Habits That Will Dramatically Improve Your Life

in #habbit7 years ago

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Your ancestors may have passed you down the dainty nose or those well-defined brows, but good habits are seldom bred in the bone, and often we find ourselves caught up in the mundane matters of our earthly lives that can make us feel dull and without purpose.

If you have ever wanted to get your day rolling hammer and tongs, then here are a few habits that will instantly make you feel to fly like a G6 every day!

#1. Smile
A long time ago, I remember watching a video of a song where everybody was just smiling and singing ‘I smile, even though I hurt see I smile….’ It made me wonder who would do that- smile when life is falling apart at the seams. But then, it was like a bolt out of the blue when I realized life takes a whole different meaning when you don’t let the stress and the difficulties get to you; and when you smile and put on the armor of positivity, it shields you from all the negative thoughts and feelings that come your way!

Smiling is also known to lower your heart rate during stressful events and actually helps elevate your mood. If you need a better reason to smile today, then just look into the mirror and smile because ‘You look so much better when you smile….’ That’s how the ‘I Smile song’ ends with everybody- young and old, chiming euphoniously, looking straight at us singing ‘Smile.’ So, make it a habit of smiling today no matter your circumstances.

#2. Love Others (even if he/she is your worst enemy)
I know, it’s not easy to embrace someone with arms wide open when they have just flipped the bird on your face. The world is full of people who find joy in being crude (It’s almost become an obsession these days to be this way), but you can be different, and being different from the rest of the crowd has its perks. You get noticed for being that genuinely good person who doesn’t go all vulgarian and foul-mouthed when someone wants to be a jerk to us!

Also, spreading love and connecting with people boosts our overall happiness. Giving a hug or simply telling someone how much they mean to you can make everything in the world seem a little brighter for you and for those around you. Love is the only thing you need today to solve 90 percent of the problems in your life. So, make it a habit of loving others unconditionally to lead a happier life today!

#3. Do Not Covet or Be Greedy
It’s a lie when someone tells you they have never coveted for a life of luxury without breaking a sweat at least at some point in their lives (Even if it had just been a passing thought, it counts here :D). We may or may not have all the comforts that Mr.A living next door has, but do not yourself be blinded by what you see. It’s always the things that you do not see that hides the truth in plain sight! Discontent is directly related to being covetous in nature which leads us to the destructive habit of indulgence!

Sometimes having less of everything can actually be a good thing. It makes us value what we have. If you are here, reading this, then you probably have a roof over your head and pillow under your head that some people in this world have not yet experienced having them. Make it a habit of taking a moment every day to be thankful for what you possess instead of complaining; you’ll certainly be happier being less covetous and more thankful for what you have!

#4. Surround Yourself With Positive People
Assuming that you are willing to be a ‘positive’ person yourself, cling on to people who radiate positivity. Being optimistic about everything that life throws at you on a daily basis has its advantages. Your quality of life improves when you cultivate positive thoughts in your head. If you find someone bombarding you with negativity, push them away politely. Do not resort to throwing punches.

Abandon the ship of negativity and hop on the energy bus of positivity. Make it a habit today to be more positive, and work on your positive thoughts so that you can be happy and shine your new-found happiness around.

#5. Appreciate the Little Things in Life
Not long ago, I let ‘envy’ get the better of me. Everywhere I went, every person I met, I would always find something in them that I didn’t possess. It made me unhappy and unsatisfied- almost as if my life had nothing to be grateful for. Then it happened that, one starry night, I looked up towards the sky; the stars were happily twinkling away and at that moment I realized that I had been self-absorbed, wrapped up in my own selfish desires that seemed meaningless and futile in that one little self-reflective moment. It made me appreciate the fact that I can see the pretty night sky and have the time to admire the countless stars.

Sometimes showing a little gratitude can change us completely into a whole new person that we are proud of being. Make it a habit today to be grateful for every little thing that you have. Count your blessings and not your problems. You’ll find peace and happiness by doing this every single day.

#6. Do Not Be Afraid to Fail

Many times, we have refused to take up something new because of the fear of being rejected. It could have been a job or an exam or even meeting someone for the first time. Fear can rear it’s ugly head when you decide to dive down into the unknown. And when we fail at something that we have strived for, it can make us feel jaded and downtrodden.

But that shouldn’t stop you from taking up new objectives to fulfill in your life. Remember: In life, you are your best cheerleader. If anything goes wrong, get up, dust yourself and move on. Though it may be hard initially, overcoming your fears and developing a positive attitude even when it seems like you are biting the dust can make you a stronger person. Make it a habit to be unafraid today!

#7. Take the Time to Care for Yourself

You are one of a kind on planet earth. Nobody like you has existed in the past or is ever going to exist in the future. There is something supercalifragilisticexpialidocious about us humans living and breathing, walking and talking, and just being suspended on the big blue ball. You are a unique creation and to sustain yourself you need to take care of that mind and body of yours.

Take some time today to develop good habits that nurture your body and soul. Sleep around 7 hours every day, eat healthy food, drink 8 glasses of water each day, exercise at least 20 minutes per day and meditate to do a little soul-searching which helps rejuvenate your mind and manage your time effectively.


All of these are very good habits, everyone should practice them regularly. If we did at least half of these things daily we'd all be so much happier. Upvoted!

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