Hal Jordan's epic sagas: The War of Light (Sins of the Star Sapphires)
The Zamarons reforged their Star Sapphire gem into rings to construct a central power battery on their planet that would fuel with violet energy, and they did all this copying the Green Lantern corps by the Guardians. But the Zamarons had a different life vision and philosophy that didn't comulgate with the Guardians style of enemy prisons and punishments.
The Star sapphires then started to roam the universe pinning down and defeating the Sinestro Corps members and put them down into a change process that would turn them into good beings full of positive vibes, following the way of the Sapphire. This made the Guardians try to seek a middle ground between them, but the Star Sapphire's leader refused to stop their wuarrel. It was then when the Sapphires would continue their oddysey in the universe and against the sinestro corps.