EVERYONE YOU me i mean everyone is striving for just one thing that is happiness. But what do You think, does a person really know what happiness is amd how it can be attained. 

In Brahma Sütra it’s said “çrutes tu çabda mülatvät”- words from the Vedas are the highest opinion on anything. No opinion is above the eternally same, eternally perfect Vedas.

The Vedas describe the Supreme Lord as Änanda brahma, Änanda svarüpa, rasamaya – the Supreme Lord is a condensed form of Änanda, Rasa and Happiness. And by attaining Him the jéva’s eternal quest for happiness finally reaches its culmination by attaining God i.e. a jéva finally attains happiness !

  • raso vai saù (Taittiréya Upaniñad 2.7.1) – The Supreme Lord is Rasa.

  • ananda vijïänam änandaà brahma  (Båhad Äraëyaka Upaniñad 3.9.34) – The Supreme Lord is Jïäna Svarüpa, Änanda Svarüpa (it implies, that other beings, other things are not Änanda Svarüpa)

  • sarva gandhaù, sarva rasaù (Chändogya Upaniñad 3.14.2)- Here the Vedas go a step further; he is just not simply Rasa. He is “Sarva Rasaù”- He is happiness. All types of Rasa, happiness. There is no Rasa, happiness elsewhere, outside Him.

  • änandamayo bhyäsät (Vedänta sutra 1.1.12)

  • satyaà jïänaà anantaà (Taittiréya Upaniñad, Änanda Valli 1)

  • sac–cid-änanda vigraha (Brahma Saàhitä 5.1)

  • sa esa rasanäà rasatamaù (Chändogya Upaniñad 1.1.3)

  • akhila rasämåta mürtiù (Caitanya Caritämåta 8.142)

  • Brahmand Valli from Taittiréya Upaniñad  2.7 explains eña hy evänandayati- The Supreme Lord is the only giver of happiness, peace!

  • Bhagavad Gétä 18.62- tat prasädät paräà çäntià- Only by Lord not by his own whimsical endeavour anybody gets any happiness.

  • rasaà hy eväyaà labdhvänandé bhavati (Taittiréya Upaniñad 2.7.1)- Only by attaining Rasmaya, Rasa-svarüpa Lord, a living being gets happiness.vijïänaà änandaà brahma (Båhad Äraëyaka Upaniñad 3.9.34)

  • taà dhyäyet, taà rasayet, taà bhajet, taà yajed iti (Gopäl Tapäné Upänisad Pürva 50)


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