Important things in life

in #growth7 years ago

I ask myself this late at night, as I drift into sleep. When I feel the first morning sunbeam falling on my eyelids, I repeat the question. Whenever I’m alone with my thoughts, here it is again. It is, I presume, what moves us conscious beings from one breath to another. What is the most important thing in life? In your life to be specific.
Have you answered it yet? What is the most important thing or things in your life?
Because the way I see it, our answers are probably the same. Is it love? Or Family? Well, yes and no. The most important thing in life underpins everything else, and I’ve come to know many wise men who’ve spent their days happy and fulfilled, though alone. It’s definitely not money or status, so what is it?

  1. Health
    The no.1 most important thing in your life is
    good health . Without it, you can’t live the life you want, so make sure you take care of your body and mind. Pay attention to your physical and mental health, eat healthy and exercise daily to minimise risks associated with serious illnesses and stress that may be preventing you from enjoying life.

  2. Family
    Our relationships are the most important things in the world. They’re the most crucial factor for happiness and, in combination with your calling, tend to be our reasons to live. For most, family is at the top of the list in terms of values and priorities.
    Sometimes, it’s easy to forget just how much family means to us. They’re the people we typically live with and it’s hard to live with another person– no matter how much we like them. Love gives way to frustration and sometimes…we feel like we hate the other person.
    However, your family is irreplaceable and precious, so you have to devote your time and energy to nurturing those precious relationships not just for the sake of your relatives, but also for your own.

  3. Love
    Love includes friends and family, your calling, and intimate relationships. But it also includes everything else you love and all your encounters with others. It includes those things you enjoy doing, the stories you grew up with, and the kind interactions with strangers that remind you of the love that exists in the world.
    These can seem like separate, unrelated things, but they are opportunities to experience love in its varying forms. Experiencing love can give our life a sense of meaning and purpose, like something else.

  4. Purpose
    In order to live a fulfilling life you need to have a purpose, a goal and a specific target. These you can call your dreams, career aspirations or your own definition of success. If you really want to make a change in this world, you need to start with yourself, so find out what you want to do in life and follow your passion with vigour.

  5. Friends
    Like family, friends are one of the most important things in the world. Good friends are hard to come by, so when you find one, you need to do everything you can to nurture that relationship.
    A great friend can become like family. You forge an inseparable bond with someone whom you know you can always count on — no matter how dark things get. A good friend is a confidant, a shoulder to lean on, and sometimes the voice of reason for us.
    Always remember how lucky you are to have found someone you can truly call a good friend.

  6. Self-Development
    Life is a gift and it is your responsibility to get the most of out of it. Unless you want life to pass you by, you need to start investing in developing your knowledge and skills. Discover and cultivate your talents through continuous learning and you will find there is more to life than just existing.

  7. Food, water, sleep and oxygen
    You always need to remember that these four elements of food, water, sleep and oxygen are vital to your survival. If you skip food, don’t drink enough water or get enough sleep, you are putting yourself in danger and such actions can seriously damage your health. Try to retain a
    balance in your life and equip your body with these essentials.

  8. Faith
    Believing in something is as important as finding love and inner peace. When times are hard you often ask for the help of a higher power to act as a guide for your life. Faith is important as it is regarded as an expression of hope for something better and greater than yourself.

  9. Education
    As one book nerd to another (in my wildest fantasies, all people are big literature buffs, and so are you), I can proudly say that this is the one thing that I’ve done 100% right.
    At my worst, I’ve struggled with panic attacks and depression, but I didn’t like asking anyone for help. So, I read and I learned.
    “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” – B.B King
    I’ve lost so much of myself during the years, but my erudition remained intact. In more ways than I’ll ever realize, literature helped me survive.
    While this romantic side of me believes that books hold the key to the meaning of life, the more realistic me understands that education is both an emotional and a practical investment. Continual learning is how we build our human capital, the only thing that makes us professionally unique and irreplaceable.
    Our human capital worth transcends formal education and professional development, of course. It is a sum of everything you’ve red, experienced, accomplished, and learned, a total of your talents and skills. The more you expand it, the more invaluable you become.

  10. Freedom
    Only when you are free to make your own mistakes you will get to learn what that means. You need freedom to be able to explore your choices either on a professional or personal level and make your own choices, to decide for yourself and see where it takes you.

For me, these are the most important things in life. I don't know about you.

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