The number of active users is on the decline - let's talk about why... and SOLUTIONS!

in #growth8 years ago (edited)

The number of active users on Steem is in decline. Let's talk about how to fix that.

Here is the data on active users (shoutout to @rushd for them):

2016-07-28 6464
2016-07-29 5617
2016-07-30 4398
2016-07-31 4095
2016-08-01 4349
2016-08-02 4439
2016-08-03 4313
2016-08-04 4254

The decline in price of Steem isn't worrying to me in the slightest, I've been in bitcoin long enough to know how to ride out a bear market.

However a decline in active users definitely is worrying.

These figures should act as a wake up call to the Devs... Clearly something is putting people off coming back to the site.

In my opinion, that's that the rewards aren't configured optimally...

My suggestion to the devs is to adjust the way rewards works so that they are slightly more evenly spread...

Clearly, we will still need the big value posts which are such an eye-grabber and do attract people to the site, but spending time on and publishing quality content which gets a significant amount of upvotes, but only earns 10 cents (because only minnows upvoted it) is, I believe, putting people off returning to post more content at the moment.

I suggest that there be a minimum reward guarantee... if your post gets 30 upvotes, you'd get a minimum 50 cents. 50 votes and you get a dollar.

Obviously that's just a suggestion, and I'm sure others will have their own ideas about the level of minimum reward which makes sense. There are probably significant flaws in my idea (one obvious one is that it might be too easy to game the system with Bots), but something clearly needs to change, so let's have a discussion...


Having thought on this idea some more, I think it would actually be better to increase minnow's incentive to curate, rather than to post, as I believe this would reduce the chance of gaming by Bots.

I hope to be a major poster someday. I have a graphic novel I want to introduce on steemit. For now I want to curate and get a feel for ole girl.

I'll look forward to seeing you work : )

It's definitely going to graphic :) Might have to put a parental warning on it.

I agree in regards to revamping the rewards for minnows. I think possibly adding a minimum number of replies before a first post, each earning "x" amount of steam for each comment.
Another possible idea is to then sort these posts that have replies from minnows into a new category, similar to "trending" but this should generate a new list that has great content for the community to read.
Just Spit-balling here.

Yeah, that's not a bad idea at all!

I had a similar post about the drop in STEEM price and someone commented that people were upset about the decision to put money into advancing the site. Couldn't get anymore information about it though. Could be related to the drop in user activity.


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