First 80% lower
Like i said in my previous post I had milled out my AR lowers on a drill press, here are some pictures of that process.
I started out with a blank 80% lower from aries armory.
It is a nice jig though and Its been used it to mill out 7 lowers so far without needing to replace the plates.
It is time consuming work this way but slow and steady makes for less mistakes.
After drilling all the 1/8" holes to the depth specs on the jig I went through and opend those holes to 3/8" looked messy but i didnt give up.
Then I sped up the drill press to max rpms and put the mill bit in. Really light pressure and lots of passes going about 1/4" deep at a time and the end result was actually really clean.
After that it was just a matter of puttin in the lower parts kit, pistol grip, buffer assymbly and butt stock. Easy parts. My first lower unit was completed, this one took me about 10 hours but Ive got it down to half that time now. It was all done on a 90 dollar harbor freight drill press thats still running strong 3 years later.
Very clean!
I have seen some drill press doozies! Well, come to think of it, I have even seen some high quality mills end up messed up too, so it probably has more to do with the operator than the machine.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks, glad you liked it. Yeah ive seen some big failures, my roommate went through a couple before he got one right, he tried to rush it.