SteemLegion: Help take down Haejin without fear of reprisal [Anon account creation and delegation tutorial]

in #haejin7 years ago (edited)

Does it annoy you that one user is taking 3% of the rewards pool? Want to do something about it, but afraid of the repercussions?

Introducing @SteemLegion, an account set up to flag @Haejin anonymously and help others do the same.

Lots of people on Steem have a little man-goo on their face, but @Haejin and @Ranchorelaxo are taking it too far. They are SBD-junkies; addiction and greed have clouded their vision. Not content with a single $1000 post per day, these wastes of space think they deserve more than $10 000 per day.

We know a lot of you are unhappy with this situation, but if you are like us, you can't risk having your posts nuked into oblivion by a couple of greedy ass SBD-junkies. You also might think that you don't have a large enough stake to make a difference ...

You are not alone though. We are legion, and together we are immeasurably strong. Together, we can make a difference.

By creating anonymous Steem accounts and delegating SP to @SteemLegion, each and every one of us can combat this blatant abuse of the rewards pool with zero fear of reprisal.

Anonymous account creation

  • Go to
  • Enter your desired username and select the LTC (Litecoin) payment option (Cheaper than STEEM right now)

  • Go to your favourite exchange in a new tab and purchase enough LTC to cover the account cost and withdrawal fee
  • Click the "Buy Now" button

  • Copy the LTC payment address and request a withdrawal for the correct amount from your exchange

Important: Make sure you withdraw enough to cover the withdrawal fee - if you are using Bittrex you should add .01 to the account creation cost

  • Click back to the AnonSteem tab and wait
  • After a minute or so the page will refresh and you will be shown your master password and private keys

  • Follow the instructions regarding logging into your Steem account and changing your password
  • Record your new password and private keys in a safe place

  • Click Destroy Password to wipe any record of your private keys from the AnonSteem servers

Funding your new anon account and delegating to @SteemLegion

Important: Do not fund your new account with STEEM from your personal Steem account or Haejin and Rancho will be able to identify you!

  • Purchase some STEEM on your favourite exchange (however much you are willing to delegate to the cause)

  • Withdraw your purchased STEEM to your new anon account and power it up

Note: You now have an anonymous account powered up with SP, if you just wish to flag Haejin yourself, there is no need to continue with the delegation process below.

Important: Make sure you leave at least 6 SP in your anon account so your account remains functional

  • Hit enter, verify everything is correct and hit continue

  • Enter your active key and sign in complete the delegation process

We will now use the SP you have delegated to us to combat further rewards abuse from Haejin. You can cancel your delegation at any time by following the process above and setting the SP number to 0. Please be aware that once a delegation is cancelled, it will be 7 days before the SP is returned to your anon account.

If anyone is large enough or brave enough to delegate directly to this account without fear of repercussions, then we thank you and applaud your bravery. Shout out to @BernieSanders, @themarkymark and @tuck-fheman - the community appreciates the sacrifices you've made.


I’ve kept out of the conflict for quiet a while now, but I think it’s time to join in now. I will delegate half of the little steem power I own to the steem legion account and will be glad to help in any way!

Shoulder to shoulder we will trudge the road to a Happy Destiny.

Thanks @ahmedelakehal - every little bit adds up!

As we said below, be careful using your own account to do this - he has a pack of rabid dogs flagging anyone who dares discuss the issue.

I have started to receive flags left and write on my posts now 😂. Just shows how obnoxiously clever these “followers” are...
Begging for a fight and not trying to resolve the war that their supreme leader started, bringing down the Steemit platform with their bullets. They don’t understand, we want them to flag us, it just boosts our determination to clear out this mess, thanks for the candy @haejin!
Flag usssss!!!!! We don’t care, all it does is destroy your supreme leaders home! All you are doing is setting fire to your own house!

Yes! I don't have much but I am sending some SBD to you.

We appreciate your efforts we are powering up everything! All liquid funds sent will be returned to you when this account is put to sleep. We were going to wait until this post had paid out to start flagging, but someone has delegated 4000SP - that is enough to reduce his payouts by 1400 USD a week - it's not much, but it's a chip in the armour so we will begin. Any flags they drop on this post or our comments are votes he isn't getting.

Don't sweat it. Keep it. You gotta make something for your sacrifice.

How much money are you making from this?

We probably won't make any money from this - we are waiting to be flagged. We spent more than $500 creating the account, funding it with 50 STEEM and promoting the post. This is not a money making operation.

Sweet! I am pulling some delegation. in 7 daysish 1k SP going your way!

It's probably not wise to delegate from you're own account, but if you are brave enough - we applaud you!

I am not as important as Us, I will go without just so others can have a little more. I am brave that is true.
I love almost everyone here on
A thousand SP to help the little guys, hell yeah!
@steemlegion I commend you for taking action.

No, no - we commend you!

As you can see, the trolls have already started to come for you ... Why? Your comment wasn't over rewarded, you weren't taking anything you weren't entitled too. These guys are fascists - they are trying to stop people from speaking out!

whats up with this guy, why stop him?

Because he is taking more than $10 000 from the rewards pool each and every day. That money is meant for everyone - there are thousands of content creators on Steem - 6% can't go to just one person. On top of that, when he was called out for this behaviour, he started a war and attacked anyone who had the nerve to discuss the topic. The guy is a piece of shit - plain and simple.

Come on, that's not true. Please show us when they get 10 000$ per Day...

It will be double that once the internal Steem price catches up ... he is posting 10x a day with massive auto-votes:

$250 rewards dollars on a post - half of that is SBD, SBD is worth $10 at the moment = ~$1400 a post x 10

So it's $14 000 a day right now, and about to grow as the internal Steem price catches up with the market.

What does "massive auto votes" mean? Is his followers using an automated voting system or Bots? Sorry to sound stupid I am new to Crypto World and new to Steemit, just trying to learn.

Alright so there is nothing wrong with auto-votes in our opinion. The thing is, most people who have auto-vote support, also have an understanding with their supporters that they won't post 10x a day and use all their voting/take ridiculous amounts from the rewards pool.

This isn't about methodology/collusion/circle jerking so much, but the extent these guys are taking it too. Their greed seems to know no bounds.

How do you know it is 6%?

We have updated to the last figure from - the 6% was an understatement of @themarkymark's considerably more extensive (and arguably more accurate) methodology

He's just taking a lot more Steem from the reward pool than others want him to. Since Steemit is decentralized, all the other users can reduce how much rewards he gets by flagging. The Steem he doesn't get then goes back into the reward pool and is shared by all other Steemit users.

Stake in cooldown.. about 6 days left..

Lol... that's @justinassmeat mother fucker! Just sayin' your disses are weak and superfluous. @flippedcrypt, is that a new way of saying transvestite?

No, just another way of saying things will get worse for @berniesanders before they get better.

For most of this fight I have wanted to stay out of it not really looking to either side. That pretty much changed when people started commenting on posts that were completely unrelated to the issue and upvoted their comment above everything else. I wold gladly support free market but considering haejin, and followers, appear to be self-centered selfish idiots with the IQ >50 (I mean his posts of ~30 words + 2 charts is not good content) so now I would be willing to say that I support this side of the fight. But I do not want to tie up SP/SBD into this as it would take 10,000 of me to counter one of their votes. Instead, since there are so many that are flagging, I will use my 0.12-0.22 SBD vote to actually support people making decent content which will have the potential to increase the value of the fight. If I do create an account to specifically counter this then I will just dump external cryptos into it instead of trading away steem/sbd through an exchange just to trade it back.

good information Thank!!

Why are we attacking users that bring value to steem?

There is so much shit content here, why do we attack the one guy that puts in the work for great content!

The thing is, all the professional analysts and traders we've spoken too see nothing worthwhile in his content - he is telling people to buy everything in a bull-market. Literally everything. Let's see him pick one coin a day, long and short on margin and see how good he is.

As for "effort", you can't put out 10 high effort posts a day. Simple as that. He some times drops posts in the same minute. 2/3 of the copy is copy paste from previous posts.

Content subjectivity aside, flagging over rewards disagreement is perfectly valid. We won't school you on this because you've been around long enough to know.

Haejin hasn't been flagging on rewards disagreement, he has been flagging in revenge and worst of all, flagging people who attempt to discuss the topic or criticise. That is messed up.

@TheMarkyMark and @tuck-fheman bring value to Steem through Qurator and SPL. Haejin is doing nothing but taking from the platform, attacking good people and valuable communities because they had the nerve to question his behaviour.

Imagine if we flagged you now for disagreeing with us (SP imbalance aside) - dick move right?

I have the same question. One one side "He gets so much of the pool" on the other... you get waves of people spamming dumb pictures and yet somehow still doing well. Maybe its bots or i dunno but at least this guy has some good content.

Please see response to OP for extra context.

Re: photos - value of content is subjective - photographer, analyst, copywriter, artist - all valid pursuits and professions.

We only have a problem if a user posts 10 of those $200 photos/charts/articles/drawings a day and tries to milk the community for every last drop.

We are yet to run numbers again following Steem price appreciation, but we imagine he is now earning well over $20 000 USD per day.

Who the hell needs/deserves that much money?

Steemlegion it's cool idea but...
many people a have big reputations ( and why they no participate in this action? (they are rich and not interested in anything else?)
if they (even a bit) to put downvote haejin, then he will not receive the funds and will lose rating. It is so much more effective or not, or something I I don't understanding?

One more question, "and what to do with those who vote for haejin posts?"
They - accomplices or victims of force!?.

Very true, right now there are three big players flagging. The problem is, by flagging you are paying opportunity cost, as you don't earn any curation rewards.

As far as Haejin's voters, it is pretty much just one guy boosting his posts with huge votes, most of the other voters have very little power.

great info, and glad to see people standing up against these greedy bastards! Keep up the good fight!

oh god, I dont want to flag anyone.. this is ridiculous.... like he was the only person here who should get smaller rewards for his posts.. the system rules allows to post 10 times a day, to upvote own post, to set autovoter with whale votes, and to flag someone if we dont agree with the reward..

I see it as a useless fight, because I cant see the winner... if the rules wont change, this situation will continue..

we talk about too high rewards.. but he is not the only one! there are posts with one photo (which is not even that good), 2 sentences and gets $200 per post and nobody cares.. if we want to be so fair...

Re: photos - value of content is subjective - photographer, analyst, copywriter, artist - all valid pursuits and professions.

We only have a problem if a user posts 10 of those $200 photos/charts/articles/drawings a day and tries to milk the community for every last drop.

We are yet to run numbers again following Steem price appreciation, but we imagine he is now earning well over $20 000 USD per day.

Who the hell needs/deserves that much money?

Apologies, short on time - copying response to a similar argument above.

Im kinda new to the drama. How is he getting 6%? Does he have bots upvoting him or something? Is it really that easy to game the system?!

He says of himself that he is very rich. If you have the capital to become real powerful real quick you can start milking the system. And since he didn't start from the bottom, he has no sympathy or feeling with the community at all

He did actually start from the bottom, he spent months here as a not very successful analyst earning about $20 a post. He appears to have brokered some kind of voting deal with Rancho about a month ago.

Oh I didn't know that! I am really curious how this is going to evolve...

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