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RE: A Message To All @haejin Supporters - He Is Destroying Steem Communities!

in #haejin7 years ago

Maybe his advice are really different/better and that's why he is having success ?

On one side I see a guy giving FREE TA that has proven to make a lot of people money hence his popularity.
On the other side you have a handful of whale that are living of their fortune (like some aristocracy) by making people pay to have some exposure because they have monopolized the voting power .

Am i missing something here let's punish successful quality content and protect and praise the royalty that are screwing us ?


On one side I see a guy giving FREE TA that has proven to make a lot of people money hence his popularity.

Where do you get "free TA" out of making thousands of dollars per post? That ain't free, son.

I have no problem with the man making some scratch for his suggestions, especially if he seems to hit on his calls at a higher frequency than most others, which may or may not be true, I don't know. I haven't followed him closely enough to make that distinction.

What I can say is that I find it difficult to justify a man's time (advice) being worth as much as his daily payouts suggest that it's worth. Think about it. How long does it really take the man to see these patterns and to point them out?

Once you've trained yourself to see the patterns of TA, it becomes like first nature. I wouldn't be surprised if he's cranking these charts out in a matter of a couple of minutes a piece. At payouts in the multiple hundreds of dollars per post, that's a crazy wage that he's working on.

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