Asbestos and guns
Asbestos is something which protects people from certain dangers, but is also inherently dangerous-- especially if mishandled. However, the greater danger comes from trying to remove it.
Guns are similar in some ways.
Guns are something which protect people from certain dangers, but they are inherently dangerous-- especially if mishandled. However, the greater danger comes from trying to remove them.
It's interesting that some people recognize the truth where asbestos is concerned, but ignore or deny the truth where guns are concerned.
In fact, one such person wrote an entire book about misguided fears where he pointed out the facts about asbestos, but then prattled on and on about how "the real danger" to us was the availability of guns. With issue after issue, if there was a way he could find to blame "the availability of guns", that's what he did. It was awkward and kind of dumb. Politics had caused brain damage and he didn't realize it. His brain damage made him anti-science.
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According to an essay I wrote on asbestos (in economics), "de-asbestosize" the US cost 12G to save... 10 lives