Hair transplant, Yes or Not?
Hair transplant, yes or not?
This is a very delicate topic that I am writing about here because the people I have meet with a bad hair transplant, somehow, are facing to a problem they won’t be there if someone would have told them the true risk to do this procedure, and not for the risk that something goes wrong on the procedure itself , the problems is the result that you have to live with after, with a not good looking results.
In this short blog I will explain what are a few indicators to see if a person can have a surgical intervention to get more hair on the affected zone.
When the people come for a hair transplantation, sometimes is not possible and of course is hard to hear but trust me sometimes is better to be bald that make a bad surgical procedure.
We have treat so much people how has had a bad hair transplant just because the clinic itself just want to get your money, and they really do not care if your case have actually all the option that could get you a good natural looking hair transplant.
And why I could not be a good candidate to do a hair transplant?, as you should know, we just have a certain number of hairs, so if you do not have enough hair is better to not to try, because maybe for the first years everything well look ok, but with the time the hair on the affected zone will still fall so after a while you will need to have another hair transplant, and if your donate area is not enough hair, will be a completely disaster for you. Also your age is a crucial, if you are too youth, the evolution of your case could get you on a bad position. For now I believed is enough information, you have to see all this just as a big picture, all together with a trusted professionals, every person is a different universe, the best way to perform the procedure that will give you the best natural looking results is get as much information an visit as many specialist as you can a lot of them do free consultation and there are forums for hair transplant.
Do not be afraid to ask the specialist 1000 questions and ask also to see their operated patients.
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