Haiku Chase -- based on Generals of Napoleon (1) - DUROC - “The shadow of the Emperor” by @herverisson
First off, what is a haiku chase?
A haiku chase is a series of haiku that take their first line from the last line of the haiku preceding it. You may play this game “solitaire” or with partners riffing on each other.
This example shows
how a haiku chase functions
it is not that hard
it is not that hard
to fall in love with zebras
sporting God’s bar code
sporting God’s bar code
I happily chew my cud
adorning the veldt
Get the idea? If you were to continue the chase, your first line would be “adorning the veldt."
With that said...
I have been enjoying @herverisson’s series on Napoleon’s generals.
Just for fun, here is a haiku chase based on the first of series, Generals of Napoleon (1) - DUROC - “The shadow of the Emperor”.
(Psst – If you hurry, you can go over and upvote the original post before the 30-day iron door closes. Seriously, long tail anyone? Discovering classics later in life and rewarding the creators? Topic for another post.)
General Duroc
General Duroc
Bonaparte’s major domo
loyal to the end
loyal to the end
Napoleon’s body man
struck down at Bautzen
struck down at Bautzen
taking with him memories
fleeting victories
How about you?
Reply with your haiku chases here. Or create your own and share a link in replies.
This is fun!
Thanks! I think language should be fun sometimes!
Awesome :) It would perfectly fit as an epitaph on Duroc's grave :) Thanks for the reference!
Thanks for the generals! I really appreciated the reminder that, as singular as Napoleon was, he did not personally fire every cannon and lead every advance.