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RE: Mass shootings and gun control laws.
I wrote something similar today in my first Post which seem like a question I really didn't have answer to, it was about the toxicity and the unfriendliness of my country toward people who owned cameras and are bloggers.
Not you deviate from this I really don't think mental illnesses or video game is responsible for this shooting infact if you ask me if say video games reduces the risk of depression I don't know if it's so in the US. My point is we've never gotten to that point in technological development where we can comfortably predict that someone will be a shooter, until then we can't really lay patent claims yet
I would have to do an empirical study to see whether video games have any effect on alleviating depression, particularly against alternative activities. But yes, you're right, we're no where near the "Minority Report" in terms of our predictive abilities so pointing fingers before the fact isn't going to be a reality any time soon (and thank goodness for that).
In my country the Average video game owner is a happy person and I don't see anyone of them indulgent in violent manners. I feel that these things can also be as a result of radicalization. Imagine a once innocent person suddenly turned a shooter.