dailylearnings 1/1/2022
So I read a newsletter and here are my learnings.
In new year resolutions basically, we set some goals, targets for ourselves that will make our life better than it is now and we know how long those resolutions last😂😂
When we promise something to do in the future, two things happen:-
1. It doesn't take any effort in making that promise.
2. It gives you hope.
Somewhere it is the same emotion that we feel when we say "Don't worry, everything will be ok"
see it did not take any effort and moreover it is giving us hope.
So rather than setting resolutions, we should aim for forming new habits. Habits are like the small steps that will eventually compound and make you able to achieve whatever you want.
Our neurochemistry is such a way that if we keep on repeating a task, our body and mind start taking less and less effort to do that. So if we form habits that will help us achieve our goals, eventually it becomes really easy or effortless for us. Some people say that it doesn't seem to work to them because they have repeated that task such a great no of times that their bodies don't feel so.
So overall we should aim to form good habits this year.
Book recommendation for habit formation:- Atomic Habits by James Clear