)
When you reach the path, go north into the village.

When you arrive you'll be there to stop Chuck's execution.
Chuck will give you train tickets. He'll also tell you to go to Laila Belle.
Well, you won't get there for awhile, but nice to note that city for later.
Anyway your next destination is set. The railway station.

| Cavam Valley (30612, 64864) | IDXC008 |
| Location Type: Railway Station |
| Dean 15 | Rebecca 15 | Avril 15 |
| In case you missed it (Hardly possibe), go to the tracks east and follow |
| them until you find it |
Upon arrival a large part will be automated.
After the automated part you'll on a new part of the world map.
Here Greg will temporarily join the party.
You'll also obtain the Sword Medium.

From her you should go to Gaunon, but you must pass a dungeon to get there,
and that will be the next target.

| Wayward Path (20600, 74125) | IDXC009 |
| Location Type: Dungeon | Savespots: 07, 12 | Sol-Niger: 13 |
| Dean 15 | Rebecca 15 | Avril 15 | Greg 14 |
| Enemies: Jelly Blob, Bloodhorn |
| Turn west and walk to the savespot. Save if you want |
| From there head west. When you reach the mountain wall, follow it |
| westwards. |
| When you see a way going down in the gorge left of you take on that way |
| Keep following the road |
| When you are at the end of the pass you'll find a pass. Follow it. |
| The place to be as at the end of this path. |
01: Go downstairs and exit west

02: = Go north
= After the chat with Greg follow the corridor
= Exit north at the end

03: = Go north
= Shoot both targets
= Exit east

04: (You can climb the ladder and use the exit for a dragon fossil, and take
the lower exit south for a lucky card. When you go for those get back
here and let's continue).
(Be careful with opening a chest in this room. It's a mimic)
= Go into the east way and climb the ladder at the north side
= Go east
= Drop off
= Use the exit

07: = Take the north way
= Destroy the crates and shoot the target that's revealed.
= Go back to the entrance
= Go east
= At the end take the south way
= Shoot the crates at the end and shoot the target that's revealed
= Go back to the savespot (save if you want)
= Exit east

08: Boss Time

| Boss
| Ruins Guard | BOS008 |
| Difficulty: Medium | AKA Armed Snake |
| Dean 16 | Rebecca 16 | Avril 15 | Greg 15 |
| Ruins Guard HP 3622 LV 15 |
| HEX Setup: ---------- |
| / \ |
| ---------< >--------- |
| / Fire Ley \ / Wind Ley \ |
| < >--------< RES Apple > |
| \ / R. Gard \ / |
| ---------< >--------- |
| / Char 1 \ / |
| < >--------< STATUE |
| \ / Aqua Ley \ |
| ---------< Char 2 > |
| \ / |
| >--------< |
| / Char 3 \ |
| < > |

\ /

| At the start of the battle, you'll get the tutorial for switching party |
| members during a battle. It's up to you if you want Greg in the battle. |
| He is a bit tougher, but to say that the battle really gets easier with |
| him..... Nah.... |
| The damage he deals is more than 50% of your max HP. Since I had two |
| healers this was hardly a problem. (Rebecca and Avril were my healers). |
| I had Dean with the Sky Medium. I moved him to the Wind HEX and kept on |
| casting Blast from there. With that strategy you got this fight in the |
| pocket in no time. |
= Go east
= Climb the ladder (Chest on top = Mimic)
= Exit east

09: = Move forward (and you'll have another chat)
= Go up the stairs
= Shoot all target
= Exit through the door that opens

10: First of all DON'T SHOOT THE CRATES
= Jump onto the crates
= From there jump onto the higher platform North
= Now keep shooting both targets as quickly as you can until the door
is completely open
= Exit north

12: = Go to the north part of the room
= Shoot the target above the door north
= Exit north

13: To the north is the Sol Niger. But before you can reach it you gotta
fight a boss.

| Boss
| Taraque | BOS009 |
| Difficulty: Medium | AKA Here I am again |
| Dean 17 | Rebecca 17 | Avril 17 | Greg 16 |
| Tarasque Gorath HP 3690 LV 16 |
| Tarasque Mons HP 2980 LV 16 |

HEX Setup:
/ Aqua Ley \
< T. Gorath >--------- STATUE ----------
\ Def Appl / \ / Char 3 \
---------< >--------< >
\ / Fire Ley \ /
>--------< Char 1 >--------<
/ Char 2 \ / \
< >--------< >---------
\ / \ / Wind Ley \
---------- STATUE ---------< T. Mons >
\ /

| The Taraque Gorath is completely resistant for physical attacks. So |
| you'll need magic attacks. The Combos Javelin Bullet and Overhead Sorcery |
| fall under that category, but best works if somebody with the Sky Medium |
| keeps casting Blast on it from the Fire Leypoint. |
| |
| The Taraque Mons is more vulnerable to physical attacks. The quickest |
| way to kill that one is to cast "Crush" on it from a Wind HEX, but since |
| that HEX is hard to reach, you can consider normal attacks, or a Ley |
| Change to get a Wind Leypoint in your reach. Normal attacks do work well |
| it only takes a little longer |
After this fight you can purify the Sol Niger if you please.
You cannot do anything with the east targets yet, so go north
and exit west

15: This place is automated. You'll automaticly leave the dungeon after

| Gounon (22514, 80559) | IDXC00A |
| Location Type: Town | Savespots: 01 |
| Dean 18 | Rebecca 18 | Avril 18 | Greg 17 |
| Just straight on from Wayward path. You can hardly miss it. |
Upon your arrival Greg will immediately leave the party. This is not a
permanent leave. He'll be back later.

Now that you're here you can start the Yulie & Kresnik sidequest. See the
sidequest section for more information.

The cameo for Gallows (Wild Arms 3) is here too, but he's not really of any

Well, let's get started on the main quest shall we?

01: To the west of town is a Winery. There's a hudge sign saying
"J. Appleseed" above it. Enter it.

02: The track runs cold here. Leave the winery.

01: = Go back to the entrance of town.
= From there take the path north
= Go up the stairs
= From there follow the path
= Go through the arch
= After the chat with the man who's here go back to the winery

02: Talk to the man with the gray clothes.
He'll send you out for a wine delivery at a shrine.
This is the place to go next.
Leave the winery

01: Leave the city and go to the temple of rejection.

| Temple Of Rejection | IDXC00B |
| Location Type: Dungeon | Savespots: 17 | Sol-Niger: 15 |
| Dean 18 | Rebecca 18 | Avril 18 |
| Enemies: Shell Worm, Gamygyn, Blue Book, Nybass |
| From Gounon, take the East path |
| When you get a a fork (with the railway in sight) take the way north |
| From here you'll find the temple eventually |
You should have gotten the Holy Wine and Amulet from Gounon. If you don't
have it you won't get further than area 01. When you completed the previous
section you have it and then there's no worry.

01: Go north and examine the door. Use the amulet to open it.
Exit north

02: = Go to the three crystals
(You'll place the wine here, but the door behind you will close)
= Exit west

03: = Open the chest (Exit will close). It contains a duplicator
= Use it to open the blue chest. You'll get the Freeze Ray. A new
cartridge for Dean's ARM.
= Go north. Freeze the blocks before stepping on them and continue
north. (You do this with the freeze ray)
= Shoot the fire with the freeze ray to put it out. (this will reopen
the exit)
= Go back and leave this room

02: Go to the north-east and exit east

04: = Head north (freeze the blocks before stepping on them)
= Save if you want
(I recommend to put the sea medium on Dean now)
= Exit west

05: = Use the crank to make the room rotate so that the room has some
triangles pointing north.
= Exit north
(If you haven't already done it, equip Dean with the Sea Medium
before exitting).

06: In this room you'll meet Carol. She'll temporarily join the party.
She'll also (accidently) trigger a device that gets her and Dean
to the next room where you gotta fight a boss.

| Boss
| Twilight Venom | BOS010 |
| Difficulty: Medium | AKA Overgrown Butterfly |
| Dean 19 | Carol 16 |
| Twilight Venom HP 2170 LV 19 |
| HEX Setup: ---------- |
| / \ |
| < >--------- |
| \ / T. Venom \ |
| >---------< >--------- |
| / Aqua Ley \ / Eart Ley \ |
| < >--------< > |
| \ / \ / |
| ----------< >--------< |
| \ / Carol \ |
| STATUE >--------< > |
| / Fire Ley \ / |
| < Dean >--------- |

\ /

| If Dean is equipped with the sky medium, then go crazy with Blast from |
| The HEX he's in, but since the attacks are pretty strong and Carol has |
| no healing spells at this point, that's not the wisest way to go. |
| Better is to have Dean with the Sea medium so that you have at least one |
| healer. Carol can attack from any HEX, so don't bother moving her around. |
| This fight doesn't take long, though. |
After this fight Rebecca and Avril will join the party again. Reset your
mediums and continue the quest.

07: Exit west

08: = Follow the way till the blocks
(The exit you come past cannot be reached yet, you have to come back
for that later in the game if you want).
= Freeze the blocks and cross over
= Follow the way
= Exit at the end

10: Shoot out both the blue flames and exit east
(If you want the chest, freeze the middle crates and shoot one top
crate. Then use a standard bullet to shoot one of the bottom crates
now you can jump your way up to obtain a Lucky Card)

11: = Follow the corridor
= After your chat with Carol turn left (the way right leads to nothing
you can acces right now).
= Follow the corridor
= Exit to the next room at the end

13: = If you want the chest, freeze the waterflow to reach it.
= Go to the crates
= With the camera faced south, shoot the left bottom one
= Freeze the middle right one
= Freeze one of the top ones
= Shoot the bottom right one with a regular bullet
= Jump you way up the higher platform over the crates
= Activate the switch
= Exit south

14: Set the room with the crank either west and exit
(You need to go east if you want the Sol Niger and come back to go

16: = Shoot the fountain's waterflow with the freeze ray
if you want the chest (3x Potion Berry)
= Shout out the three flames and exit south

17: = Go south
= First way east
= Save if you want
= Exit east

02: Boss Time!

| Boss
| Fire & Water Scutum | BOS011 |
| Difficulty: Medium | AKA Floating knights |
| Dean 20 | Rebecca 20 | Avril 20 | Carol 18 |
| Water Scutum HP 3270 LV 20 |
| Fire Scutum HP 3690 LV 20 |
| HEX Setup: |
| ---------- ---------- |
| / Water S. \ / Fire Ley \ |
| < >--------- STATUE ---------< Fire S. > |
| \ / Earth L. \ / Fire Ley \ / |
| ---------< >--------< >--------- |
| \ / Char 1 \ / |
| >--------< >--------- |
| / \ / |
| < >--------< STATUE |
| \ / Aqua Ley \ |
| ---------< Char 2, 3 > |

\ /

| This method is risky, but fast. |
| I had Dean with the Sky Medium and I moved him to the Fire Leypoint. |
| From there I kept on casting blast on the Water Guy. |
| I used Rebecca just to shoot, and Avril to heal. As soon as the water guy |
| was out I moved to the water leypoint and started to cast blast on the |
| fire guy. The battle went pretty fast this way. |
Exit East

18: = Go east and then go south
(North you can only open a shortcut for later usage or purify the
Sol Niger if you didn't do that before)
= After Carol left the party (for now, she'll be back later) continue
= Around the corner west
= Exit west

B 01: = Drop off
= Go south
= Exit south
(You can freeze both targets for a way back in for later use before you

Go back to Gounon.

| Gounon (22514, 80559) (back from the temple) | IDXC00C |
| Location Type: Town | Savespots: 01 |
| Dean 21 | Rebecca 21 | Avril 21 |
| If you forgot where it is, take the path south |
| At the end of the path go west, at the end south into the city. |
This part is automated. After that part Greg will now join the party
permanently as soon as you leave town. Onto the railway station.

| Orsaeons (48183, 80877) | IDXC00D |
| Location Type: Railway Station |
| Dean 21 | Rebecca 21 | Avril 21 | Greg 20 |
| Take the eastpath towards the railway |
| Follow the path as it goes to the railway |
| Keep following the railway until you reach the station |
Everything goes automated here, and once you're done you'll end up at the
station in North-East Filagia.

The Cameos of Jane and Magdalen are here. (You'd hardly recognize Jane in
that business suit, but it is really her). Not that they are valuable yet.
Just nice to know.

On to Laia Belle.

| Laia Belle | IDXC00E |
| Location Type: Town | Savespots: 01 |
| Dean 21 | Rebecca 21 | Avril 21 | Greg 20 |
| Turn to the east. You'll see a path with lampposts. Follow it and you'll |
| reach the city. |
Well, upon your arrival you'll see a commercial of Nightburn inviting you to
become a Golem Hunter.
(BTW. Cecilia's Cameo is here. Just FYI)

02: The entrance to the guild is right before your eyes. Enter.
03: Dean will inquire the receptionist (who is actually Marivel from
Wild Arms 2). She'll give you the task to go to Mithysmere.
Leave the guild
02: From here you can exit the city and be on your way.

| Mithysmere (74500, 63575) | IDXC00F |
| Location Type: Dungeon | Savespots: 01, 06 | Sol-Niger: 10 |
| Dean 21 | Rebecca 21 | Avril 21 | Greg 20 |
| Ignore the path with the lampposts. Walk around Laia Belle to the east |
| side of it. From there, follow the railway to the south |
| When a path starts beside the railway, ignore the railway and follow the |
| path in stead |
| It will lead to a gate with a windmill above it. That's your target. |
01: = Save the game if you want and head north-west
= At the end go up the ramp
= Enter the hut
(The chest nearby is a mimic)

02: Here you get the "Stomp" tutorial.
Stomp the button and exit north

01: Go north-east, exit east

04: = When you get at the fork, take the north-east path
= Exit east

05: = Lower the bridge (you can do that by using the crank beside it)
= Cross the bridge
= Lower the other bridge
= Cross that one as well
= Take the east path (the one with the coins in it)
= At the end exit south

06: = Move foward to the fork
= Save there if you want
+----- SOL-NIGER -----------------------------------------------------------+
| (If you don't want to purify the Sol Niger, skip this) |
| = Go west, exit west |
| |
| 10: = Lower the bridge |
| = Cross the bridge |
| = Purify the Nol Niger |
| = Head back to the previous room. |
| |
| 06: = Head back to the savespot. |
= Go into the south east path (the path with the coins)
= Exit

07: Go into the north-east path and exit

10: Make your way west to the purple flames.

| Boss
| Lizard Man | BOS012 |
| Difficulty: Easy | AKA We dump |
| Dean 23 | Rebecca 22 | Avril 22 | Greg 21 |
| Lizard Man x4 HP 1472 LV 20 |
| HEX Setup: ---------- ---------- |
| / L Man x2 \ / L Man x2 \ |
| < >--------< > |
| \ / \ / |
| >--------< >--------- |
| / Aqua Ley \ / Earth L \ |
| < >--------< > |
| \ / Char 1 \ / |
| ---------< >--------- |
| \ / |
| STATUE >--------< STATUE |
| / Fire Ley \ |
| < Chr 2 & 3 > |

\ /

| The fact that they are terribly weak to fire makes this fight very short |
| Have the one who can do "Blast" or "Crush" stand at the fire Lay Point |
| and fire away. That will kill 'm very quickly! |
= Lower the bridge
= Cross the bridge
= Take the north way beside the bridge
= Exit west

04: = Move forward and have a chat
(After that you might wanna go back to the entrance of this dungeon
in order to recover at the savespot)
= When you are ready go back to the previous area

10: The puple flames burn again go to them.

| Boss
| Balaam | BOS013 |
| Difficulty: Can be hard | AKA 4 arms |
| Dean 23 | Rebecca 23 | Avril 23 | Greg 22 |
| Lizard Man x4 HP 4388 LV 22 |

HEX Setup:
/ Aqua Ley \
< Balaam >--------- STATUE ----------
\ EVA Appl / \ / Char 3 \
---------< >--------< Wind Ley >
\ / Char 1 \ /
---------< >--------<
/ Earth L \ / \
< Char 2 >--------< >
\ / \ /
---------< >---------
\ /

| Attacking physically it makes no sense. It will all bounce back on the |
| user. Cut short you'll hurt yourself. So the spell "Blast" or magic based |
| combo attacks will have to do the trick. Its attacks are strong, so keep |
| yourself healed. |
After this fight this mission is completed. You'll meet some kids, but that's
no big deal. You'll be back in area 01. From there you can leave this place
and head back for Laia Belle.

| Laia Belle - Mission Complete | IDXC00G |
| Location Type: Town | Savespots: 01 |
| Dean 23 | Rebecca 23 | Avril 23 | Greg 22 |
| Just go north from Mithysmere |
Upon your arrival you'll automaticly go to the guild to report to Marivel.
Then a "man" called Duo will make his appearence (you already saw him before
in a cutscene). He says he's waiting for you at the TV studio. That
studio is located here in Laia Belle, no no trip on the world map this time

03: Go up the escalator and exit the guild

02: Go over the convery north and exit north

01: = I STRONGLY recommend to save at the memory bird.
= Go to the Studios. The spot is marked, so easy to find. (Located north)

| FBC Network Studio | IDXC00H |
| Location Type: Dungeon | Savespots: 02 |
| Dean 23 | Rebecca 23 | Avril 23 | Greg 22 |

| Boss
| Elebart | BOS014 |
| Difficulty: Can be hard | AKA Fat Belly |
| Dean 23 | Rebecca 23 | Avril 23 | Greg 22 |
| Elebart HP 7570 LV 24 |
| HEX Setup: ---------- |
| / Aqua Ley \ |
| ---------< Elebart > |
| / \ / |
| ---------< >--------< STATUE |
| / Wind Ley \ / RES Appl \ |
| < >--------< >--------- |
| \ / Char 1 \ / Char 2 \ |
| ---------< >--------< > |
| \ / Earth L. \ / |
| ---------< Char 3 >--------- |

\ /

| I had Dean with the Sky medium, so I moved him to the Wind Hex to go |
| crazy with Blast. Since wind is the weakness that works wonders. I had |
| Avril and Rebecca as healers. It is extremely important to keep your HP |
| up in this battle. It's also wise not to have more than 1 char per HEX. |
| When it comes with "Storm Watch" you gotta be careful (as the game |
| already suggests). It will come with a 1000+ attack in the next turn. You |
| may not get a chance to heal between the two turns, so keep you HP always |
| up to the max. |
01: Welcome to the most annoying dungeon of the game.
Exit north to let the fun begin

02: You'll be welcomed by a female voice. There are three challenges
You must complete in order to complete this dungeon.
You may do them in random order.
Let's get on it, shall we...
Messing up is penalty round. At the bottom of this section are the
penalty monsters I got.

LEFT DOOR - Odd One Out.
Room 07,08,09 and 10

You have to find the door that is a little bit diffrent than the others.
Wrong door = Penalty round (which is only a fight against a rather strong
Out of time = Penalty round

Let's get on it
07: Exit south
08: Exit west
09: Exit north (I could have messed this one up, sorry)
10: Exit East

This completes this task... Pick another challenge. If you did all
challenges read on at ALL CHALLENGES DONE (behind the penalty monster

MIDDLE DOOR - Minute Maze
Room 05, 06

This is a small maze you gotta complete in one minute only. Given the
extreme short time limit I cannot put this in a FAQ, but the mazes are
pretty easy.

Out of time = Penalty round

This completes this task... Pick another challenge. If you did all
challenges read on at ALL CHALLENGES DONE (behind the penalty monster

RIGHT DOOR - Logic Labyrinth
Room 03, 04

This is the only challenge without a time limit (phew)
The signs will help you to find the right door.

Wrong door = Penalty Round

03: Pick the door in the most eastern area, second door from the north
04: Pick the most North-east door

This completes this task... Pick another challenge. If you did all
challenges read on at ALL CHALLENGES DONE (behind the penalty monster

Penalty Monsters:
= Stealth Stalker (LV 23/HP 917)
The weakest of 'm, but they dodge easily and can do instant kill

= Dullahan (LV 23/HP 1220)
Alone not a thread, but with allies, pretty dangerous.

02: Save if you want and go through the door that just opened.

11: Go down the stairs to meet another boss

| Boss
| Igoronak | BOS015 |
| Difficulty: Medium | AKA Strange round thing |
| Dean 23 | Rebecca 23 | Avril 23 | Greg 22 |
| Igoronak x2 HP 3870 LV 25 |
| HEX Setup: ---------- |
| / Wind Ley \ |
| ----------< Igoronak > |
| / \ / |
| ----------< >--------< |
| / Fire Ley \ / \ |
| < Igoronak >---------< > |
| \ / \ / |
| ----------< * >--------< |
| \ / Earth L \ |
| STATUE >---------< Char 2 > |
| / Char 1 \ Char 3 / |
| < >--------- |

\ /

| No elemental weaknesses here to abuse. On the other hand, they don't have |
| that much HP either. If you can occupy the HEX I marked with a * with |
| both Rebecca and Dean, you might be able to hurt them both with Trigger |
| Rondo, as they circle around that HEX quite a lot. It also does more |
| damage then a regular attack, so it's worth trying. |
| They can hurt you bad, so be sure to keep yourself healed. I had Avril on |
| that job. |
After this you'll be in a long automated part.
Here you'll meet Persphone for the first time, but more importantly: In this
part Nightburn will this time make his appearence. You already saw him on
Dean's treasure picture and on the commercial, but no you'll meet him in the
flesh. Since Duo needs something to complete his broadcast, Nightburn will
offer to make a recording of a duel between him and Dean. So let's fight.

| Boss
| Nightburn - Round 1 | BOS016 |
| Difficulty: Bound 2 lose | AKA Golem Hunter Schmunter |
| Dean 24 |
| Nightburn HP 17000 LV 36 |
| HEX Setup: ---------- |
| / Nightbrn \ |
| < > |
| \ / |
| >--------< |
| / Aqua Ley \ |
| < >--------- |
| \ / \ |
| STATUE >--------< > |
| / \ / |
| ---------< >--------< |
| / Fire Ley \ / Wind Ley \ |
| < >--------< > |
| \ / Dean \ / |
| ---------< >--------- |

\ /

| Nightburn is way too strong for Dean, so just allow him to finish you off |
After this another automated session takes place. You'll end up in the
streets of Laia Belle again. You'll learn Pastel has become ill. So your next
target is Mithysmere.

| Mithysmere - The Ill Girl | IDXC00I |
| Location Type: Dng/Twn | Savespots: 01, 06 | Sol-Niger: 10 |
| Dean 25 | Rebecca 25 | Avril 25 | Greg 24 |
I suppose you still know the way to get to Mithysmere so get your ass
over there.

This section is automated. Even your trip back to Laia 3 \ |
| < >---------< >--------< > |
| \ / \ / \ / |
| ---------- ---------- ---------- |
| The damage this one does is great. So keep your healers ready. If you |
| can cast Hi-Blast from the Wind HEX this battle will soon be over. |
| Watch out for virus breed. When it does that, it'll cause disease on all |
| the surrounding HEXes. |
In the next rooms, you're gonna have to take the right exit.
Taking the wrong one will warp you back to area 15.
If you wanna do it without the walkthrough, then here's the catch.
Shoot the torch, and the wind will point the fire in a certain
direction. That's the hint on where to go.
Now with walkthrough
= Go to the savespot (save if you want)
= Go to the room with the flamew
= Exit east

17: = Follow the room
= Light the torch
= Exit south

18: Go to the torch.
When you light it you'll see the flame doesn't point to a door.
It points to the wall. Examine that wall, and you'll discover a
secret passage.

19: You've reach the end of this dungeon. You'll get a lot of information
now about the history of Filgaia.
You'll also meet the Baskars. They'll get you the medicine you came
for. You'll also obtain the Mountain Medium.

B 02: Go up the ramp, Exirt east

B 01: Follow the corridor, exit south

| Mithysmere - Cure The Ill Girl | IDXC00K |
| Location Type: Dng/Twn | Savespots: 01, 06 | Sol-Niger: 10 |
| Dean 29 | Rebecca 29 | Avril 29 | Greg 29 | Carol 29 |
| From the Memorial Sanctuary take the way north-east |
| When there's a way to the east to the railway go there. |
| Here you'll find the path back to Mithysmere. |
Another automated part. You'll get some cutscenes in the meantime too.
Well, when the automated part is over you're in the townsquare of Mithysmere.
Nice to know (not that it is of any value) is that Zed is here now too.
You know the loser from Wild Arms 1/Alter Code F?

When you leave the village you'll have another chat about your next
destination. The city of Honeysday. As Carol pointed out, there's a tunnel
that leads to Honeysday. So let's head for that tunnel.

While you're leaving you'll also get some rewards. One of those rewards
is the Detector. Another cartridge.
Handy to find treasures, and to make invisible stuff visible, and to
detect if a chest is a regular chest or a Mimic.

| Starlit Path (83025, 60300) | IDXC00L |
| Location Type: Dungeon | Savespots: 05, 14 | Sol-Niger: 00 |
| Dean 29 | Rebecca 29 | Avril 29 | Greg 29 | Carol 29 |
| Enemies: Clay Puppet, Amon, Amplifier |
| From Mithysmere, go immediately to the east. When you find a path there |
| follow it. At the end of the path is the tunnel you're looking for. |
Just a tunnel, like so much more in this game. Let's get started on it, shall

01: Go downstairs, exit east

02: = Use the detector to create a bridge
= Cross the bridge
= Exit south

03: = Jump onto the pipe and climb up to the higher platform
= Exit south

04: The chest here is an imitator. Open it if you want, but imitators are
quite dangerous opponents, I warn ya.
You see some torches here. Light only the most southern one.
Exit south

05: If you want you can exit east for a Dragon Fossil. To obtain it
move the crate to the chest and shoot it. For room 05, use the pipe
to get by the savespot. Save there if you want and exit east from

This is the not end .I try to
next time thanks you all friend.


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