Happiness is subjective, it depends on you.
Everybody in the world wanted to be happy, of course. Why do people wanted to be happy? That is a question that everyone would answer to themselves. Everybody has their own definition of happiness, but to be able to recognize what it is that truly make people happy, it depends on that person alone. Generally, people want to be happy because they wanted to feel good and satisfied with their lives. That is what most of people would probably think about happiness.
There is no any certainty about what happiness is to others. Some may say that food is their happiness, some may say that being slim is their happiness and some might even say that doing plastic surgery is their happiness. The truth is, these things that made people happy is actually their state physical of mind. It does not come from the materials or external factors but it is in their mind, their mental. That is why happiness is subjective to every people, and being happy is their own responsibility. Everybody has a potential, a chance to be happy as they themselves who can only make themselves happy, not anyone else.
However, why do there are people who are not happy with themselves? Eric Hoffer, who was an American moral and also a social philosopher quoted that, “The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness”. Albert Camus also said, “You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” Often people keep searching for happiness rather than looking at the small things that could make them happier than they thought they would be. People think that happiness would be through materialism and they focus more on searching happiness rather than enjoying things around them.
In order to become happy, one must learn to change their attitude, to learn that not all physical things satisfied people. It is all about the mind-set that they have, whether they decide to be happy, or unhappy.
Stephen M. P. & Mark L. (2006). It's all in Your Head : Thinking Your Way to Happiness : The 8 Essential Secrets to Living a
Life Without Regrets. Australia : HarperCollins Publishers.