$STEEM price recorded this cycle's ATL this month 🤔
This cycle's ATL(All Time Low) of $STEEM price is $0.1138. The previous cycle's ATL was $0.0832. It was exactly 4 years ago. The market sentiment is almost same to the COVID-19 collapse.
If the history repeats itself, do we have to wait for more than a year? It's boring, and I'm exhausted.. 😞 The crypto derivative market has been more and more increasing the volatility. It's getting difficult to predict the market.
The first year of Donald Trump's first term will likely be tough time for most investors.
It's okay, it's time to buy some. I've created my own club, and I'm currently setting up ads for it. I opened an account on steem and bought some coins. We will continue to develop and if everything goes well, I think there will be a lot of users here, I'm thinking about how to connect steem and my club. Good luck to all of us, buddy!
how does a person tranfer steem from steemit to poloniex to trade for other crypto