Grieve not over unworthy things
By being unconcerned over trifles, you display a virtue that will bring you happiness, for the one who is lofty in his aims is engrossed only with concern for the hereafter.
One of our pious predecessors advised one of his brothers with the following words,
‘Be concerned about this only: about meeting God, about standing in front of Him, and about the Hereafter.’
There is not a single worry or concern whose significance is not diminished when it is compared to the concerns of the hereafter. What are the worries of this life? They are all nothing when compared to the accountability before God!
Their concerns are for themselves, their stomachs, and their lusts: they know nothing of higher motives.
Do not grieve: for sickness is a transient state of being: the sin can be forgiven: the debt will be repaid: the captive will be released: the beloved one who is abroad will return: the sinner will repent: and the poor will be increased in their wealth.
Do not grieve: for do you not see how the black clouds disperse and the violent winds subside? Your hardship will be followed by comfort and your future is bright.