Guns! Guns! Guns! Guns!

in #guns7 years ago

Every time there's a shooting, people start arguing about gun control.

Then more guns are bought.

Then there are more shootings.

Then more arguments about gun control policies.

Then more guns.

Then more shootings.

Then more arguments about policies.

On and on it goes....

Policies are politics.

Politics are poison.

Why are politics poison? Because they divide people. Set people against people. We have left and right divide over this, and each side talking about arming themselves against the other side.

And Law Enforcement agencies like the FBI either do nothing about threats when they are reported, or they actively groom would-be shooters and or bombers or at the very least give them the tools necessary to carry out the deed...

It's almost as if there is a plan behind the scenes to arm all the people they can, their think tanks let loose opposing ideologies and WHAM... civil war. The aftermath? A New World Order by the technocratic engineers.

When are we going to stop arguing about gun control and get to the heart of the issue -- the violence in the shadow of humanity's psyche, both collective and individual?

When are we going to realize the tricks and traps? When are we going to stop being led around by our noses by the polarizing right and left, which has permeated so many levels of all the peaceful movements?

When is the real peace movement going to begin?



It's all part of the plan.

No doubt about that!

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