Let’s Talk About the Way We Talk About Guns

in #gun7 years ago

THE GLOCK 19-9mm


The Glock 19 was not the first pistol Glock produced,
but it's has gone on to become the most popular model in their lineup.
pistol the Glock 19 is a compact pistol with a 4.01-inch barrel and a total length of 7.36 inches

  • The Mid-Size or Compact Glock 19 9mm is ideal for versatile use because of its reduced dimensions compared with the standard pistol size.

The Glock 19 is known as the most balanced and comfortable sized Glock. Because of this, the Glock 19 is the most popular handgun in the USA.


The Ak47

  • Kalashnikov
    The AK-47, or AK as it is officially known Russian
    Almost from the moment of its official adoption by the Soviet military in 1949, the AK-47 was recognized as being simple to operate, rugged, reliable under trying conditions, and amenable to mass production. Built around a 7.62-mm round with a muzzle velocity of some 700 metres per second, it had a cyclic firing rate of 600 rounds per minute and was capable of both semiautomatic and automatic fire. A long curved box magazine held 30 rounds, and a separate gas-return tube above the barrel held a piston that was forced back upon firing to activate the mechanisms that ejected the spent cartridge and cocked the hammer for the next round. The AK-47 was manufactured in two basic designs, one with a wooden stock and the other, designated the AKS, with a folding metal stock. Beginning in 1959, the AK-47 was replaced in first-line Soviet service by the AKM, a modernized version fitted with longer-range sights and cheaper mass-produced parts, including a stamped sheet-metal receiver and a plywood buttstock and forward grip.

The first Kalashnikov assault rifle prototype of 1946, also known as AK-46.Note that it had numerous internal and external differences from the later models, including separate safety and fire mode selector switches, as well as non-reciprocating charging handle, all located on the left side of the weapon


Smith & Wesson Model 29

Some people date the birth of S&W Model 29 .44 Magnum to the 1970 movie Dirty Harry, but they are ignorant and deserve our scorn. The Model 29 debuted in 1955 and is one of those rare firearms that force us to redefine what a gun can do. The .44 Magnum enabled handgunners to not only hunt big game but to shoot it at rifle-caliber distances.

The cartridge, developed by Remington, fired a 240-grain lead bullet at 1500 fps. It was twice as powerful as its nearest competitor, the .357 Magnum. It was a handful to shoot and still is. Next to it, the .45 Auto is a girl's caress.

The Model 29 revolver, for which S&W; chambered the new cartridge, was as fine a gun as Smith-"or anyone else-"knew how to make. Selling for the then astronomical sum of $240, Model 29s were beautifully fitted and finished, and each one came in its own handsome wooden case.


Benelli Autoloader

Newton's First Law of Motion-"an object at rest tends to remain at rest-"drives the ultradependable Benelli action, which redefined autoloading reliability in the 1990s.

The Benelli system consists of nothing more than a three-part bolt assembly-"a bolt body, a rotary bolt head, and a short, stout spring between the two. As the rest of the gun moves backward under recoil, the unfixed free-floating bolt body remains in place, butting against the bolt head, solidly locking the action, and compressing the spring. When the rearward movement of the gun slows, the spring throws the bolt backward, ejecting the spent shell.

This inertia system functions with a wide range of loads, and by beefing up the action, Benelli was able to turn the original 3-inch Black Eagle into the 31/2-inch Super Black Eagle with relative ease. The company's lineup today consists of well over 100 model variations, from lightweight bird guns to magnum turkey-getters, all built around the same simple action.

Since the system doesn't bleed off expanding gases to operate, the gases and fouling blast out the barrel with the rest of the payload, leaving the inside of the gun clean. Benellis, therefore, keep on shooting under conditions that strangle most gas guns. They make the very short list of models South American outfitters keep as "house guns" that will cycle more rounds in a season than most guns shoot in their owner's lifetime.

Hunters praise their Benellis for reliable performance, but slick handling qualities may be the guns' best feature. Because it has no springs or pistons around the magazine tube, a Benelli auto is lighter and slimmer up front than any gas gun.

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