TruenessBroker !
Hello all ;
like all other Security Researchers/Hackers, we need a place to post our works.
and after some research between BlockChain Domains (.BiT) and Steemit, we choose this one.
cause its tested in the past by other groups was very successful in their work/business.
TheShadowBrokers (
so we try to test it.
Like all other security teams, we post here info/proof of our works.
If you want to be with us so bookmark us to be the first one find what we have done and what happened;
Another Security Team? Why?
already a lot of coming and going! Fluffy Bunny, LulzSec, TheShadowBrokers, Lizard Squad,...
Those type of groups using Hard methods, finding 0days, DDoS, exploit,...
the different between TrueBroker and other is we find some Simple Methods, easy tasks,.. and unbelievable results.
in the next posts, we share more info/projects and we think you will LOVE our work (O_o)
If you want to support the TruenessBroker you can do by Bitcoin ;
Our BTC Address is : 1TNBwcnCatYpkPjMf4aPi2zvcjyXwcEqv