20 Businesses You Can Do With Your GSM Phone

in #gsm7 years ago

The GSM phone can also become your “business partner”. By realizing its capabilities and potential, the efficient use of this little device can assist anyone to operate a profitable business; business that can help the goal of most Nigerians.

All that is required are knowledge, persistence, patience and of course, a telephone. Previous experience in the use of a phone for business purposes is helpful but not necessary. There are no age limits for starting such a business. Sex or race is not a barrier.
Location is unimportant, as long as you have a phone. Your home can be your ‘office’ if you wish and you are your own boss. And in most instances, you can name your own working hours.
To succeed, you will need to follow these four basic rules.

(i) First, you need to find and believe in the product and/or service that you are marketing.
(ii) Be prepared to make an initial investment to jump-start the business.
(iii) Make a commitment to succeed through goal setting, motivation, and discipline.
(iv) Finally, develop the skill set to market and sell your product/services.
Instant guide(i) Get a GSM phone of any brand (ii) Company registration is not necessary (iii) Advertise your product or service in a local or national newspaper (iv) Store the contact details of the companies and individuals you want to transact business with on your GSM phone. (v) Charge appropriately and collect commission from the transaction.

Here are the 20 businesses you can do with your GSM phone

  1. Baby-sitting service: This is a matter of providing a baby-sitter on a moment’s notice. To get a list of available baby sitters, place small signs on bulletin boards in local nursery and primary schools, their parents are your targets. Advertise this service in local newspapers to get subscribers. When calls come in, send the nearest baby sitter. The employer pays for the sitter’s time and generally, the cost of transportation.
  2. Computer repairs: Advertise throughout your community for part-time office help, such as computer engineers, software engineers, so immediately you get a request call one of the engineers in your database, charge on commission basis, or If you have enough time with a little knowledge of computer, you can follow the engineer to the destination, while you negotiate according to the level of the damage on such computers.
  3. Security and escort service: A lot of Nigerians organise parties for burial, housewarming, birthdays and lots more. Most of these parties require security attendants. There are some party celebrants, and event planners that will require security services, contact such security companies and charge per hour.
  4. Car Hire service: Many people who want to get chartered vehicles sometimes spend hours waiting for taxi, which most of the time may never come, what you will do is to provide this service for these type of people. Make sure you have a
    long list of clean taxis, while you place an advert in any newspaper announcing your service.
  5. Collection agency: Almost every business has outstanding debts. If you can convince debtors by phone that they should pay their bills, you can receive nice commissions. Some firms allow as much as 1/3 commission. Almost any company will be interested in your plan, since most will be happy to pay you a fee and receive some payment, than nothing at all.
  6. Appliances repair service: Contact local repair shops in your locality and tell them you will “list” them free of charge for a commission on all business contacts you send to them. For those that are agreeable to your terms, find out which type of repair work they specialise in, such as TV sets, dish washers, CD/DVD players etc. They will call you and you can refer them to the proper repair shop.
  7. House cleaning service: Many homeowners and apartment dwellers will welcome help at house cleaning. Charge a flat fee for the amount of work that must be done. Make arrangements with firms that provide workers for washing windows, cleaning carpets, washing walls, painting, etc. and collect a commission from them.
  8. Catering service: Planning a large banquet or party is time-consuming. Last minute details can be extremely hectic; most hostesses and/or hosts will welcome expert help. You can earn two ways by being of assistance. First, familiarise yourself will all services that may be needed at such social events. Collect a flat fee from the party-givers, based on the number of guests. Also collect a commission on all sales from firms that you recommend.
  9. Hotel/Motel reservation service: When a large convention comes to town it is often difficult for many travelers to find accommodation. Contact hotels and motels in your area and explain to them that when they have an “overflow” of guests they should contact you. By keeping in touch with as many hotels and motels as possible, you can reroute these guests to other available accommodations. Your commissions are collected from those establishments to which you send guests to fill their accommodation.
  10. Gift-wrapping service: While some stores provide a gift-wrap service, many others do not This is an ideal service at Christmastime, but also handy for other
    holidays and special occasions. To advertise this service, have a neat sign printed, give your phone number, and distribute to all businesses that do not do gift wrap. Then locate several persons interested in earning extra money wrapping gifts.
  11. Solicit funds for Charities: You can assist charity organizations to raise funds for their projects. Contact churches and such local organizations and offer your services for a commission on all such ‘pledges’ you obtain. You can book an appointment with prospective donors and make your presentations. You can charge 5 to 15% commission on the money realized.
  12. Housing service: By finding homes for tenants, you perform a valuable service for both landlords and tenants. Advertise that you have listings available for houses, apartments, flats, rooms, etc. You can either charge a one-time fee for finding accommodations or work on a commission.
  13. Selling instructional videos and CDs: A lot of instructional videos are available on various topics from Mathematics to English, Science subjects, and thousands of how to information. Most of these CDs are available in some Video shops, you can even order from the Internet, advertise those ones you can lay your hands on and your phone would start ringing.
  14. Proofreading: A lot of publishing houses, independent writers seek the service of proof readers; some of them will prefer the service of part-time proofreaders since they cannot afford to pay the monthly salary of full-time proof readers. Make sure you have lists of proofreaders in your database, and get in touch with publishing houses; it is Important that you advertise your service in a local newspaper.
  15. Generator repairs: Since power supply has not been constant in Nigeria over time, the demand for generators has been increasing every day. Contact some generator repairers and tell them you will soon be directing them to some corporate organizations; they will be happy to work with you since you are helping them to get more jobs.
  16. Small business loan consultant: Thousands of small business may not be able to benefit from the Federal Government’s SME Scheme, nor even be able to source funds from banks and other financial institutions for one reason – ignorance. This is why you need to get the list of some organizations that can give out loans for
    small businesses; just put up an advert in a newspaper and you will be amazed at the level of patronage.
  17. Selling stationery; Selling educational materials is a big business these days. Corporate organizations buy some of these products in bulk. Write a letter to such schools and companies informing them you can deliver the stationery to their doorsteps. And immediately they call you, give them the available product and the price list and conclude the payment terms.
  18. Hair-weaving: Some society ladies prefer hairdressers to come to their houses to do their hair for them. If you can build a long list of hair dressers, you can send them to the houses of these types of people; just make sure you have contract with them to be their regular hair-stylist. You must charge above the normal price since it’s a home service.
  19. Setting up unique home video distribution network: This is another income opportunity yet untapped by Nigerians. Nigerians like to watch films but they find it very difficult to go out but will be happy if somebody could bring such films to their houses at an extra cost. Make sure you employ an errand boy who will be in charge of helping you distribute such films to your clients. You can charge as much as N100 to N150 instead of the normal N60 since it is a home service.
  20. Resume writing service: If you are good in writing resumes, you can put up an advert in a local newspaper and you will be amazed at the level of patronage. If you have a computer, you can send their resumes to their e-mail boxes or tell the people to come on their own and collect while they pay between N2,000 to N3,000 depending on the level of clients you are dealing with.
    So, what are you waiting for? Your ultimate aim to create alternative sources of income may be lying in these 20 unique wealth-creating opportunities. Take it and use it!