Gridcoin State of The Network Report #5 -- January 6th, 2018
Gridcoin State of The Network Report #5
Welcome to the fifth Gridcoin State of the Network Report. These reports are compiled by @parejan and @jringo. They are a work in progress. With each report, we seek to add more information and otherwise make them more accessible.
Gridcoin SotN #4
Gridcoin SotN #3
Gridcoin SotN #2
Gridcoin SotN #1
Community News
One more try = ). We had articles from over 7 days ago saved, however we saved them in a slack chat. Long story short, they scrolled past and we can no longer access them. Over 10k messages across the slack in under 7 days! Who would have thought. For the next SotN report, we will be sure to set up a gdoc. We were luckily able to find the major posts from more than 7 days ago.
- We have two updates from devs regarding! Thank you for the updates, @ravon, and thank you for the hard work, dev team!
- We have five polls up for the ongoing development of the Gridcoin 4.0-2018 Roadmap! Here are their links. Huge shoutout to @brod for helping put them together! Here are their links:
Gridcoin's @vortac has a proposed marketing initiative. Thanks for stepping up!
Gridcoin has a new faucet! Thanks @grider123!
@delta1512 has released BOINCOS v1.1!
The Gridcoin Network now has a Medium account! More information on the plan can be found here.
A BOINC project, Rosetta@home, had a moment in The New York Times!
@wisecracka's posters have been translated into french. What an amazing marketing tool!
Statistics update
Each week we bring you the most up to date statistics regarding the operation of the Gridcoin blockchain and Gridcoin BOINC statistics. Statistics are gathered on a Wednesday to Wednesday fortnightly basis. Blockchain statistics are compiled from the getblockstats RPC command in the Gridcoin wallet and BoincStats.
Blockchain Statistics
Blockchain stats from 19-Dec-17 to 02-Jan-18
The table below contains the blockchain stats of the last 2 weeks and covers the blocks 1112038 to 1125803.
Blockchain charts
The blockchain charts below contain the longer term blockchain trends.BOINC Stats
Team Stats from 19-Dec-17 to 02-Jan-18
The tables below contains BOINC team stats of the last 2 weeks.
Team Charts
The team charts contain the longer term team trends.
Project Stats
Project tables from 19-Dec-17 to 02-Jan-18
The table below contains the project stats of the last 2 weeks.Project charts from 19-Dec-17 to 02-Jan-18
The charts below contain the project stats of the last 2 weeks.That wraps up the fifth Gridcoin State of the Network. We are working on some additional ideas for the next report. The building continues!
And one more time before I turn into a broken record: thank you to @parejan for volunteering to help with the visuals and overall report.
As always, if you want to see something added to the report mention it in the comments below.
Happy BOINCing!
This report is becoming a very good tool for the community.
Good work!
This is definitely turning into something I'd be proud to take to someone I want to tell about Gridcoin and BOINC.
I love the Boinc Stats! GRC #1!
In terms of whitelisted RAC, we only trail CERN and IBM, which I think is pretty incredible.
This list of #1 positions is impressive with even 4 non-whitelised #1 positions!
Especially the CERN is interesting because they could take our Nr. 1 credit position at LHC@Home but I guess we'll catch-up in RAC output and match theirs in the coming weeks :)