Guilty Pleasure Music Challenge - WINNERS OF WEEK #1! [Tears]
Ohh, the guilty pleasure is at it's max because I am starting to feel a bit cheeky!
This week was the first week ever of the #guiltypleasurechallenge and I am happy to announce that I was definitely not disappointed with the wonderful entries! It's been amazing to listen to such diffenet styles and languages: Hindi, Romanian, Greek, French and Brazillian!
Here they are nicely and randomly arranged. Please listen to them because ooOoOooO~~~

Bhare Naina or Filled Eyes by Nandini Srikar
Submitted by @things

Poso mou leipei or How I Miss (Your Hug) by Sotis Volanis
Submitted by @meanmommy33

Página de Amigos or Friends' Page by Chitãozinho & Xororó
Submitted by @bkdbkd

Le telephone pleure or The telephone cries by Claude Francois
Submitted by @osm0sis

Mon Coeur Survivra Pour Toi or My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion
Submitted by @cecicastor

De ce plang chitarele? or Why do the guitars cry? by O-Zone
Submitted by @teodora

Teri Pida Maa Dwi Aansu or Don't stop writing letters by Shri Narendra Singh Negi
Submitted by @beginnings

You should've. Because in the meantime, you've also been listening to our week 1 winner!
The winner of week 1 Tears is @bkdbkd!
It was amazing to listen and read your entry. According to the lyrics, the song was super depressed, but the song was on the contrary. It sounded fun and I totally get your guilty pleasure.
Congratulations! The 5SBD has been transferred to your account :D
Mini shoutout to @meanmommy33 and @teodora, you guys were a close one!
Mini shoutout to @osm0sis, thank you so much for helping me promoting this challenge. You're amazing <3
Thanks everybody for joining the first challenge! The challenge of next week will be posted later today (because this post is already effin' long <3).

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This was an amazing contest. All those great entries. Congratulations to my friend, @bkdbkd! Congratulations to everyone for submitting a guity pleasure,
I am happy you liked it and enjoyed it as much as I did! Hope you will compete this week too!
OMG, how did I miss this? Haha so sorry, and so happy for winning last week, wooohooooo.
Week 2 was a bit sensitive subject to me, but looking forward to the next challenge!
All amazing !!! Congrats to all !!! :D And thank you for this contest, I love it and probably keep participating - even though most Greek songs are about tears :P
You're very welcome! I just announced the next theme, so I am looking forward to more of your greek songs <3
" Bhare Naina or Filled Eyes by Nandini Srikar " very very good music .
i liked the movie
Never seen the movie to be honest!
Yaaaaay @bkdbkd high five chest bump!
And congrats to everyone. Love listening to music from random corners of the world.
Keep promoting peeps, this challenge adds a little bit of color and fun to our Steemit lives.
Wow! We had so amazing songs.
Congratulations everyone for participating :D
Yes we did! Are you planning to join this week too? :D