On the fringe, a look into the mind of a hairdresser

in #haircut8 years ago (edited)

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Five or so years ago (maybe six, I honestly can not remember because I was pregnant and miserable) I decided it would be a grand idea to do what many women had did before me and become a hair dresser, stylist, hair artist, however you would like to word it. When you dive head first into a woman dominated world, you should probably be prepared.

Cosmetology school is one of the hardest things I ever put myself through. It is not gender stereotyping when I tell you that women, when all cooped up together, are like a crazed cage of hungry tigers fighting over a steak. We are absolutely ruthless. I have definitely came a very long way since I went to school to do hair, and while some of it may have been the alien child that was growing in my belly (I really do not think my kid is an alien), I was sensitive to the blatant anger that came from all of us (myself included). There were some of the meanest things said about other women in that place, I knew that it was not how I wanted to be.

Upon graduation, as I left the school, many words were thrown at me as I walked out the door, bitch was the biggest one. You never really know how hurtful that word can be until it is thrown at you in such a way that it is laced with straight venom. In all honesty, I probably was just that, a bitch.

In a profession where you are trained to make a woman or man feel better about themselves, we sure do tear other stylists down. It's not just about physical appearances either. Instead of offering help to stylists in need, I have seen some just belittle and humiliate. That is absolutely not what I became a stylist for. My sole purpose as a hair dresser is to make you feel beautiful.

Coco Chanel said "A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life." She was not joking. Do you know that one of the first things a woman does when she goes through something traumatizing is typically to change her hair? Do you know why that it is? It is one of the few things in life we can control. Bad breakup? Cut your hair off. Death in the family? Get a new color. It brings a sense of calm to our minds because once again we feel in control of something. When the world is spiraling out, it is how we spiral back in.

Empowerment comes from within, so when you look in the mirror and you do not like what you see, that empowerment can go right out the window. When you look in the mirror, what is the first thing you look at? Your face, what is your face surrounded by? Your hair, so that shows that the two things that you notice (as long as with almost everyone else) is your face and hair. Why wouldn't you want to keep it up?

Do not get me wrong, there are those women out there who do nothing to their face and hair, and they are absolutely stunning! But for those of us who like a little modification, talk to your hair dresser.

You know what else? I absolutely LOVE hearing about your life. I have heard stylists complain about being therapists to their clients, It does not bother me one bit. When you come in to see me and you are going to spend a few hours with me, load it on. I'm here to listen and distract, and I have got pretty good out at in the past five years. I love what I do, so please, do not feel bad for talking about your cousin's friend's dead dog.

I also love answering questions! My knowledge of styling techniques and product information are rather high, so please feel free to ask me questions. I love education and think it is at the forefront of cosmetology.


Woohoo! You made it on here!

You should make an introduction post in #introduceyourself . :)
I recommend not just typing and hitting "send" though. Think it through, format it. Add more photos.
You're gonna do well here if you spin it right. :)

Yeah, i'm working through it, for sure. I made one but I jumped the gun and now I realize just what I should have done. So I'll redo it. This will be fun!

Just remember that unless it's a comment to a post, you can't delete. You can only edit. Are you not able to edit the tag? Or have you and it just doesn't change?

You can edit the tag...sort of? I can take out all the tags but the first one.

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