Hackers Defeated! Hacker’s Website Gets Hacked By The Victim
There were lot’s of hacking stuff going on. Every other day, we hear about a website or internal networks getting hacked. Hackers are introducing new techniques before the tech industry develops ways to protect personal data on computers.
In all hacking attempts, good guys who don’t have much knowledge about security have to face the hard times. However, the good guys in this tech world also know a trick or two to get back at their attackers in their own ways.
Something, similar happened with ProtonMail. ProtonMail is one of the world’s popular secure email service that was developed by CERN and MIT scientists. Hackers are sending false messages to ProtonMail users which read “You have an overdue invoice”
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News Hacking
Hackers Defeated! Hacker’s Website Gets Hacked By The Victim
By Gautam Manhas - August 22, 2017
Hackers Defeated! Hacker's Website Gets Hacked By The Victim
Hackers Defeated! Hacker's Website Gets Hacked By The Victim
In all hacking attempts, good guys who don’t have much knowledge about security have to face the hard times. However, the good guys in this tech world also know a trick or two to get back at their attackers in their own ways.
Hackers Defeated! Hacker’s Website Gets Hacked By The Victim
There were lot’s of hacking stuff going on. Every other day, we hear about a website or internal networks getting hacked. Hackers are introducing new techniques before the tech industry develops ways to protect personal data on computers.
In all hacking attempts, good guys who don’t have much knowledge about security have to face the hard times. However, the good guys in this tech world also know a trick or two to get back at their attackers in their own ways.
Something, similar happened with ProtonMail. ProtonMail is one of the world’s popular secure email service that was developed by CERN and MIT scientists. Hackers are sending false messages to ProtonMail users which read “You have an overdue invoice”
Once users click a message box they were redirected to a phishing website which displays false ProtonMail login window. ProtonMail got to know about this phishing attempt and retaliated with a taste of the attacker’s own medicine- ProtonMail hacked back hacker’s website.
ProtonMail took the issue to Twitter and stated that they have hacked the phishing website and took down the entire web page. However, the twitter post was taken down after some time. But, Twitter user x0rz took a screenshot and posted it on his account. ProtonMail even asked the twitter user x0rz to remove the post.
Image Source: motherboard.vice.com
Image Source: motherboard.vice.com
Motherboard was even told that the post was promoting something that might not have happened in the first place. A ProtonMail spokesperson told motherboard that the post was “fueling unsubstantiated rumors and speculation about what may or may not have happened.”
“For reasons that you can probably understand, we do not really comment on the record regarding phishing attempts, and we cannot confirm nor deny if anything happened.”
Maybe, ProtonMail wants to stay away from the unethical process that an organization shouldn’t follow. Whatever might be the reason, this is one of the best ways to discourage hackers gaining control over someone’s account.
So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.