(coming soon)

in #grief9 years ago

My name is Bonnie Marie and my work is to guide others providing correct and valid information for "self-empowerment." I specialize in 'regaining" our emotional and mental "balance" following significantly painful loss of any type. So many today are suffering under Governments, Conventional Medicine and a banking system that is crushing our lives. We have been taught to have blind trust in people who have nothing but ill-intention for ourselves, our children, families and our communities as a whole.

We have been told the "Kingdom of Heaven is within you," but few know what it is little lone how to get there. Loss and gain are facts of life; sadly, most of us have not been given the necessary information with which to make correct choices in response to a loss which turns all of our "gains" into losses to. Most life events have the potential to create conflicting emotions that negatively affect our relationships with people both living and dead. Cumulative unresolved "grief" caused by both past and present loss and gains destines our "relationships" to fail and often restricts our ability to participate as we would like to in our own lives.

Whenever there is an unexpected change in a familiar pattern we instantly experience some level of "grief." Whether it is just something you can't find, something you don't understand, an accident, getting married, breaking up, increased finances, or decrease in finances, moving, making new friends, losing friends, changes in health, all life events bring a host of thoughts and feelings, leaving us sometimes feeling bad, and sometimes feeling good but never really feeling safe, certain or confident in our "ability" to create "lasting" peaceful, happy and prosperous lives.

How about that "feeling" we call "joy?" Does anybody or has anybody ever really felt that feeling? Seems it is a catch all "word" like love or hate. Because it is. These "words" describe the result of "being" and "responding' and so are not "feelings". Yet another tool of confusion. We speak of love, hate, joy and throw it around like it is candy with no meaning. But by "being" loving we have "good feelings," just as by being hateful we have "bad feelings". The confusion is we "scream" I love you, while rejecting, hurting and shutting each other out. How many times have you wondered, "What can I do?"

We have a 'relationship" with every thing and everyone in life means we have "feelings" about every thing. We fail to see our absolute inability to form a true 'partnership' with another because we are unaware of the lack of workable "education" in this area of our lives. We are taught how to "get things" but few know what to do when we "loose."

This is why in all social media we see so much in fighting, censorship, blaming, fear mongering, deceiving, blocking each other and so on. In this way we never get to the "solutions" to any problem. The cost to each of us "personally" is astronomical. Our ability to "communicate" our thoughts and feelings without being judged, criticized, blamed, shut out or given "advice" that, not only does not work, most of the time IT dangerous to follow. As a result many are walking "time bombs." In societies where the 'menu" of the day is don't talk, don't cry, don't feel and you are told, "Its done, it is gone, you can't change it, so get on with your life"....can we and are we?

So folks this is what my blog will be. I invite you to come here and offer you an opportunity to "share" your thoughts and feelings, not about the world and what is happening around you but about "How you feel?"....the effects it is having on you! We cannot change the loss events that take place in our lives. We all know that no matter "how we feel" people will do what they do, and life will go on, so why not learn how to "feel better' regardless of our circumstances or the inevitable "loss' events in our lives. There is a big difference in "taking our feelings out on each other" and "communicating" our thoughts and feelings so that we can resolve our "differences" to preserve our love with ourselves, for each other and have lasting happy relationships.

We have virtually every kind of "self-help" at our finger tips purposing to "recover" us and make us useful members of "their" society. Yet the very "idea" of this is repulsive to most, and rightfully so. We think about the problems and we talk incessantly about them...and no one seems to know 'how" to move beyond them. No one will ever be completely "pain free" but we must learn how to gain and sustain our emotional and mental balance when we "loose" if we hope to stop being "victimized"by our lives." Self-preservation is "other" preservation and other preservation is "life" preservation. Feeling better is living tune in for more self-empowering information...some great discussion and a few SIMPLE keys to the "kingdom of "Heaven" within"....YOU!

Together we can change the seeming inevitable loss and failures of our lives into opportunities for health, well-being growth and VOTE VOTE VOTE....and share.....Your thoughts.....

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