The Bump Stock Ban is Official. What Now?

in #guns6 years ago (edited)

Today, Donald Trump's lackey Matthew Whittaker arbitrarily declared possession of another inanimate object to be "illegal." Owners of bump stocks are benevolently given 90 days to surrender their property to the government without even the illusion of "just compensation" or "due process of law" as mandated by the Constitution that supposedly protects us from governmental overreach.

I previously wrote a polite and informative post on the matter. It looks like the time for being polite is over.

Do you really think Donald Trump is playing 4-D chess and still stands for freedom? If so, Congratulations! You're a boot-licking cop-sucking flag-humping Tory who would sell your personal liberty and the rights of your neighbors for a false sense of security. You would justify robbing, kidnapping, or murdering innocent people just because they refuse to submit to the arbitrary dictates of appointed bureaucrats who don't even have the balls to enact the matter legislatively. You have lost any right to claim you care about liberty.

Of course, it's not like your track record is any good so far.

  • You cheer the war on drugs that declares mere possession of organic matter without government approval to be a "crime."

  • You cheer the war on immigrants that demonizes foreigners as monsters while you disregard their natural rights without a second thought.

  • You cheer the troops and the wars they have waged around the world without just cause or even a wink and nod to the Constitutional process of declaring war.

  • You cheer the police as they enforce the innumerable laws against non-crimes, abuse minority communities, and ignore real crimes because they have no obligation whatsoever to protect you from anything.

  • You cheer the licenses and permits mandated for everything you do as a badge of honor rather than an onerous form of serfdom.

  • You cheer taxes as "the price we pay for a civilized society," no matter how corrupt, abusive, and downright uncivilized the government they fund proves itself to be time and time again.

In short, you know the word for "liberty," but you have forgotten its meaning. Will you remember it now? Will you have the courage to refuse to comply, to condemn the latest blatant trespass, and to resist any who would enforce it? Or will you continue to be just another coward who chooses obedience over truth as you swear loyalty oaths to scraps of cloth in the name of patriotism?

Gadsden Flag
Image credit and context


This idiotic ban can be easily rendered moot by the simple act of non-compliance. Are they going to start knocking down doors and beating or murdering people for non-lethal gun accessories? I mean...they might.

And then they also might end up losing some of their precious agents. I guess it’s a risk for everyone. That’s what happens when you enforce stupid laws and regulations. People get hurt. Unfortunately, lots of innocent, non-violent people become victims of this stupidity.

What a “victory” for the state today. I feel so much safer now.

We need more non-compliance. Let's face it, the potheads are better at this than the "Patriot Movement."

It was the conservatives who moved strongly on gun control here in Australia, too.
Both wings are on the same vulture.

In America, it was the conservatives of the 1770s who sided with the British. Conservatism has no automatic moral authority.

There was a time when "liberal" meant "advocate for liberty in the face of conservative authoritarianism," but the "liberals" of today are authoritarians through and through too.

I'm an ex pat living far away from old glory, but I appreciate your views and I was born to rage against the em. Life took me elsewhere, so now it's difficult to get too involved or even have an opinion on the land of lies.

It honestly from a distance just seems diseased, failed, and destined to fall. Plus, the people are largely uneducated and uninformed so debates are futile. The whole we r number one thing has created a disillusioned bully that will get leveled off sooner than later.

It's a broken system and a generation or two from any solutions..just my shitty opinion though

Posted using Partiko Android

And the general populace cheers every governmental trespass while paying lip service to liberty by swearing loyalty oaths to a scrap of cloth.



I'm less worried about this latest attempt at playing tinpot dictator than I am the bulleted points you raise. This ban won't survive the courts (SCOTUS is now even more pro-2nd amendment than when they handed down the Heller decision) but the general malaise that infects the body politic scares me. We've managed to turn politics into a spectator sport and nobody seems to worry about rights or reason or principles so long as their team is winning.

Unfortunately, the fact that these violations must now rely on the courts demonstrates a weakness of politics as a force to prevent tyrants from over-reaching. The courts have upheld far too many trespasses as it is now.

That weakness is part and parcel of politics and part of the reason for the courts' existence. The thing is we either have to find some way to cure said weakness, trust in the courts, or go the 'tree of liberty must be refreshed' route. Or just accept that our stable genius is doing a great job and we have nothing to worry about.

The courts have upheld far too many trespasses as it is now

Unfortunately, what better options do we have? Trust in the Court and keep your powder dry!

The courts are part of the corrupt political system. Don't trust them.

Lol, that was something of a jest. Politics and trust should never intersect. Given the current political state, the courts are our only hope of stopping tyrannical actions short of resorting to extralegal means. Should we prepare to take up arms?

Should we prepare to take up arms?

Yes and no. Armed revolutions to overthrow governments tend to result in stronger, more oppressive governments regardless of who wins the revolution. However, bad laws should be disobeyed and broken, and it may be necessary to exercise your right to self-defense should someone seek to enforce those bad laws. A free society is built from the ground up by free people, not handed down from on high by a benevolent government, because governments are always built on a foundation of violated liberty no matter what the rhetoric says.

I posted a rant yesterday about this. Boy did I go off! I hope this causes Trump to lose the election now in 2020.

Damn right. If the liberty community and the firearm owners of America have any real principles, they will refuse to obey. The days of compliance must end somewhere. Why not now?

How happy am I that I am not 'You'! I am confident you are also =)

Regarding the dictats of tyrants, free people will do as they see fit, and events will proceed.

It's not hard to make a bump stock, but easier still to make a firearm from the simplest and most common materials. Institutional controls are unable to control physics, and no matter the beliefs of even hordes of fools, physics establishes what technology eventuates.

In fact, firearms are not the best security technology extant, and neither dictators nor sheeple have a clue what that is. It is useful to note that the actual reality is that each of us is free, no matter what we believe to be the case, and that becoming entrapped in debate regarding what we believe can occupy such ability as we can effect to best prosecute our freedom.


Brazil has strong gun laws. So the drug cartels build SMG factories for themselves. In other countries we have seen cars and bombs used for mass murder. Even mass stabbings have occurred. Gun bans don't stop anyone with evil intent. They only restrict the options of free people and threaten them with government gun violence under color of law.

All quite true, but a thug will drop a hot gun in a quick minute.

Microwaves make firearms obsolete.

Personal microwave devices are impractical, and plastic grips are a thing. Firearms are far from obsolete.

I'd give that more thought, and research masers a bit, before I decided to take a gun to a battlefield saturated with microwaves, or failed to use microwaves against enemies armed with metal guns during armed conflict.

Technology has progressed since chemical propellants were formulated, and firearms are much improved. Knives remain functional for many purposes, and no technology ever loses completely it's utility. Newer technology, such as DEW, isn't as publicly available for very good reasons.

Such as that people possessing it are practically immune from thugs. Those profiting from thuggery find that inconvenient.

If it does come to shooting, a pitched battle is a bad strategy against an established military or police force. Sabotage and subversion come first Guerrilla warfare is a potential last resort. Think Sun Tzu. Don't play to the opponent's strength.

I point out microwaves particularly for that reason. The strength of armies is numbers. One transmitter can obviate that advantage. Creating asymmetrical responses is the heart of Sun Tzu.

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