How to Stop Hair Loss or Greying Naturally
If you’re concerned about your greying or hair loss, rest easy knowing that there are plenty of natural and effective ways to slow down the process and get yourself back to looking (and feeling) as good as new. It might take a little time, but these tips are guaranteed to stop greying and hair loss naturally.
Stay hydrated
Water is vital for maintaining the health of your hair. Not only does it keep the strands from drying out, but it also helps distribute the oils evenly throughout your scalp and hair follicles. Drinking water will help ensure you're receiving all the nutrients you need for healthy-looking hair, and also helps flush out toxins from your body which can contribute to greying and thinning hair.
Avoid stress, anxiety, and depression
Many people are unaware of the effects that stress, anxiety, and depression can have on their hair. Stress can cause your hair follicles to constrict, which in turn results in thinner hair. Stress may also cause you to develop a resting hairline, which is where your hair begins to grow from the temples and not the scalp. Anxiety and depression may cause similar changes like thinning hair, increased shedding, an increased resting hairline, and more breakage.
Here are some tips for reducing these effects Acknowledge the problem and try not to take it out on yourself. Talk about it with someone who cares about you; do something relaxing; get enough sleep; exercise moderately - but don't overdo it; drink lots of water; avoid drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol (especially if they're causing symptoms). A healthy diet with plenty of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients will help support healthy hair growth as well.
Eat anti-inflammatory foods
Eating foods with Omega-3 fatty acids can help thinning hair and residing hairline. Plus, these fats will help fight inflammation throughout the body. Some examples of such foods include almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and salmon.
Use natural ingredients to support healthy hair growth.
Get enough vitamins C, D & B12
Vitamins are essential for healthy hair and scalp. Vitamins C, D, and B12 are all essential for a healthy head of hair. Vitamin C is needed for the production of collagen which is what your body uses to make new cells. Vitamin D is needed for the production of keratin which is what your body uses as a building block in its hair shafts. Finally, B12 is needed in order to produce melanin which gives your hair that natural shine.
Consume magnesium
Magnesium is an important mineral that helps regulate muscle and nerve function, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. It also helps maintain a normal heart rhythm, create new cells and build proteins.
Massage your scalp
Massaging your scalp can help stimulate hair growth. You can do this by rubbing your hands together and then gently rubbing the tips of your fingers over your scalp in circular motions for one minute. Doing so will boost blood flow, release toxins from your scalp, and increase circulation.
If you have any extra time, use a little bit of coconut oil on your hands before massaging so that it penetrates deeper into the skin. Keep up with this routine for 10 minutes twice a day to see maximum results.
Reduce exposure to toxins like plastics in personal care products
To reduce exposure to toxins like plastics in personal care products, switch out your shampoos, conditioners, and other hair care products for all-natural alternatives. You can also take supplements like biotin and silica, which promote healthy hair growth. Finally, clean your brushes regularly with water and vinegar.
Follow this treatment plan for the best results
For best results, follow this three-step treatment plan:
Supplementation with natural substances including vitamins, minerals, and herbs such as saw palmetto, pumpkin seeds, Ginkgo Biloba, and green tea. These are all-natural remedies for the prevention of hair loss and greying hair.
Diet changes include increasing your intake of protein from animal sources like eggs, chicken, and fish. Protein is essential for healthy hair growth.
Avoiding stress which has been linked to many health problems, not just hair loss and greying. So take some time out of each day for relaxing activities that you enjoy doing such as reading a book, meditating, or taking a bath.
Say goodbye to thinning or frayed hair