Guilty Pleasure Music Challenge - Week 3 - Long live the beer
Hi everyone!
In Romania when you hear #Alcohol you associate this word with beer everytime!
Every night out starts with one beer, obviously ,but then it's all up to you. So the first song came out in my mind was from "Spitalul de urgenta" called "traiasca berea" (Emergency hospital - long live beer)
This was a hit from '00 and it's something like a classical for teenagers nowadays and it's also very funny and danceable!
Maybe you'll have a party with music like this!
So there it is my song from Roamania, I hope you'll enjoy it!
Spitalul de Urgenta - Traiasca Berea
I'm standing in a pub
I'm drinking like a tank
And I'm sick I think i'm gonna die
Brother, do me a good
Support me well
So I drink on and on
Sir, be kind,
You've stepped on my hand
Let me drink.
With no money and paper
You've drown in wine and I drink.
An old lady, gracious
But a little fat
She landed.
She says she-s virgin
She has no fault
That men are like shit
And I look at you
I think I'm not well
I don't understand anything.
Intoxicated tables
Old faces
I want to tell you now:
Long live the beer in which we were born
Long live the beer, we were hurt hard
Be merry, oh yes
No matter if bread is gonna taste bad
Right here in your country
It's gonna be stolen by somebody
Be merry, oh yes
No matter if bread is gonna taste bad
Right here in your country
It's gonna be stolen by somebody
By the candlelight
A journalist so rich
Seemes inspired
He looks at me
Tomorrow he'll write
How I got drunk
A doctor in History
Stays with no glory
Like a beggar
Oh, my God, I'm coming
Cause I saw you last night
At TV.
Thank for watching!
Daaa traiasca :D
haha intotdeauna!:))