I Got Sick of all the Gun Violence Talk, So I Took Gun Control Into My Own Hands
Ask anybody. They'll tell ya. "Guns are just flat-out dangerous." Evidently, they just jump off of shelves all over America, load themselves and embark upon massive killing sprees, sometimes leaving dozens dead in their destructive wake. Our wise politicians are right! They should be illegal, or at least controlled. Heck, with all this "gun violence," it's a miracle that more people aren't dropping dead!

Well, I had had enough off all this "gun violence" that has overtaken our nation, so I adopted an offensive posture and decided to take "gun control" into my own hands. Cause our politicians are right, "a safe society is a GUN FREE society."
I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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Come take my gun
You unholy son
I'll come take your tool
Proving whom the fool
While you are at it grab a rock
Deadly when in a dirty sock
In Paris a truck was a weapon to kill
Not long until my ban trucks bill
Vote me the insane political jerk
I promise freedom and endless work
Listen and listen to me well
I have a lovely bridge to sale
Loved your video
HA HA I can see that your gun well taken care of!
HAHA nice piece and thanks for turning me onto steemit! Keep up the good work!
How could you put a well-behaved rifle in the boo-boo cage? Do you know what kind of psychological damage you might be doing to that poor gun? Come on, Man!
That poor gun. I feel really bad for him. Thoughtful of you to feed him like that.
You fool you cant feed guns water it will rust to death. Everybody knows it a steady diet of gun oil and at least ten rounds or ammunition a day. It also need plent of space to shoot around. Keeping it in that cage in the sun is no good. AR15's are like the pitbulls of the gun world, always misunderstood, always misrepresented.
Wait I see now you put him in his cage because your rifle is black. #blackriflesmatter
Epic. LoL