The Good Vibes Contest - 5 Things I am Greatful for

in #gvcontest6 years ago

Hi there! This is an entry for the Good Vibes Contest by @corina. I’ve not been able to post for awhile because I have been so massively busy and stressed, and I think focusing on a few good things in my life is a great way to start posting again!

Many of us are so wrapped up in our busy lives, sometimes we forget how many things we have to be greatful for! Here are 5 things I am grateful for, and why I chose these things in particular:

I am grateful I live in such a beautiful place. There are so many beautiful places to see in the Pacific Northwest! In just a few hours drive I can be at the ocean, in the mountains, exploring lakes and rivers and waterfalls, or even hiking in high desert scrub land. I just never get tired of all the beautiful views!


I am grateful for all the benifits I enjoy in my life There are millions of poverty stricken people in this world who have to fight and scrape for everything they have. I am not one of them. I have a nice home, I have a great job that I love, a car that is reliable and gets me around, clothes, any kind of food I want, and enough money to go have fun with my life. I’ve worked hard for everything that I have, but I cannot deny that I have had many opportunities that most will never enjoy.


I am grateful to my parents for getting me involved in art. My parents both wanted to make sure I was involved in the arts. My mom taught me how to paint when I was very young and I always had extra art ‘homework’. I’m not the greatest artist ever, but I have been able to not only use painting as an outless and stress reliever, but I’ve made a life long career out of my talent for drawing. It’s pretty exciting when you can take something you love and do it for a living.


I am grateful for my cats. I have 3 solid black cats and they are just the cutest! No matter what is going on in my life, they are there to love and be loved with no judgement and no expectations. They are just lovable little fur balls! They snuggle with me as I go to sleep, and they bring me immense joy when I play with them. Everyone should have a special fur friend in their lives.


I am grateful for good food. My adoptive mom was a pretty terrible cook. God bless her, she tried, and cooking for 10 to 14 people is really hard! But a lot of our food was just not very healthy, or it was burned, or just didn’t taste very good. When I became an adult I vowed to learn how to cook really really well, so I could eat amazing delicious and HEALTHY food. I cook for myself, but I cook tasty meals for a lot of friends too and it makes me happy that I can use food to make other people happy!


I hope this post has inspired you to think of some things that you are greatful for! Take care friends, and thanks for stopping to take a look!



Wow this is an amazing post, with reason you were the winner of the contest, congratulations!

@benayetfranco THANK YOU! I didn’t even realize I had won (busy at work all day) so you were the bearer of great news! Have a great weekend and thanks for the upvote!

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